TL block 9 Flashcards
How to blunt inc in ICP w/ laryngoscopy?
Lidocaine 1.5 mg/kg
Myasthenic syndrome and myasthenia gravis: gender influences
Myasthenic syndrome more likely in males
myasthenia gravis more likely in females
Myasthenic syndrome v myasthenia gravis: more likely to have proximal limb weakness
myasthenic syndrome
Myasthenic syndrome and myasthenia gravis: reflexes
myasthenic syndrome: absent/ dec reflexes
MG: normal reflexes
Treatment for myasthenic crisis
-AChE inhibitors
-immunosuppressant agents
With AVM resections and neuromonitoring, best way of assessing tolerance to vessel clamping in parietal lobe
What is Demeclocycline used for?
Treatment for SIADH
What is cabergoline used for?
Dopamine agonist -> prolactinoma
What is Calcitriol used for?
to treat hypoCa in hypoparathyroidism
subarachnoid hemorrhage and Hg
Admission Hg -> predictor of cerebral infarction and outcomes
Where does deep brain stimulation target for tx of Parkinson’s Dx?
Subthalamic Nucleus
Internal Globus Pallidus
why aneurysm rupture w/ dec in CSF?
Cerebral perfusion pressure = MAP - ICP -> loss of CSF dec ICP extensively -> inc transmural pressure across wall of aneurysm -> rupture
Why ST changes w/ subarachnoid hemorrhage?
inc circulating catecholamines -> demand ischemia
Hydrocephalus and EKG
QTc prolongation
if pt has spinal cord injury and will likely fail extubation, next steps?
Trach w/i 7-10 days of injury to reduce sedation needs, red mechanical vent days, improve pulm toilet, and participate in therpay
Predictors of complications w/ ICD lead extraction
-leads in place for longer period of time
-inexperienced physician
-laser extraction
-pt is female
-larger # of leads requiring extraction
Treatment for SVT w/ Wolf-Parkinson White
-slows down conduction in the accessory pathway w/o affecting the AV Node
What happens if you give someone w/ Wolff-Parkinson White Adenosine?
Slows conduction at the AV node -> instead heart conducts through the accessory pathway -> v fib -> cardiac arrest
RF for sudden death from congenital long QTc
-QTc > 500
-male w/ QT3
-widened T waves
Acute management of congenital prolonged QT
-IV Mag
-replace Ca, K
-AVOID amiodarone
Long term management of long QT syndrome
-beta blocker
-L stellate sympathectomy if refractory
A: furosemide
B: ACE inh, NG
C: milrinone
D: NE, epi
centrifugal v roller pumps in CPB: which varies w/ changes in pump preload and afterload
which coronary artery is most likely to get an air embolism w/ open heart surgery?
Why hypoTN w/ protamine?
Histamine release
Treatment for vasoplegia w/ CPB?
Vasopressin and methylene blue
what TEE view is used to assess accurate placement of the femoral catheter for CPB
mid-esophageal bicaval view
What would you want to look at if you used a transgastric short axis view?
cross section of LV and RV -> assess thickness, contractility, volume status
what is seen in the mid-esophageal long axis view?
LA, MV, LV, LVOT, AV, ascending aorta
What is an esophageal detector device and hows it work?
It’s a ballon, you squeeze it, if in the lungs reinflates, if in esophagus remains collapsed
-can be beneficial to confirm ETT placement during cardiac arrest
Hemodynamic goals w/ cardiac tamponade
-augment preload
-avoid hypoTN, HTN
-maintain HR higher (b/c limited by SV, cardiac output more dpt on HR)
O2 extraction following aortic cross clamping
decreased b/c blood not flowing to half the body -> so less O2 is utilized
Hemodynamic effects of aortic cross clamping
- inc arterial BP above clamp
- inc coronary artery BF
- inc LV wall stress
- inc CVP
- Inc PCWP
- Dec arterial BP below clamp
- Dec cardiac output
- Dec renal BF
Brugada Syndrome
Brugada syndrome
ST elevations in V1-V3
pseudo RBBB
tx of Brugada syndrome
ppx AICD
what lytes cause exacerbation of long QT syndrome?
What can trigger fatal arrythmias in Brugada syndrome?
local anesthetics
-what pt population beneficial in?
DA agonist
-dec in peripheral vascular resistance
-natriuresis, diuresis
-beneficial in pts undergoing TAA repairs w/ resistant HTN
CI to Fenoldopam
inc in IOP -> don’t use in pts w/ glaucoma or intraocular HTN
low pitched mid diastolic rumble at PMI
troponin and size of MI
levels correlate w/ size of MI!
troponin and long term outcome
-predictive and prognostic of short and long term outcomes
troponin peak levels
24 hours
Myoglobin peak levels
4 hours
Inamrinone MOA
PDE III inhibitor -> inc cAMP levels -> inc cardiac Ca levels -> improves contractility (inotropy)
-in peripheral vasculature inc in cAMP -> vasodilation -> dec in SVR -> inc cardiac output
SE of inamrinone if used for longer than 24 hrs
Digoxin and WPW
Digoxin is contraindicated
-the slowing of AV conduction w/ inc atrial conduction = inc conduction in accessory pathway
energy for sync cardioversion
When are you most likely to get R on T phenomena?
when PM is asynchronous and pt’s HR is higher than set paced HR
What happens if you get R on T phenomena?
V tach or V fib
What medication predisposes pts to anaphylaxis from protamine?
NPH insulin
what causes the pulm HTN possible RV failure rxn to protamine?
-released from plts and macrophages after stimulation by protamine-heparin complexes
thermodilution assessment of cardiac output: if smaller amount of injectate is used, CO will be?
-b/c return to temp faster
thermodilution assessment of cardiac output: if injectate is warmer than programmed?
-b/c won’t get as cold -> so it thinks b/c the hard moving so much
thermodilution assessment of cardiac output: if give a room temp bolus before assessment of cardiac output?
underestimate b/c all fluid colder than anticipated
if doing a TAVR and sudden hypoTN w/ contrast extravasation retroperitoneally what happened?
perforation at ilio-femoral axis