ACE Exam 2022 Flashcards
When doing TOF on foot, what n are you assessing?
posterior tibial
***ONLY motor n in foot, the remainder are sensory
TOF at foot v hand
foot takes longer to onset and recovers faster
STOP BANG, BMI to inc risk of OSA
> 35
STOP BANG, neck circumfrence to inc risk of OSA?
40 cm (16 incchs)
STOP BANG, age to inc risk of OSA?
> 50
abrupt dec in SpO2, what dye given?
Methylene Blue -> absorbs at the same wavelength as deoxy Hg
Indigo carmine SpO2
little/no change
Indocynanine Green SpO2
slight dec 5-8%
Drugs that cross placenta easily
-not protein bound
-higher proportin of unionized drug in maternal plasma
RF for post herpetic neuralgia
-limited physical activity due to severe prodromal symptoms
-inc pain severity during infxn
-comorbid dx states incl resp dx and DM
What meds take the longest to infuse in?
Fluoroquinolones: Ciprofloxacin
b/l blockages of superior laryngeal nerves cause
numbness above VC
what Local anesthetic causese the most pain on injection?
-most lipid soluble
-Bupivacaine is also highly lipid soluble so 2nd most painful
Least painful local anesthetic on injxn?
Chloroprocaine least lipid soluble
-lidocaine 2nd least
What vasopressor may cause serotonin syndrome?
Methylene Blue
-MAO inh
SE of hydroxocobalamin used as vasopressor
-red colored urine
What herbal meds theoretically impact coagulation?
How long before surgery does garlic need to be d/c for neuraxial?
As long as no other anticoagulant drugs are being taken, does not need to be d/c
MC reason for pediatric liver transplant
biliary atresia
MC genetic cause of childhood liver dx
alpha 1 antitrypsin def
In noncardiac surgery, most common reason for periop stroke?
HypoTN (def as > 30% dec in baseline blood pressure)
Colloid osmotic pressure in preeclampsia
-plasma albumin is reduced due to loss of albumin in the protein and leaking of plasma protein through capillaries
CI to intraaortic balloon pump
-aortic dissection
-severe PVD
-pts w/ mulitple organ failure w/ no hope of reovery
-aortic stent or grafts
-septic shock
-pt refusal
How to know if pt is adequately alpha blocked for pheo surgery?
After 7-14 days of alpha blockade
-BP < 160/90
-some degree of postural hypoTN
-no ventricular arrythmias or ST or T changes for 2 weeks prior to surgery
What intraop infusions would be beneficial during a pheo removal?
-Mg sulfate
**Mg especially b/c dec catechlamine release, dec sensativity of alpha rec to catecholamines, antiarrythmic, direct vasodilation
What is important before ligation of adrenal vein in pheo removal?
volume explansion!! pt is going to get hypoTN after removal b/c of loss of catecholamines and already alpha blockedinsulin and pheo
What is important before ligation of adrenal vein in pheo removal?
volume explansion!! pt is going to get hypoTN after removal b/c of loss of catecholamines and already alpha blocked
insulin and pheo
-dec in catecholamines after pheo removal -> dec gluconeogenesis and inc in insulin release -> pts end up hypoglycemic
In trauma what causes the least movement of cervical spine?
-jaw thrust, head tilt and oral airway insertion inc cervical movement
Normal FHR
FHR for uterine rupture
likely late decelerations or persistent fetal bradycardia
Postop visual loss due to direct pressures
central retianl artery occlusion
postop vision loss not related to direct pressure
ischemic optic neuropathy
RF for ischemic optic neuropathy
-male sex, older, obesity
-intraop: hypoTN, large volume replacement w/ crystalloid, long duration of operation, Wilson frame, excessive blood loss
How long after catheter removal can heparin be restarted? ppx dose
1 hour
how long after heparin stopped can catehter be put in? ppx dose
4-6 hours
Why hypoTN after aoritc clamp off?
Mediator induced vasodilation
-fluid shifts from central to peirpheral compartments
What other congenital defect is found in peds w/ aortic coarctation?
bicuspid aortic valve (MC 80%))
PDA (50%)
What n block to use in circumcision w/ tethered spinanl cord?
PPV in dec mycoardial contractility, effect on LV afterload?
At what MAC are pts going to get amnesia?
0.5-0.7 age adjusted MAC
MCC of death in hospitalized pts w/ SAH?