TL block 5 Flashcards
RF for children undergoing T&A OSA in PACU
hx of prematurity
age < 3
neuromuscular d/o
URI w/i 4 weeks of surgery
nasal or craniofacial d/o
Anesthetic goals for HOCM
-maintain sinus rhythm
-reduce sympathetic stimulation
-maintain LV filling (preload)
-maintain SVR
Factors that promote LVOT obstruction in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
high chronotropic/inotropic state
Complications of using glycine for TURP
AMS (ammonia)
transient blindness
Complications of mannitol for TURP
lactic acidosis
osmotic diuresis
Complications of sorbitol for TURP
osmotic diuresis
Use of labetalol in pheochromocytoma surgery
-if not adequately alpha blocked, the circulating calecholamines will have unopposed alpha stimulation -> makes HTN worse
-b/c long-acting will get hypoTN once pheo removed
What anti-HTN should be used during pheo?
Direct acting vasodilators: nicardipine, nitroprusside, NG
phentolamine (alpha blockers)
Esmolol for pheo
can only be used conservatively if preop alpha-antagonism has been completed
inhibits tyrosine hydroxylase (rate limiting step in catecholamine synthesis)
-adjunct in malignant or inoperable tumors
MOA botulinum toxin
-cleaves SNARE protein -> stops fusion and release of ACh into nerve terminal -> flaccid paralysis
MOA tetanus toxin
travels retrograde up motor neron -> prevents release of GABA from interneurons
**inhibitory mechanism inhibited -> spastic paralysis
What color glasses to protect from neodymium:yttrium aluminumm garnet laser?
Nd:YAG =green
What color glasses to protect from CO2 laser
What color glasses to protect from argon?
arangatang = orange
What color glasses to protect from potassium-titanyl-phosphate-Nd:YAG
lots of names require 2 colors
Aortic cross clamp hemodynamic changes
-inc BP above the clamp
-dec BP below clamp
-segmental wall motion abnormalities
-inc LV wall tension
-dec EF
-dec cardiac output
-dec renal blood flow
-inc pulm occlusion pressure
-inc CVP
-inc coronary blood flow
Aortic cross-clamp metabolic changes
-dec total body O2 consumption
-dec total body CO2 production
-inc mixed venous
-dec total body O2 extreaction
-inc epi and norepi
-resp alkalosis
-metabolic acidosis
coronary blood flow aortic cross clamp
increased BF b/c inc aortic diastolic pressure
hypoxia w/ one-lung ventilation for bronchopulm lavage steps
-ensure DLT in correct position
-fiO2 1
-PEEP to ventilated lung
-suctioning and bronchodilators
RF for uterine rupture
uterine scar (prior surgery)
adv maternal age
Which part of maternal risk is decreased w/ elective c/s versus vaginal delivery
uterine rupture (less b/c no contractions)
higher risk for hysterectomy: vaginal or c/s?
-b/c if bleeding uncontrolled during c/s hysterectomy
Increase in maternal blood volume w/ pregnancy
45% inc
(mediated by Na retention from renin-angiotensin system)