ACE Exam 4 Flashcards
Hyperaldo lytes
met alk
Spontaneous ventilation, which Mapleson limits rebreathing?
-FGF as far from pt as possible
Mechnical ventilation, which uses least FGF w/ no rebreathing?
D or F, where FGF right next to pt
What happens when you quit smoking for 48 hours?
-dec carboxyHg
-R shift of O2 dissoc curve
-dec CN levels -> better oxidative phosphorylation
-dec nicotine levels -> improves vasodilation and clearance of toxic substances that may impair wound healing
n most commonly injured in OB deliveries
obturator n damage symptoms
dec sensation on inner thigh
weakness of internal rotation and hip adduction
MC drug to cause anaphylaxis in the OR
MCC of unilateral RLN injury
- Cancer
(surgery is 2nd)
To minimize postop blindness
-maintain MAP per pts baseline BP
-neck in neutral position
-avoid direct eye compression
-in high risk pts consider doing staging surgical procedures, break into 2 shorter cases
-higher risk w/ male sex and obesity
what n injury: dec knee extension, dec hip abduction, numnbess on anteromedial thigh and calf, dec patellar reflex
femoral n
to minimize work of breathing in an asthmatic
put them sitting up or semirecumbant (inc FRC)
-bigger ETT
-slower than normal RR
which trachs are MRI safe?
-Bivona trachs need to be replaced before MRI
Number of days on mechanical ventilation to have it be considered ventilator assoc PNA
2 days
48 hours
only drug to tx asthma that has bronchodilator effects AND anti-inflammatory
-filing it in b/c it has 2 purposes
Benzocaine topilization and then dec SpO2, dx?
When you take a bribe from a vendor thats considered?
If you steal supplies to go on a mission trip thats considered?
Giving sevo and noticing a prolonged QT fix?
switch to TIVA w/ prop
-other meds that prolong QT and to avoid: epi, zofran, amiodaron
hypoxic pulm vasoconstriction and temp
decreases w/ hypothermia
-increases w/ hyperthermia
ppx dose of enoxaparin, how long after can you remove a catheter?
12 hours
RF for spinal hematoma
> 65 years old
-spinal cord or vertebral abnormalities
-renal insuff
How long after catheter removal can you give LMWH ppx dose?
4 hours
therapeutic LMWH dose, how long do you have to wait to put in catheter?
24 hours
what type of vWD will not respond to DDAVP?
type 3 b/c they make none