TL block 3 Flashcards
Guidelines for reducing the incidence or severity of TURP
-suspending irrigating fluid < 30cm above pt
=draining bladder regularly to avoid inc in bladder pressure
-limit resection time to < 1 hr
-avoid hypotonic IV fluids
-use vasopressors to tx hypoTN from regional -> regional dec venous pressures and inc absorption of irrigation
why coagulopathy from TURP?
rare unless lenthy resection -> prostatic tissue plasminogen activator
-expediates conversion of plasminogen to plasmin promoting fibrinolysis
-tx: supportive blood product transfusion, incl cryo
complications of glycine irrigation in TURP
glycine resembles GABA -> transient blindness
-metabolized to ammonia -> encephalopathy, N/V
Complications of TURP
hypothermia (room temp irrigation)
transient blindness and hyperammonia (glycine)
intraperiteoneal bladder perf
extraperitoneal prostatic capsular perf
cardiopulm compromise
coagulopathy (fibrinolysis)
landmarks for the infragluteal sciatic nerve block
greater trochanter of the femur
ischial tuberosity
sciatic groove
infragluteal sciatic n block
When to use a Mann-Whitney test for data analysis
nonparametric interval data
-compare data that is skewed towards a high or low value in an unpaired group
Where are cardiac myxomas usually found?
Left atrium most commonly
interatrial septum
more common: primary cardiac malignancy or mets of lung cancer to heart?
Most common benign cardiac tumor in adults
Complications w/ cardiac tumors
ventricular obstruction
heart failure
pulm edema
pulm HTN
arterial hypoxemia
positional hemodynamic compromise
RF for placenta accreta
prior uterine surgery
placenta previa
adv maternal age
How is CO2 partial pressure measured w/ built-in gas analyzer?
Intensity of light detected by infrared spectrophotometer is inversely proportional to CO2 partial pressure
-b/c higher CO2 absorbs more of the infrared -> less reachs the analyzer
which gases use infrared spectrophotometry to be analyzed?
volatile anesthetics
How is O2 measured in gas analyzer?
paramagnetic analysis
Why can an infrared spectrophotometry be used to measure CO2?
b/c CO2 is polar, asymmetric, and polyatomic
Winter’s formula
PCO2 = (1.5 * bicarb) + 8 +/- 2
-if not within expected range -> more than 1 acid/base disturbance
what causes a hyperchloremic hypokalemic non-anion gap metabolic acidosis
pH changes w/ vomiting and diarrhea
vomiting goes up so does pH (met alk)
diarrhea goes down, so does pH (met acidosis)
Why do we get histamine release from rapidly giving vancomycin?
Histamine release
Why does cefepime cause worsening hypoTN in pt w/ E Coli
abx tx of gram negative bacteria -> release of lipopolysaccharide -> significant immune response -> release of multiple cytokines incl nitric oxide -> worsens sepsis response
several hrs after uneventful spinal, weakness on plantar flexion of L ankle, red sensation on L posterior thigh, perineal paresthesias, no back pain, able to void, dx?
conus medullaris injury
-assoc w/ multiple peripheral n unilateral or b/l
post spinal paraplegia, saddle anesthesia, and urinary/fecal retention
cauda equina syndrome
contraindications for spinal cord stimulator
untreated psychological dx
substance abuse
lack of social support
prev surgery/trauma obliterating spinal canal
localized infection
spina bifida