TKA - knee OA Flashcards
- joint inflammation
- natural reposes to disease and injury
- wearing out
- Erosion process
- accelerated: disease injury, alignment etc)
- various types
Types of arthritis
- osteoarthritis: most common (DJD)
- rheumatoid - autoimmune
- psoriatic arthritis
- post-traumatic arthritis
- crystalline induced (GOUT)
- reactive arthritis
- infectious septic arthritis
Degenerative and inflammatory arthritis
- inflammatory process suffocates the cartilage
Presenting symptoms of arthritis
- stiffness
- decreased ROM
- swelling: effusion
- grinding crepitation
- pain
- functional limitations
- impaired activity
- limb deformity: late
X-rays for knee OA
- must be done in WB
- NWB = no forces across the joint
- as cartilage thins subchondral bone has more forces = more calcium/sclerosis on a X-ray
Non-surgical initial treatments for DJD of the knee
- activity modification
- exercise/weight reduction (cycling/swimming)
- shoe wear: shock absorb sole
- medication (Tylenol/NSAIDs)
- vitamins/supplements
Therapeutic injections
- corticosteroids
- viscoelastic gels
- platelet-rich plasma
- stem cell therapy
- intra-articular anti-inflammatory agent
- potent and targeted
- frequency3-4 x year
- indications: acute arthritic flare up
- too much of this can kill chondrocytes
Viscoelastic Gels
- hyaluronic acid (holds onto fluids)
- augments joint fluid
- lubrication
- anti-inflammatory
- chondrites-protective
- selective candidates
Platelet rich plasm a
- preparatin
- 30 cc blood –> 3-5cc PRP
- centrifuge 1-2 times
- complex growth factors from the platelets
- attempts to take advantage of natural healing properties
- regeneraties dagamen knee cartilage
stem cell therapy for Knee DJD
- stem cells = self renew differentiate
- sources of stem cells: fat, blood, bone marrow, placenta
- bone marrow aspirate = best source
- clinical studies have not shown to rebuild cartilage in joints has the potential to regenerate lost cartilage, stop/reverse degeneration, pain relief, improve mobility
- not covered by insurance
Other nonsurgical and non injection treatments arthritis
- knee KG
- APOS therapy
- vehicular nerve ablation
- indicated when: surgical treatment, non-operative candidate
Knee KG
- principle: gait root cause of patient’s symptoms; gait analysis study with biomechanics markers
Knee KG evaluation process
- exoskeleton is attached to knee
- 3-D kinematics captured during routine treadmill walking
- date capture 3 planes of movement (optical tracking systme)
- identifies and measures biomechanics deficits
Knee KG treatment
- targeted exercise and education to patient
- patient specific treatment plan
- look at where mechanics are off
APOS therapy for knee DJD
personalized footwear to off-load pressure from knee and lower back
APOS therapy: evaluation process
- specialist evaluates patient
- computerized gait analysis
APOS treatment
- customized shoes off-load affected knee joint by calibrating shoe/sole devices
- therapy component to improve LE muscle
- requires re-calibration periodically
- customize the shoes contact areas to change where forces come from
- cryoneurolysis - periarticular nerves using nitrous oxide
- works via wallerian degeneration of nerve
- targets sensory nerve branches to knee
- effects can last up to 90 days, repeat treatment every few month; majority of patients have some pain relief
Contraindications for IOVERA
- cryoglobulinemia
- paroxysmal cold
- hemoglobinuria
- cold urticaria
- Raynaud’s open and/or infected wound nearby
Genicular nerve ablation
- radiofrequency used to heat up and disrupt sensory nerves around capsule
- pre-test – successful nerve block
Knee capsule innervation (in relation to vehicular nerve ablation)
- tibial neve branches
- common peroneal: 2 articularbranches
- posterior branch of obturator nerve
- saphenous nerve branche s
- femoral nerve branches
Indications for surgical treatments
- pain significantly interferes with ADLs
- quality of life is unacceptable
- non-surgical interventions unsuccessful
- advanced joint disease demonstrated on X-ray
- age limitation –relative
- patient driven decision–guided by surgeon
Partial replacement
- uni-compartmental
- medial or lateral
- patellofemoral joint