tissues 1 Flashcards
4 types of tissues
1) connective tissue
2) epithelical tissue
3) muscle tissue
4) nervous tissue
Epithelial tissue
-> consists almost entirely of cells
-> covers body surfaces and forms and glands
-> has free, basal, and lateral surfaces
-> basement membrane
-> specialized cell contacrs
-> avascular
-> regenerate
functions of Epithelial tissues
-protecting underlying structures (epithelium lining the mouth)
connective tissue
-> Abundant: found in every organ
-> consists of cells seperated by extracellurlar matrix
-> many diverse types
-> performs variety of important functions
functions of connective tissue
-> enclose organs as a capsule and seperate organs into layers
-> connect tissues to another (tendons adn ligaments)
-> support and movement
-> storage of fat
-> cuchion and insulate (fat)
-> transport blood
-> protect
cells of connective tissue (blasts/cytes/clasts)
specialized cells produce the extracellular matrix
-Blasts: create the matrix (osteoblasts)
-Cytes: Maintain the matrix (chondrocyte)
-clasts: break the matrix down for remodeling (osteoclasts
more cells of connective tissue
-Adipose or fat cells.
-Mast cells release enzymes in response to injury
-White blood cells (leukocytes) reponds to infection
-Macrophages for protection
-Platelets fragments of haematopoietic cells involved in clotting.
-undifferentiated mesenchyme - have potential to differentiate intl adult cell types
Adult connective tissues
- connective tissue proper (loosly arranged and very dense fibrers form thick bundles that nearly fill extracellurlar space)
-supporting connective tissue (cartilage/bone)
-fluid connective tissie (blood)
Areolar connective tissie
-loose packing material of most organs and tissues
-attaches skin to tissues
-contains collagen, reticular, elastic fibres
-association with other types of C.T like reticular tissue and fat
Adispose tissue
mostly ADIPOCYTES (maintain the matrix)
-YELLOW most abundant type/white at birth and then turns yellow with age
-brown is found in specific areas (axilae/neck and near kidneys)
reticular tissue
-Forms superstrucutre of lymphatic and haemopoitic tissues
-network of fine reticular fibres and reticular cells
-spaces between cells contain white cells and dendritic cells
Dense regular collagenous connective tissue
-has abundant collagen fibres that resist stretching
tendons - muscle to bone
ligament - bone to bone
Dense regular elastic connective tissue
-ligaments in vocal folds; nuchal ligament back of neck
-collagen fibres give strength bue elastic fibres are more prevalent
Dense irregular collagenous connective tissue
-protien fibres arranged in a ranomly orientated network
-forms innermost layer of the dermis of the skin, scars, capsules of kidney and spleen
Dense irregular elastic connective tissue
-Bundles and sheets of collagenous and elastic fibres oriented in multiple directions
-in walls of elastic arteries
-strong, yet elastic
-composed of chondrocytes (located in matrix) ( maintains )
-type of cartilage determined by components of the martix
-firm consistency
-ground substance: traps large amounts of water. (they spring back after being compressed)
-avascular and no nerve supply (heals slowly)
3 types of cartilage
Hyaline cartilage
-strucutre: large amounts of collagen fibres evenly distributed in proteogylcan matrix. smooth surface in articulations
Locations- rib cage/trachea/bronchi
-structure: thick collagen fibres
location: knee/jaw/between vertabrae
elastic cartilage
-structure: elastic and collagen fibres embedded in proteoglycans.
location: external ears