Name for factors affecting the time required for schematic design.
- Size and complexity
- Quality and completeness of the program information supplied by the client
- Decision-making ability of the client
- The nature of the design team
What is the main factor determining the length of time it takes to complete design development and construction document phases?
Typical time for schematic design on a simple project
1-2 months
Typical time for design development on a typical project
2-4 months
Typical time for construction documents on a typical project
3-7 months
Typical time for bidding or negotiation on a typical project
3-6 weeks… Regardless of the size of the project
In what phase can financing lags have the greatest effect?
Usually in the client approval. Between schematic design and design development and between design development of construction documents
When do you file for a building permit?
Near the conclusion of the construction phase… So that the building permit can be obtained about the same time as the construction contract is let
The five phases of design
Schematic design, design development, construction documents, bidding or negotiation, construction administration
Three ways to shorten the design schedule
- Architects work overtime (more expensive)
- More people on the job (less efficient = more expensive)
- Reduce man-hours spent (lower quality work)
What do the arrows indicate I the CPM method?
Activities resulting in events/milestones (no indication of time)
What is a completed CPM diagram referred to as?
Network diagram
When two portions of a project are planned in separate CPM diagrams, but have events common to both networks, these events are called…
Interface events
After the CPM network diagram is created, time is added to the equation to create… And to ascertain the…
CPM scheduling… The critical path
What is the unit of time in CPM scheduling?
One normal working day
What is the critical path?
This is the procedural path in a CPM network diagram with the longest total required time
What are activities along the critical path called?
Critical activities
If critical activities are delayed…
They will delay overall construction time
What are float paths?
All other path in the network diagram other than the critical path.
How do you determine the float of the path?
This is the difference, and days, between the path in question and the critical path.
Why would a contractor multiply working days by 7/5?
That gives him the number of calendar days
For reasons a client might want to shorten the construction schedule.
- Interest on borrowed funds
- Pressures of business
- To minimize effects of inflation
- Inclement weather
Though shortening the durations of the critical path likely result in increased direct cost through inefficiency of added overtime work and inefficiency’s from coordination and supervision, the contractors overhead _______
Actually decreases as the scheduled time is shortened.
Fast track scheduling often the gates the possibility of…
Fixed price for construction… Because it usually has to be bid in stages
Who can help you with fast-track construction?
Construction manager
Shop fabrication reduces the impact of…
Inclement weather on construction time
Prefabricated items reduce design time because…
It is easier to select from a catalog then to design new pieces
The only party responsible for scheduling construction trades