Thyrotoxicosis and hyperthyroidism Flashcards
Are all cases of thyrotoxicosis associated with hyperthyroidism?
No, thyrotoxicosis is the result of increased thyroid hormone, but this excess thyroid hormone doesn’t always come from an overactive thyroid gland (Hyperthyroidism)
How can hyperthyroidism cause thyrotoxicosis?
- Excessive thyroid stimulation
- Autonomous thyroid nodules
What are some thyroid nodules that can become autonomous?
Toxic solitary nodule
Toxic multi-nodular goitre
What are some causes of excessive thyroid stimulation?
Grave’s disease
Thyrotropinoma (TSHoma)
Thyroid cancer
What are some non-hyperthyroid associated causes of thyrotoxicosis?
Exogenous thyroid hormones
Ectopic thyroid tissue
What are some causes of exogenous thyroid hormones in thyrotoxicosis?
Over-treatment with levothyroxine
Thyrotoxicosis factitia
What are some examples of ectopic thyroid tissue?
Metastatic thyroid carcinoma
Struma ovarii (Teratoma containing thyroid tissue)
What is Grave’s disease?
Grave’s disease is a type IIb autoimmune condition in which auto-antibodies bind to and activate TSH receptors, increasing T3 and T4 secretion
This causes hyperthyroidism
What is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in younger patients (20-50)?
Grave’s disease
Describe the goitre formed in Grave’s disease
What are the main symptoms in Grave’s disease?
- Hyperthyroidism with diffuse enlargement of the thyroid (Smooth goitre)
- Grave’s eye disease (Exophthalmos)
- Pre-tibial myxoedema
- Thyroid acropachy (Finger clubbing)
- Thyroid bruit (Associated with large goitres, reflective of hypervascularity of the thyroid)
What symptom of Grave’s disease is shown here?
Pre-tibial myxoedema
What is Grave’s eye disease?
A TRAb driven condition occurring in 20% of Grave’s patients, in which there is bulging of the eyes and lid retraction
What are some other names of Grave’s eye disease?
Thyroid eye disease (TED)
Grave’s opthalmopathy
What will blood testing show in Grave’s disease?
- Low TSH
- Raised fT4/3
- Hypercalcaemia and raised ALP (increased bone turnover)
- Leucopenia
- TSH receptor antibody (TRAb)
What is the most common antibody found in Grave’s disease?
TSH receptor antibody (TRAb) (70-100%)
What is the least common antibody found in Grave’s disease?
Anti-thyroglobulin (30-50%)
How will Grave’s disease be managed?
Mild disease is treated topically e.g. lubricants
Severe disease is treated with steroids, radiotherapy (Poor evidence) and surgery
What is the most common cause of primary hyperthyroidism in older patients (>50)?
Nodulatr thyroid disease
How will nodular thyroid disease present?
Insidious onset formation of asymmetrical goitre
What will testing show in nodular thyroid disease?
- Raised fT3/4
- Low TSH
- TRAb negative
- Scintigraphy shows high uptake (Iodine uptake scanning)
- Thyroid ultrasound
What are the main symptoms of thyrotoxicosis?
- Increased BMR
- Very fast pulse rate
- Increased nervousness and excessively emotional
- insomnia
- Sweating & heat intolerance
- Tendency to lose weight easily
- Tremors
- Muscle weakness
What are some cardiac symptoms of thyrotoxicosis?
Atrial fibrillation
What are some neurological symptoms of thyrotoxicosis?
Sleep disturbance
What are some gastrointestinal symptoms of thyrotoxicosis?
Frequent, loose bowel movements