Thyroid Gland (lec 23) Flashcards
Thyroid is what kind of hormone gland?
Thyroid regulates?
metabolic rate/heat
energy mobilization
Thyroid hormones synthesis requires?
requires both intracellular and extracellular actions
Thyroid hormones synthesis: Step 1?
Uptake of iodide thru iodide trap: Na+/I- cotrans
Trap activity run by diet (iodine)
Thyroid hormones synthesis: Step 2?
iodide from cell to lumen via pendrin ->
Δ to I2 via peroxidase
Thyroid hormones synthesis: Step 3?
I2 + tyrosine + thyroglobulin (TG)
Thyroid hormones synthesis: Step 4?
Coupling via peroxidase:
DIT + DIT -> thyroxine (T4)
MIT + DIT -> triiodothyronine (T3)
Thyroid hormones synthesis: Step 5?
Secretion stim by TSH:
Follicular cell engulfs colloid/TG complex via Megalin ->
lysosomes split T3/4 from complex ->
out to blood
rest deiod/recycled
T3 more bio active than T4, why? (3)
1) thyroid hormone receptors in nucleus more affinity for T3
2) T4 binds more tightly to plasma protein
3) T4 peripheral conversion
Peripheral conversion is?
Δ of T4 into T3 at target cell
Thyroid hormone action on target cell?
Free T3/4 enter cell ->
most T4 Δd to T3 ->
bind DNA TH receptor ->
makes many kinds of proteins
Thyrotrophin Releasing Hormone (TRH) acts on?
thyrotrophs of ant pit
Binds G protein -> IP3 -> Ca2+ release -> exocytosis of TSH
Thyrotropin (TSH) role?
Stim every step of TH synth in thyroid except step 2
Stim thyroid gland to grow (trophic)
T3 regulates TH secretion how?
down-reg thyrotroph TRH receptors = ↓ TSH release from ant pit
inhib hypothal release of TRH
Action of TH on Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
↑ Na+/K+ATPase =
↑ O2 consumption, ↑ temp, ↑ CO, ↑ BMR