Plasma Glucose: Insulin (lec 26) Flashcards
Primary regulatory hormones for plasma glucose?
insulin and glucagon
Secretion of insulin determined by?
Goal of insulin?
abundance of nutrients (fed state) ->
insulin stores the excess as fuel (↓ plasma glu): ↑ glu oxyidation ↑ glycogen synth ↑ fat synth ↑ protein synth
Secretion of glucagon determined by?
Goal of glucagon?
starvation (fast state) ->
mobilizes fuel (↑ plasma glu):
↑ glycogenolysis
↑ gluconeogenesis
↑ ketogenesis
Insulin/Glucagon released from?
alpha cell -> glucagon
beta cells -> insulin
Islet of Langerhans is?
Types of cells?
cluster of endocrine cells in pancreas
alpha -> glucagon
beta -> insulin
delta -> somatostatin
Insulin synth?
Similar to peptide hormones:
preproinsulin ->
proinsulin ->
stored in granules
Insulin secretory granules?
proinsulin cleaved into insulin/C-peptide
Insulin route of secretion?
Glucose -> beta cells ->
ATP prdxn -> ↑ Ca2+ ->
insulin exocytosed
Incretin Effect is?
ingested glucose ↑↑ insulin due to gut hormones
vs IV glu
Insulin feedback regulation?
nutrients that stim insulin secretion are also disposed by insulin
Insulin action on cell receptors?
insulin binds ⍺-recpt -> autophos β subunit -> activate tyrosine kinase/insulin receptor substrates (IRS)
Gluconeogenesis is?
synth of new glucose (AA -> glucose)
Glycogen synth is?
Δ glucose to glycogen for storage
Glucose uptake is?
transport of glucose to tissues
Oxidation is?
use of something for fuel (Δ glu to ATP)
Glycogenolysis is?
breakdown of glycogen to glucose
Tissue uptake of glu and AA stim by?
Tissue release of glu, AA, FFA inhibited by?
Insulin effect on liver: Carbs?
↑ glucose storage via:
↑ Δ glu to glycogen and fat
↓ gluconeogenesis
Insulin effect on liver: Lipids?
1) ↑ syth/store fat and↓ fat oxydation
2) Release fats for store or use by skelet mm/adipose tissue
Insulin effect on liver: Protein?
↑ prot synth
↓ prot degradation
Insulin effect on skeletal mm?
principal site of glu disposal
↑ glu uptake (GLUT 4) ↑ glycogen synth ↑ glu oxy -> trigly formation ↑ protein synth ↓ protein degrad
Insulin effect on adipose tissue?
↑ glu uptake (GLUT 4)
↑ glu -> FA
↑ trigly formation
Insulin Receptor Substrates activate enzymes that do what?
GLUT 4 to membrane -> change glu to glycogen/lipids
upreg of protein synth in nucleus
Pull AA in -> protein synth