Through My Eyes Flashcards
How old is she when the civil rights movement started?
She was 6.
What is the book about?
It is about the civil rights movement.
Was their mother strict?
Yes, she was.
What school did she go to?
She went to William Frantz Public School.
Why did people make threats?
They made threats because he was African American.
Who were the little girls at Mcdough?
They were Leona, Tessie and Gail.
Who was important int he civil rights movement?
Ruby Bridges
Who was her teacher?
Mrs. Henry
What was the teachers full name?
Barbra Henry
When was Ruby Bridges born?
What is Ruby’s mother’s name?
What school did Ruby go to for kindergarten?
Johnson Lockett Elementary School
What was Ruby’s new school after she passed the school board test?
William Frantz Public School
On what day did Ruby finally start at her new school?
November 14, 1960
Did Ruby have a regular day of school on her first day?
What did Ruby’s father call her when she got home from school?
He called her his “brave little Ruby.”
What author decided to come and see the racist crowds outside of Frantz school?
John Steinback
What other school got integrated besides Frantz school?
Where did the Bridge family live before New Orleans, Louisiana?
How many other black student were getting integrated besides Ruby?
How many federal marshals had to escort Ruby to her new school?
What was Ruby’s new teachers name?
Mrs. Henry, or Barbara Henry.
What was the name of the group that was terrorizing black people’s houses?
The Ku Klux Klan.
Complete this sentence, The Little Rock ______?
What was the Ku Klux Klan’s symbol?
A burning cross
Along with the letter by Elenor Rosevelt, what was also lost in the flood?
Ruby’s father’s Purple Heart Medal.