Chasing Secrets Flashcards
Which class is not taught at Lizzie’s boarding school?
Science is not taught at her boarding school.
What animal is often found dead in the area during the quarantine?
Many rats are found dead.
What prediction is made by the Astral Dog?
That Gemma and Spencer, and Gus and Lizzie will be partners.
Who does Lizzie try to get to help her find Jing?
She tries to get Uncle Karl to help her.
What is the secret of the monkey?
They check to see if the monkey dies, to see if it has the Plague.
How does Lizzie know the doctor is giving Maggie the wrong serum?
It doesn’t have the IP on the label.
What invention does Mr. Trotter like to share with his friends in San Francisco?
He shares his new motorcar.
Why is Jing keeping Noah in his room?
Jing doesn’t want Noah to catch the plague.
What theme is the line? “I’m not going to live my life ‘as your son.’ I’m going to live it my way.”
Be true to yourself.
Why did Mei jump out of the window?
She didn’t want to take the vaccine because people die after taking it.
What genre is Chasing Secrets?
It is an historical fiction book.
Why doesn’t Caroline want Lizzie to fix her arm?
Caroline thinks Lizzie’s dad is hurting her mom.
What happens in Chinatown when the area is put into quarantine?
No one is allowed in or out of Chinatown.
During what time period does Chasing Secrets take place?
It take’s place in the early 1900’s.
Why have all the important men been telling everyone that there was no Plague in San Francisco?
They were afraid that the city would lose a lot of money if people chose not to come to the area.
What is special about the Yersin’s vaccine?
It is the vaccine that works, it is rare, and it is expensive.
What promise does Lizzie make to Noah?
She promises Noah to hep Jing escape from Chinatown.
What do residents of Chinatown think about Jing?
They see him as a leader and a translator.
What does Lizzie want to be when she grows up?
She wants to be a doctor.
Who has been hiding in Jing’s room while he is gone?
Noah, Jing’s son, has been hiding in Jing’s room.
Where does Billy go when he disappears?
He goes into town to fight and earn money.
How does Lizzie know when it is safe to visit Noah?
Noah puts up the blind so she can see the gold cord.
Why did some people get the Yersin’s vaccine, while others got the Haffkine’s vaccine?
Only the wealthy would get the Yersin’s vaccine because it was so expensive.
Why did Billy die from the plague?
He had sold his dose of the Yersin’s vaccine to buy a motorcar.
Why are so many people afraid to take the vaccine for the Plague?
People had been given the Haffkine’s accine, which had terrible side effects.
Why doesn’t Aunt Hortense want Lizzie to accompany her father on his rounds?
She doesn’t want her to catch the disease.
What happened to Noah’s mom?
She never left China.
What color dress did The Girl With Black Hair wear to the cotillion?
Shining scarlet. (red)
What animal died that proved the presence of the plague?
The monkey.
What is the name of the disease that killed Billy?
Bubonic plague.
What is the name of the finishing school that Lizzie attends?
Miss Barstow’s.
Who is Noah?
Jing’s son
What does “Honolulu” mean in Chinatown?
It means that someone wants to burn Chinatown
Who is Billy?
Billy is Lizzie’s older brother
How did Maggie catch the plague?
From the rats
Who is Jing?
Jing is Lizzie’s family’s cook, and a very special friend for Lizzie.
Why did Lizzie ride to Chinatown to see Noah?
Lizzie needed to tell Noah about how people were going to burn down Chinatown.
Why was Gemma acting like a dog at Miss Barstow’s?
A dog bit her, so she thought she got rabies.
Who are Lizzie’s Aunt and Uncle?
Aunt Hortense and Uncle Karl
Who is Lizzie’s Aunt’s cook?
Yung Sun
What does Lizzie do for Noah
She brought him food
What did Billy and Lizzie do to get Jing out of the quarantine?
They used a women, Donaldina Cameron, who can get Jing out of the quarantine.
True or False: Did a Chinese girl really jump out of a window?
True, she thought people were trying to give her the medicine that could kill you.
Did Billy ever play with Lizzie before he turned mean?
Yes, in fact, he used to give Lizzie secret horse rides.
Did Aunt Hortense and Lizzie learn to become better friends?
At the end of the book they started liking each other more.
What sickness or disease did Maggie have?
Maggie had the plague.
Why did Spencer not dance with Gemma when they were at the cotillion?
He said it’s because she had crutches.
Why doesn’t Jing come home?
He was accidentally caught int the quarantine.
Where do Gemma and Lizzie find their matches?
At the Astral Dog at Ocean City.
Why do angry mobs want to burn down Chinatown?
Because it has been quarantined and the plague is killing people and animals there.