Pax Flashcards
Why does Peter’s father take Pax to the wild?
Because Peter’s father joins the military and Peter has to live with his grandfather.
What is the vixen’s (Bristle’s) reaction to Pax?
She doesn’t like Pax because he has human scent. She has bad experience with humans.
What is the name of the lady who found Peter in her barn and how did she help him?
Vola helped Peter by making him crutches and teaching him how to use them.
Why was Pax very weak?
Pax was weak because he hadn’t eaten for so long.
What does Peter worry about for so long while he is resting at Vola’s house?
He worries about Pax.
How did Gray die?
He tripped on some electrical wires, and the ground exploded, killing him instantly.
What does Peter realize about what war costs?
He realized that war costs not only soldiers dying, it also costs kids being hungry, families being separated, and not knowing if your friends and family will survive.
What happens to Runt?
Runt’s hind leg rips off, when the ground explodes because of the electrical wires.
What imaginary creature does Peter think Vola is like?
A phoenix.
What genre is this book, Pax.
Realistic Fiction
What did Peter throw when he let Pax go?
A plastic toy solider
What scares Peter about the man?
He looks at Peter when he leaves the shop, scaring Peter reminding him of a hawk.
Which way does Pax go to find Peter?
When Peter see’s Vola for the first time what does she have in her hand?
a baseball and glove
When Vola killed the man, what did she find in his pocket?
A book