three 200-303 Flashcards
He’s the big cheese.
He is the headman.
He’s the big wheel.
He’s the big boss.
He’s the big shot.
He is an important man.
Don’t bite off more than you can chew.
Don’t try to do more than you can accomplish.
Don’t bite the hand than feeds you.
Be loyal to your company that pays you.
He’ll soon bite the dust.
He soon will be found out and lose.
Don’t blow your top.
Stay calm.
Don’t blow your cool.
Remain calm and collected.
I’ve got a bone to pick with you.
You’ve something that is a problem to me.
You should brush up on it.
You need to study and learn this.
You need to build a fire under them.
They need to be motivated.
You’ll need to burn the midnight oil.
You will have to work overtime.
Don’t break your word.
Do what you have promised.
We need to break the news.
We need to tell them the bad news.
Let’s bury the hatchet.
Let’s forget our old fights and hatreds.
We won by a hair.
We won a very close victory.
By hook or crook we’ll do it.
We’ll do it whatever it takes.
Let’s call it a day.
That’s enough work for today.
Let’s call it quits.
Let’s stop for now.
You call the shots.
You make the decisions.
It’s a can of worms.
That is a big bunch of problems.
I ride in a car pool.
A group of us ride to work together.
Don’t chicken out on us.
Don’t get scared and leave.
He’s a chip off the old block.
He is just like his dad.
We need to cut our losses.
We must withdraw form a losing situation.
Y ou’ve cooked your own goose.
You are in a problem of your own making
You make me crack up.
I find you extremely funny
You need to crack a book.
Open up a book and learn something.
You need to crack a joke.
Don’t be serious all the time
It cramps my style.
You have put too many limits on me.
He’s the cream of the crop.
He is the best there is.
He is the headman.
He’s the big cheese.
He’s the big boss.
He’s the big wheel.
He is an important man.
He’s the big shot.
Don’t try to do more than you can accomplish.
Don’t bite off more than you can chew.
Be loyal to your company that pays you.
Don’t bite the hand than feeds you.
He soon will be found out and lose.
He’ll soon bite the dust.
Stay calm.
Don’t blow your top.
Remain calm and collected.
Don’t blow your cool.
You’ve something that is a problem to me.
I’ve got a bone to pick with you.
You need to study and learn this.
You should brush up on it.
They need to be motivated.
You need to build a fire under them.
You will have to work overtime.
You’ll need to burn the midnight oil.
Do what you have promised.
Don’t break your word.
We need to tell them the bad news.
We need to break the news.
Let’s forget our old fights and hatreds.
Let’s bury the hatchet.
We won a very close victory.
We won by a hair.
We’ll do it whatever it takes.
By hook or crook we’ll do it.
That’s enough work for today.
Let’s call it a day.
Let’s stop for now.
Let’s call it quits.
You make the decisions.
You call the shots.
That is a big bunch of problems.
It’s a can of worms.
A group of us ride to work together.
I ride in a car pool.
Don’t get scared and leave.
Don’t chicken out on us.
He is just like his dad.
He’s a chip off the old block.
We must withdraw form a losing situation.
We need to cut our losses.
You are in a problem of your own making
Y ou’ve cooked your own goose.
I find you extremely funny
You make me crack up.
Open up a book and learn something.
You need to crack a book.
Don’t be serious all the time
You need to crack a joke.
You have put too many limits on me.
It cramps my style.
He is the best there is.
He’s the cream of the crop.
Don’t cut corners.
Follow all of the rules.
It’s a cut and dried situation.
There are no changes or discussions - just do it.
We’re at a dead stop.
We can’t do anything right now.
He’s dead to the world.
He is so tired he can’t function.
It will soon die out.
That problem will be gone soon.
They’re a dime a dozen.
They aren’t worth anything
Watch him do a double take.
He will gasp when he sees this.
She’s down in the dumps.
She is very depressed
She got a dose of her own medicine.
She got just the trouble that she gives others.
Well, that’s down the drain.
We have completely lost everything on this.
That’s all down the tubes.
We totally lost.
Don’t drag your feet on this.
Get working and stop the delaying.
I’m drawing a blank.
I don’t have any idea on this.
We need to draw the line here.
We make no more concessions.
He drives a hard bargain.
He makes it tough to make much of a profit.
It’s just a drop in the bucket.
That is just the beginning of the problems.
She eats like a bird.
She just picks at her food
She eats like a horse.
She eats like a hungry man.
He’s at the end of his rope.
He is just about out of ideas and energy.
I feel like a million dollars.
I feel wonderful.
Finders keepers - losers weepers.
The finders are happy - the losers unhappy.
It will fit like a glove.
The two situations work well together
They’re going to flip their lid.
They are going to be extremely unhappy.
He will fly off the handle.
He will be very upset
Don’t fool around with that.
Leave that situation alone.
It’s a foolproof scheme.
This idea is sure to succeed.
This is for keeps.
This is it - no changes - no getting out.
You’ll need to fork out some dough.
You will have to pay some cash.
He’s out getting forty winks.
He is taking a quick nap.
Can they get away with that?
Will they be able to do that without trouble?
Let’s get down to brass tacks.
Let’s do some serious talking.
I’ll get even.
I will return the bad you did to me.
Get off my back.
Stop bothering me and let me do my work.
Let’s get the ball rolling.
Let’s start the work on this
We’ll get to the bottom of it.
We will find out exactly what is the problem.
He got out of the bed on the wrong side.
The day started bad and hasn’t gotten any better.
He doesn’t have a ghost of a chance.
There is no way he can succeed.
He’s giving me a hard time.
He is teasing me about that
Follow all of the rules.
Don’t cut corners.
There are no changes or discussions - just do it.
It’s a cut and dried situation.
We can’t do anything right now.
We’re at a dead stop.
He is so tired he can’t function.
He’s dead to the world.
That problem will be gone soon.
It will soon die out.
They aren’t worth anything
They’re a dime a dozen.
He will gasp when he sees this.
Watch him do a double take.
She is very depressed
She’s down in the dumps.
She got just the trouble that she gives others.
She got a dose of her own medicine.
We have completely lost everything on this.
Well, that’s down the drain.
We totally lost.
That’s all down the tubes.
Get working and stop the delaying.
Don’t drag your feet on this.
I don’t have any idea on this.
I’m drawing a blank.
We make no more concessions.
We need to draw the line here.
He makes it tough to make much of a profit.
He drives a hard bargain.
That is just the beginning of the problems.
It’s just a drop in the bucket.
She just picks at her food
She eats like a bird.
She eats like a hungry man.
She eats like a horse.
He is just about out of ideas and energy.
He’s at the end of his rope.
I feel wonderful.
I feel like a million dollars.
The finders are happy - the losers unhappy.
Finders keepers - losers weepers.
The two situations work well together
It will fit like a glove.
They are going to be extremely unhappy.
They’re going to flip their lid.
He will be very upset
He will fly off the handle.
Leave that situation alone.
Don’t fool around with that.
This idea is sure to succeed.
It’s a foolproof scheme.
This is it - no changes - no getting out.
This is for keeps.
You will have to pay some cash.
You’ll need to fork out some dough.
He is taking a quick nap.
He’s out getting forty winks.
Will they be able to do that without trouble?
Can they get away with that?
Let’s do some serious talking.
Let’s get down to brass tacks.
I will return the bad you did to me.
I’ll get even.
Stop bothering me and let me do my work.
Get off my back.
Let’s start the work on this
Let’s get the ball rolling.
We will find out exactly what is the problem.
We’ll get to the bottom of it.
The day started bad and hasn’t gotten any better.
He got out of the bed on the wrong side.
There is no way he can succeed.
He doesn’t have a ghost of a chance.
He is teasing me about that
He’s giving me a hard time.
Give him an inch and he’ll take a mile.
Give a little and he takes a lot.
Don’t give yourself away.
Don’t let them know what your plan is.
They’ll have to give up the ghost.
They will have to give up trying.
He’s a real globetrotter.
He travels all over the world.
They just go around in circles.
They go in all directions without any success.
They will go into orbit.
They will be very upset.
They can just go jump in a lake.
If they don’t like it - too bad.
Don’t go off the deep end.
Don’t go to extremes on this.
Grass is greener on the other side of the fence.
Other things always look easier.
Just grin and bear it.
Forget the problems - keep working.
They often just ham it up.
They like to get very dramatic
He’s got one foot in the grave.
He is too old.
We had a high time.
We had a good time.
You hit the nail on the head.
That is exactly the situation.
They will hit the ceiling.
They will be extremely upset.
That is a hit below the belt.
That is not playing fair or honest.
I’m going to hit the sack.
I’m going to bed.
She’s going to hit the hay.
She is going to bed.
That just won’t hold water.
That idea just won’t work.
He can’t hold down a job.
He has lost every job he ever had.
Don’t horse around.
Don’t play around - be serious.
Keep them in the dark.
Don’t let them know what is going on.
You must hang in there.
Keep trying.
She has a lot of hang-ups.
She has a lot of irrational objections.
I can see the handwriting on the wall.
I can sense the mood of people.
Go and have a ball.
Go and enjoy yourself.
W e will have the last laugh.
They are winning now but in the end we will win.
Hold on to your hat.
Be patient.
Hold on to your horses. (Hold your horses)
Don’t get too excited.
Have your own way.
OK! Do what you want.
You’ve got two strikes against you.
One more mistake and you are out!
That’s it in a nutshell.
That is a short summary of the situation.
She’s often in my hair.
She is often in my way
We’ve got one thing in the hole.
One thing is on our side.
They are in the same boat.
We both have the same problem.
Give a little and he takes a lot.
Give him an inch and he’ll take a mile.
Don’t let them know what your plan is.
Don’t give yourself away.
They will have to give up trying.
They’ll have to give up the ghost.
He travels all over the world.
He’s a real globetrotter.
They go in all directions without any success.
They just go around in circles.
They will be very upset.
They will go into orbit.
If they don’t like it - too bad.
They can just go jump in a lake.
Don’t go to extremes on this.
Don’t go off the deep end.
Other things always look easier.
Grass is greener on the other side of the fence.
Forget the problems - keep working.
Just grin and bear it.
They like to get very dramatic
They often just ham it up.
He is too old.
He’s got one foot in the grave.
We had a good time.
We had a high time.
That is exactly the situation.
You hit the nail on the head.
They will be extremely upset.
They will hit the ceiling.
That is not playing fair or honest.
That is a hit below the belt.
I’m going to bed.
I’m going to hit the sack.
She is going to bed.
She’s going to hit the hay.
That idea just won’t work.
That just won’t hold water.
He has lost every job he ever had.
He can’t hold down a job.
Don’t play around - be serious.
Don’t horse around.
Don’t let them know what is going on.
Keep them in the dark.
Keep trying.
You must hang in there.
She has a lot of irrational objections.
She has a lot of hang-ups.
I can sense the mood of people.
I can see the handwriting on the wall.
Go and enjoy yourself.
Go and have a ball.
They are winning now but in the end we will win.
W e will have the last laugh.
Be patient.
Hold on to your hat.
Don’t get too excited.
Hold on to your horses. (Hold your horses)
OK! Do what you want.
Have your own way.
One more mistake and you are out!
You’ve got two strikes against you.
That is a short summary of the situation.
That’s it in a nutshell.
She is often in my way
She’s often in my hair.
One thing is on our side.
We’ve got one thing in the hole.
We both have the same problem.
They are in the same boat.