phrasals3 - Sheet1 Flashcards
grow away from
Become less friendly with
grow into
Develop or change over time to fit something. I think he will grow into the job.
grow out of
Lose interest as you grow older or become more mature.
hand back
hand down
pronounce formally. the judge handed down his decision
hang about
spend time somewhere not doing much.
hang around. hang out
stay in a place for fun
hang back
Not move forwards to avoid something.
hang back from
Delay or avoid doing something.
hang up
put down the telephone receiver.
hanker after
want something a lot, especially if you shouldn’t want it or have it.
have around
Entertain someone in your home
have on
wear. I did not even have a sweater on.
have over
Invite guests to your house. We would like to have you both for dinner sometime.
hit back
attack or criticize
hit on
1 flirt with. 2 discover by accident. I hit on the idea while watching clouds drift by.
hold against
have a grudge against someone, or little respect.
hold back
Restrain. Store security held the crowd back until the doors opened.
hold back
Not allow to advance in school.
hold back from
Not allow yourself to do something.
hold off
hold off on
hold on
tell someone to wait on the telephone.
hold out
Not give in, continue to resist.
hold up
delay ( a flight, traffic). Traffic was held up for an hour.
hold up
rob ( a bank, a person) with a weapon. Two masked men held the bank up at gunpoint yesterday.
horse around. monkey around
not be serious.
iron out
jack around
make trouble for someone, fail to keep promises.
jack up
To raise.
jump in
Enter a conversation.
keep back
maintain asafe distance, cause to maintain a safe distance.
keep down
not vomit, keep in one’s stomach
keep in
keep in a particular place, have something in a specific location. keep the keys in.
keep off
prevent from stepping or climbing on to something.
keep over
Cover something with, put something above. I keep a cover over my computer.
keep to
Continue, persist in. Everybody said Joe would quit his job, but he has kept to it.
keep up
stay on the required schedule
kick back
sit or lie back to relax.
kick up. kick around.
knucle under
Submit to authority.
lay down
establish (law,rules). The boss lays down the law on the worksite. Safety first.
lay into. lay in on
scold or criticize severely.
lay out
Arrange. lay your clothes out.
leave out
Not include, omit
let down
lengthen. I got my mother to let my pants down.
let out
let out
Make bigger (in sewing)
let up
weaken in intensity
lie down
rest, recline
lie down on
rest, recline
lie with
Be decided by
live down
live in a way that a shameful or embarassing event is forgotten.
live through
Experience different times.
look back
Think about the past.
look back on
to remember nostalgically.
look over
Examine review.
look up
Locate and visit. I tried to look Joe up when I was in NY.
make into
Change something into something else.
make out
Kiss passionately.
make out
make out
Decipher, comprehend.
make out
make out
Write a check or other document. Who should I make this check out to.
make out with
Kiss someone passionately
make over
- Change appearance. The beauty salon gave her a make over.
make up
make up
Complete what was missed.
Mark out from
Stand out because of certain qualities.
Measure it against
Evaluate or judge by comparison.
mess about
not be serious, not use something properly.
mess around
Not be serious, play with something
mill around
walk around without going anywhere.
mix up
make lively. Let’s mix this party up with some trance music.
mooch around
spend time doing little or nothing
mope about. mope around
move around being miserable.
Muscle into
Become involved even though there is opposition to your involvement.
nod off
fall asleep.
nose about
look for something hidden or secret
nose around
look closely at things.
nose around
look for evidence
out to
try to
pan out
be successful, turn out well.
pass by
go past without stopping.
pass off
try to convince someone that something is real. He tried to pass himself off as a real doctor.
pass on
not accept
pass on
pass on
transmit. pass the message on
pass out
become unconcious.
pass out. give out
Pass through
Visit a place without stopping or only stopping briefly.
pass up
not take advantage (of an opportunity)
pay into
deposit money. paid money into.
pay off
To bribe
pick * up
Learn something without effort. I don’t speak Spanish but I hope to pick some up when I go to Mexico on holiday.
pick on
To tease, bully.
pick out
pick throuch
Search something that is disordered for something.
pick up
try to initiate a relationship with someone (often in a bar)
pick up after
tidy a mess someone else had made
pick* up
To lift an object with the hands. Can you help me pick the bag up.