five Flashcards
She had better turn over a new leaf.
She needs to change her ways
He’s got me turned on.
He has me excited about that.
Don’t just twiddle your thumbs.
Get to work!
I put her under your wings.
She will report to you.
He is up to something.
He is doing something secretly.
Don’t get up in arms.
There is no need to get excited or upset.
He’ll upstage us.
He’ll do better than us
We won’t wait on them.
We are going ahead and not wait for them.
They’ll walk all over you.
They will take advantage of you
He’s walking on air.
He is really excited.
You’re walking on thin ice.
You may fail at any moment.
He will just warm the bench.
He will sit by while we work.
Don’t wash your dirty linen in public.
Don’t tell your bad points to others.
Y ou’ll just be wasting your breath.
Don’t bother, they won’t listen.
The wear and tear will defeat us.
The effort is not worth the rewards.
Y ou’ll wear out your welcome.
Don’t stay too long.
I’ll pay you when my ship comes in.
When I get rich I’ll pay you.
We just have to weather the storm.
Keep working in rough times.
I can see the writing on the wall.
I can sense that thing may be bad.
Let’s wind up this problem.
We need to finish this.
W e will agree word for word.
We agree exactly.
Just a word to the wise - Shut up!
Listen to me!
You just zip your lip.
Stop talking so much.
Keep your shirt on.
Don’t get so impatient.
They are pulling your leg.
They are playing a trick on you.
She is rolling in the dough.
She has lots of money.
He’s stinking rich.
He’s very wealthy.
We’ll make him the fall guy.
We will put the blame on him.
He will take the rap.
He will be the guilty one.
It’s a bum rap.
He is innocent.
She needs to change her ways
She had better turn over a new leaf.
He has me excited about that.
He’s got me turned on.
Get to work!
Don’t just twiddle your thumbs.
She will report to you.
I put her under your wings.
He is doing something secretly.
He is up to something.
There is no need to get excited or upset.
Don’t get up in arms.
He’ll do better than us
He’ll upstage us.
We are going ahead and not wait for them.
We won’t wait on them.
They will take advantage of you
They’ll walk all over you.
He is really excited.
He’s walking on air.
You may fail at any moment.
You’re walking on thin ice.
He will sit by while we work.
He will just warm the bench.
Don’t tell your bad points to others.
Don’t wash your dirty linen in public.
Don’t bother, they won’t listen.
Y ou’ll just be wasting your breath.
The effort is not worth the rewards.
The wear and tear will defeat us.
Don’t stay too long.
Y ou’ll wear out your welcome.
When I get rich I’ll pay you.
I’ll pay you when my ship comes in.
Keep working in rough times.
We just have to weather the storm.
I can sense that thing may be bad.
I can see the writing on the wall.
We need to finish this.
Let’s wind up this problem.
We agree exactly.
W e will agree word for word.
Listen to me!
Just a word to the wise - Shut up!
Stop talking so much.
You just zip your lip.
Don’t get so impatient.
Keep your shirt on.
They are playing a trick on you.
They are pulling your leg.
She has lots of money.
She is rolling in the dough.
He’s very wealthy.
He’s stinking rich.
We will put the blame on him.
We’ll make him the fall guy.
He will be the guilty one.
He will take the rap.
He is innocent.
It’s a bum rap.
You need to bend over backwards.
You need to try very hard.
You need to bite the bullet.
You need to endure a difficult situation.
Stick it out!
Endure a difficult situation!
They will bite the dust.
They will go down to defeat.
Has the cat got your tongue?
Can’t you talk?
They will have to cough up the money.
They will have to willingly come up with money.
It’s different strokes for different folks.
Everyone has different interests and tastes.
She’s dressed to kill.
She’s wearing her finest clothes.
He’s driving me up the wall.
He is annoying me greatly.
That’s duck soup.
That is very easy.
What is eating you?
What is annoying you?
Someone is feeding you a line.
Someone is deceiving you.
We can get it for a song.
We can get it for very little money.
We can get away clean.
We can escape punishment.
Don’t get in her hair.
Don’t bother her.
She will get the ax.
She will be fired.
We need to get the jump on them.
We need to get an advantage on them.
You should give it your best shot.
You should try your hardest.
We will give them the slip.
We will escape.
You need to try very hard.
You need to bend over backwards.
You need to endure a difficult situation.
You need to bite the bullet.
Endure a difficult situation!
Stick it out!
They will go down to defeat.
They will bite the dust.
Can’t you talk?
Has the cat got your tongue?
They will have to willingly come up with money.
They will have to cough up the money.
Everyone has different interests and tastes.
It’s different strokes for different folks.
She’s wearing her finest clothes.
She’s dressed to kill.
He is annoying me greatly.
He’s driving me up the wall.
That is very easy.
That’s duck soup.
What is annoying you?
What is eating you?
Someone is deceiving you.
Someone is feeding you a line.
We can get it for very little money.
We can get it for a song.
We can escape punishment.
We can get away clean.
Don’t bother her.
Don’t get in her hair.
She will be fired.
She will get the ax.
We need to get an advantage on them.
We need to get the jump on them.
You should try your hardest.
You should give it your best shot.
We will escape.
We will give them the slip.
He will go to bat for you.
He will support you all the way.
She is going to the dogs.
She is becoming rundown.
She’s got the world by the tail.
She’s happy and successful.
That’s a horse of a different color.
That’s an entirely different situation.
If the shoe fits - wear it.
If you are wrong admit it.
Don’t jump the gun.
Don’t be hasty.
Let’s kick up our heels.
Let’s celebrate.
This will knock their socks off.
This will enthuse and excite them.
We won’t leave them high and dry.
We won’t abandon them.
It is a lemon.
It is defective.
We need to make a splash.
We need to be successful and get their attention.
Money talks.
Money can influence people.
They don’t have a leg to stand on.
They have no defense for their actions.
We’ll put that on ice.
We’ll save that one for the future.
We are not out of the woods.
We are not out of danger.
He is on his last legs.
He is sick and failing fast.
He will support you all the way.
He will go to bat for you.
She is becoming rundown.
She is going to the dogs.
She’s happy and successful.
She’s got the world by the tail.
That’s an entirely different situation.
That’s a horse of a different color.
If you are wrong admit it.
If the shoe fits - wear it.
Don’t be hasty.
Don’t jump the gun.
Let’s celebrate.
Let’s kick up our heels.
This will enthuse and excite them.
This will knock their socks off.
We won’t abandon them.
We won’t leave them high and dry.
It is defective.
It is a lemon.
We need to be successful and get their attention.
We need to make a splash.
Money can influence people.
Money talks.
They have no defense for their actions.
They don’t have a leg to stand on.
We’ll save that one for the future.
We’ll put that on ice.
We are not out of danger.
We are not out of the woods.
He is sick and failing fast.
He is on his last legs.