phr1 - Sheet1 Flashcards
act up
Behave or function improperly.
answer back
To reply rudely to someone in authority.
ask after
enquire about someone’s health, how life is doing.
back down
stop defending your opinion in a debate.
back into
Enter a parking area in reverse gear. back the car into.
back out
not keep (a promise, agreement, deal).
back out of
Not keep (a promise, agreement,deal).
back up
move backwards, reverse.
bail out of
Run away from or avoid.
bang around
move in a place making a lot of noise.
barge into
Enter a place and interrupt people rudely.
bawl out
Criticize, reprimand.
be after
try to find or get
be along
Arrive. The next train should …. very soon.
be snowed under
Have too much work.
bear down on
Take strong measures against.
bear down on
bear on
Influence. The new law may bear on the planning of our project.
bear up
bear up under
bear with
be patient.
blow over
pass without creating a problem. The bosses mood will blow over in a few days.
blow up
Suddenly become very angry.
blow up
blow up
make explode; destroy using exclusives.
book into
Make a reservation in advance.
break down
analyze in detail
break in on
break into. break in
Enter a house unlawfully.
break off
end something.
break out
Use something extravagant for celebration. He broke out the champagne to celebrate.
break out
appear violently.
break through
Pass a barrier or obstacle.
break up
Disperse (a crowd), stop (a fight).
break up
Break into pieces. broke the chocolate up.
breeze along
Move easily and quickly
breeze into
Enter a place quickly
breeze through
Pass easily, succeed.
bring about
cause to happen.
bring around
change someone’s mind, convince someone.
bring back
Cause someone to remember.
bring off
Succeed at something difficult or unexpected. brought that off.
bring on
cause something. What brought that on?
bring out
highlight, stress.
bring over
Bring to someone’s house. Can you bring over those documents.
broke down
stop working properly
broke down
become mentally ill
broke in
brush off
ignore something or someone.
bump into
Meet by chance.
burn up
Be hot.
burn up
Destroy by fire
buy into
Accept an idea.
buy up
purchase the entire supply of something.
buzz around
Move quickly around a place.
call around. call in.
call off
call on
Invite someone to speak in a meeting or a classroom.
call up
telephone. call Joe up.
care for
like someone or something.
carry on
carry on about
continue in an annoying way.
carry on with . go on with. get on with
carry over
Continue on a subsequent day, page, etc.
carry through
sustain. They saved money to carry them through in their retirement.
catch on
slowly start to understand.
catch up
Make up for lost time.
catch up on
become up to date.
check by
go to a place to see if everything is OK.
check into
investigate, look for.
check through
Send luggage through (to a destination).
chew up
Chew into small pieces. The washing machine chewed up my new shirt. ripped
claw back
Recover or reclaim.
clean up
clear out
Leave. Everybody clear out.
clear up
close down
close permanently
close in on
Approach and threaten.
close up
Close temporarily
come across
initially seem or have the appearance.
come across
discover by accident
come along
come along with
come along with
come around
Recover conciousness
come around to
Agree with or accept something you had previously disapproved or disliked.
come by
get, receive.
come by
Visit a person in their house
come down with
become sick with.
come into
come off
Fall off, break off.
come out
Turn out, end up.
come over
Visit someone at their house.
come through
Do what is needed or expected. It was a tight deadline but Joe really came through in the end.
come to
regain conciousness.
come up against
encounter problems or difficulties.
come up to
approach; to equal.
contact out of
Formally leave an agreement.
count on
depend on , rely on, trust.
count out