four Flashcards
We are in full swing now.
We are all working full time on this.
We have more irons in the fire.
We have many other things to do.
He’s a jack-of-all-trades.
He has many talents.
Don’t jump down my throat.
Don’t criticize me so severely.
It’s just what the doctor ordered.
That is an excellent solution.
You keep the ball rolling.
Keep up your good efforts.
Now keep that under your hat.
Don’t tell this to anyone.
You keep plugging away.
Keep working to solve this.
That’s a kick in the pants.
That is a good encouragement.
Knock it off!
Stop doing that!
He’s about to kick the bucket.
He is about to die.
He knows the ropes.
He knows what he is doing.
That is the last straw.
He has made one error too many.
You need to let off some steam.
Don’t contain all your anger.
Don’t lie down on the job.
Keep working - don’t slow down.
She is a long shot to win.
She is not the most likely winner.
He’s a long-winded talker.
He talks and talks.
She looked daggers at him.
She gave him a look of disapproval.
Don’t look down on them.
Don’t think you are better than they are.
You’ll lose your shirt doing that.
You will lose everything.
That is a lost cause.
You cannot succeed.
We’ll lower the boom on them.
We will soundly defeat them.
That’ll make the fur fly.
That will get their attention.
She can’t make ends meet.
She spends more than she makes.
Make yourself at home.
Act as if this was your home.
He’s a man of his word.
He always keeps promises.
It’s a matter of life and death.
This is a very serious situation.
Your name is mud.
You will be thought of as a loser.
It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack.
It is a difficult thing to find.
She’s an old flame.
She’s a past girlfriend.
It happens once in a blue moon.
It will never happen.
It’s on the house.
You do not need to pay for it.
Be on the lookout for her.
Watch for her.
He’s on the bandwagon.
He has joined our side of the argument.
She’s on the ball.
She is very perceptive.
He’s out of date.
He is living in the past.
That is out of the question.
That idea is not acceptable.
Don’t go out on a limb.
Don’t make any commitments on that.
We’ll paint the town red.
We will go out to party.
He’ll just pass the buck.
He will blame someone else.
He passed out at the party.
He was so drunk he lost consciousness.
A penny for your thoughts.
What were you thinking just now?
He’ll just pick a fight.
He will provoke you into a fight.
I’m on pins and needles waiting.
I’m anxious to find out something.
We won’t play second fiddle to them.
We wiil not be in second place
You’ve got to pull yourself together.
Get organized and not so emotional.
He’d pinch pennies.
He is too careful with money
It’s just a play on words.
The meaning is not what the words say.
Everybody must pitch in.
All must help
We’ll polish them off.
We will defeat them all.
We are all working full time on this.
We are in full swing now.
We have many other things to do.
We have more irons in the fire.
He has many talents.
He’s a jack-of-all-trades.
Don’t criticize me so severely.
Don’t jump down my throat.
That is an excellent solution.
It’s just what the doctor ordered.
Keep up your good efforts.
You keep the ball rolling.
Don’t tell this to anyone.
Now keep that under your hat.
Keep working to solve this.
You keep plugging away.
That is a good encouragement.
That’s a kick in the pants.
Stop doing that!
Knock it off!
He is about to die.
He’s about to kick the bucket.
He knows what he is doing.
He knows the ropes.
He has made one error too many.
That is the last straw.
Don’t contain all your anger.
You need to let off some steam.
Keep working - don’t slow down.
Don’t lie down on the job.
She is not the most likely winner.
She is a long shot to win.
He talks and talks.
He’s a long-winded talker.
She gave him a look of disapproval.
She looked daggers at him.
Don’t think you are better than they are.
Don’t look down on them.
You will lose everything.
You’ll lose your shirt doing that.
You cannot succeed.
That is a lost cause.
We will soundly defeat them.
We’ll lower the boom on them.
That will get their attention.
That’ll make the fur fly.
She spends more than she makes.
She can’t make ends meet.
Act as if this was your home.
Make yourself at home.
He always keeps promises.
He’s a man of his word.
This is a very serious situation.
It’s a matter of life and death.
You will be thought of as a loser.
Your name is mud.
It is a difficult thing to find.
It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack.
She’s a past girlfriend.
She’s an old flame.
It will never happen.
It happens once in a blue moon.
You do not need to pay for it.
It’s on the house.
Watch for her.
Be on the lookout for her.
He has joined our side of the argument.
He’s on the bandwagon.
She is very perceptive.
She’s on the ball.
He is living in the past.
He’s out of date.
That idea is not acceptable.
That is out of the question.
Don’t make any commitments on that.
Don’t go out on a limb.
We will go out to party.
We’ll paint the town red.
He will blame someone else.
He’ll just pass the buck.
He was so drunk he lost consciousness.
He passed out at the party.
What were you thinking just now?
A penny for your thoughts.
He will provoke you into a fight.
He’ll just pick a fight.
I’m anxious to find out something.
I’m on pins and needles waiting.
We wiil not be in second place
We won’t play second fiddle to them.
Get organized and not so emotional.
You’ve got to pull yourself together.
He is too careful with money
He’d pinch pennies.
The meaning is not what the words say.
It’s just a play on words.
All must help
Everybody must pitch in.
We will defeat them all.
We’ll polish them off.
Will you pop the question?
Will you ask her to marry you?
He’s an apple polisher.
He tries to hard to please the boss.
I can pull strings.
I have some connections with the right people.
It’s just puppy love.
It is just infatuation.
Put on your thinking cap.
Give this some serious thought.
Let’s put our cards on the table.
Let’s be honest with each other.
You put the cart before the horse.
Put first things first.
That will put a feather in his cap.
This will be a credit to him.
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Don’t depend on just one thing.
It’s raining cats and dogs.
It is a heavy rain.
You’ve got to read between the lines.
Look at what they mean not what they say.
That rings the bell.
Now I remember.
Don’t rob the cradle.
She’s too young for you.
He’ll just rock the boat.
He will get everyone upset.
We’ve got lots of red tape.
All the government regulations are difficult.
It’s just a rip off.
They will cheat you.
He rubs me the wrong way.
I do not like his attitude.
As a rule of thumb I refuse.
Generally I refuse.
It’s pretty run down.
It is in bad condition.
He needs a security blanket.
He always needs reassurance.
Seeing is believing.
I only believe what I can see.
That’ll separate the men from the boys.
We will find out who is serious.
You’ve got them shaking in their boots.
They are afraid now.
You’ll have to sink or swim.
It will be win all or lose all now.
We are sitting pretty.
We are in a good position.
She slays me with that nonsense.
She disgusts me with those silly ideas.
Everything is ship shape.
Everything is in good order.
Why don’t you sleep on it?
Think about it tonight - let me know tomorrow.
W e just made small talk.
We didn’t talk about anything serious. Say what you think.
Go ahead and sound off.
Say what you think
He’s spaced out.
He is on drugs.
It will spread like wildfire.
This idea will be very popular.
They have stacked the deck.
We are not playing under even conditions.
They have stacked the cards.
They have cheated us to their advantage.
We will need to start from scratch.
We need to start at the beginning.
I don’t want to steal his thunder.
I will let him break the good news.
She tried to steal the spotlight.
She wants undeserved attention.
You must stick to your guns on that.
Your idea is good - stay with it
He’s just a stick-in-the-mud.
He is too old fashioned.
You won’t strike it rich.
This idea won’t make you rich.
You need to strike while the iron is hot.
Do it while the opportunity is right.
We won’t take a back seat to them.
We won’t be in second place to them
We’re in the driving seat.
We control the situation.
Our new project will soon take off.
It will be a great success.
You have to take your medicine.
If you did wrong you must pay.
You can take the floor.
It is your turn - speak.
You run with it.
The project is yours to make it a success.
Take your hat off to no one.
You are as good as anyone else.
We won’t take sides.
We will be neutral on this.
That is a tall story.
I don’t believe your explanation.
We’ll throw the book at them.
If they did wrong they must pay.
We will throw in the towel.
We give up.
We’ll throw in the sponge.
We give up.
We’ll throw a party.
We will have a party.
She’ll throw a fit.
She will be extremely upset.
We’ll hold them to the letter.
They will have to follow all the rules.
Remember that time marches on.
You are wasting time.
I think they will tie the knot.
They will get married.
We’re tickled to death about it.
We are very pleased.
They are afraid now.
You’ve got them shaking in their boots.
It will be win all or lose all now.
You’ll have to sink or swim.
We are in a good position.
We are sitting pretty.
She disgusts me with those silly ideas.
She slays me with that nonsense.
Everything is in good order.
Everything is ship shape.
Think about it tonight - let me know tomorrow.
Why don’t you sleep on it?
We didn’t talk about anything serious. Say what you think.
W e just made small talk.
Say what you think
Go ahead and sound off.
He is on drugs.
He’s spaced out.
This idea will be very popular.
It will spread like wildfire.
We are not playing under even conditions.
They have stacked the deck.
They have cheated us to their advantage.
They have stacked the cards.
We need to start at the beginning.
We will need to start from scratch.
I will let him break the good news.
I don’t want to steal his thunder.
She wants undeserved attention.
She tried to steal the spotlight.
Your idea is good - stay with it
You must stick to your guns on that.
He is too old fashioned.
He’s just a stick-in-the-mud.
This idea won’t make you rich.
You won’t strike it rich.
Do it while the opportunity is right.
You need to strike while the iron is hot.
We won’t be in second place to them
We won’t take a back seat to them.
We control the situation.
We’re in the driving seat.
It will be a great success.
Our new project will soon take off.
If you did wrong you must pay.
You have to take your medicine.
It is your turn - speak.
You can take the floor.
The project is yours to make it a success.
You run with it.
You are as good as anyone else.
Take your hat off to no one.
We will be neutral on this.
We won’t take sides.
I don’t believe your explanation.
That is a tall story.
If they did wrong they must pay.
We’ll throw the book at them.
We give up.
We will throw in the towel.
We give up.
We’ll throw in the sponge.
We will have a party.
We’ll throw a party.
She will be extremely upset.
She’ll throw a fit.
They will have to follow all the rules.
We’ll hold them to the letter.
You are wasting time.
Remember that time marches on.
They will get married.
I think they will tie the knot.
We are very pleased.
We’re tickled to death about it.