six Flashcards
We will play this one by ear.
We will improvise as we go along.
Put your money where your mouth is.
You must follow through with what you say.
They will raise a stink.
They will protest strongly.
We will have to scratch their back.
We will have to do them a favor.
They will sell you down the river.
They will betray you.
Don’t sell them short.
Don’t underestimate them.
You must shape up or ship out.
You must behave or leave.
Let’s just shoot the breeze.
Let’s just chat informally.
We are sitting pretty.
We are in a fortunate position.
They gave us a snow job.
It was insincere talk.
Don’t spill the beans.
Don’t reveal our secret.
Don’t spread yourself too thin.
Don’t become involved in too many things.
Don’t stick you neck out on this.
Don’t take too much risk.
This is straight from the horse’s mouth.
It is from a reliable source.
You must take the bull by the horns.
You must take decisive action.
You are talking through your hat.
You are making foolish statements.
I said it tongue in cheek.
I didn’t say it seriously.
What do they have up their sleeve?
What facts have they concealed?
She is a wet blanket.
She’s boring and spoils everyone’s fun.
She is tooting her own horn.
She is boasting.
Above all to thy own self be true.
First be honest to yourself.
After all’s said and done, more is said than done.
In the end there’s more talk than action.
He has fallen afoul of the law.
He is in conflict with the law.
It is all up in the air.
It is not been decided.
Be on the alert for danger.
Watch for danger.
That is up his alley.
It is compatible with his ability.
In that she stands alone.
She is unequaled
They will be along soon.
They will be here soon.
I will be able to get along.
I will be able to manage successfully.
All along I knew they would fail.
From the beginning I knew they would fail.
That will cost you and arm and a leg.
It will cost an extravagant amount.
They welcomed us with open arms.
They were very cordial.
We will improvise as we go along.
We will play this one by ear.
You must follow through with what you say.
Put your money where your mouth is.
They will protest strongly.
They will raise a stink.
We will have to do them a favor.
We will have to scratch their back.
They will betray you.
They will sell you down the river.
Don’t underestimate them.
Don’t sell them short.
You must behave or leave.
You must shape up or ship out.
Let’s just chat informally.
Let’s just shoot the breeze.
We are in a fortunate position.
We are sitting pretty.
It was insincere talk.
They gave us a snow job.
Don’t reveal our secret.
Don’t spill the beans.
Don’t become involved in too many things.
Don’t spread yourself too thin.
Don’t take too much risk.
Don’t stick you neck out on this.
It is from a reliable source.
This is straight from the horse’s mouth.
You must take decisive action.
You must take the bull by the horns.
You are making foolish statements.
You are talking through your hat.
I didn’t say it seriously.
I said it tongue in cheek.
What facts have they concealed?
What do they have up their sleeve?
She’s boring and spoils everyone’s fun.
She is a wet blanket.
She is boasting.
She is tooting her own horn.
First be honest to yourself.
Above all to thy own self be true.
In the end there’s more talk than action.
After all’s said and done, more is said than done.
He is in conflict with the law.
He has fallen afoul of the law.
It is not been decided.
It is all up in the air.
Watch for danger.
Be on the alert for danger.
It is compatible with his ability.
That is up his alley.
She is unequaled
In that she stands alone.
They will be here soon.
They will be along soon.
I will be able to manage successfully.
I will be able to get along.
From the beginning I knew they would fail.
All along I knew they would fail.
It will cost an extravagant amount.
That will cost you and arm and a leg.
They were very cordial.
They welcomed us with open arms.
I will get around to it soon.
I will be able to deal with it.
It is sold as is.
It’s sold with no guarantees.
Don’t turn your back on them.
Don’t reject them.
Don’t turn your back to her.
She can’t be trusted.
Don’t go back on your word.
Don’t fail to keep your promise.
It is in the bag.
We are assured of a successful outcome.
They arrived bag and baggage.
They arrived with all their belongings
Keep on the ball.
Be alert, competent and efficient.
He is off base.
He is badly mistaken.
Right off the bat they fought.
Immediately they fought.
We will go to bat for them.
We will assist them.
Bear in mind their finances.
Remember their finances.
Please, bear with me!
Please, understand my situation!
We will need to tighten our belt.
We must become thriftier.
You bet we will go.
Certainly we will go.
Between you and me they won’t do it.
In strictest confidence, they won’t do it.
He is big on meat and potatoes.
He likes meat and potatoes.
We expect to make it big.
We expect to be very successful.
It will fill the bill.
It will meet all our requirements.
We did it bit by bit.
We did it little by little.
They will try to put the bite on us.
They will try to borrow money from us.
We are now in the black.
We are now profitable.
The company is on the block.
The company is for sale.
They are blowing hot and cold.
They are changing their minds.
He is just blowing off steam.
He is just venting his anger.
It came from out of the blue.
It was totally unexpected.
The new changes are across the board.
It will affect all divisions and groups.
I feel it in my bones.
I have a premonition about this.
That is one for the books.
That is something entirely new.
He has been hitting the bottle.
He has begun to drink (alcohol) to excess.
That is out of bounds.
That is beyond your limits
Don’t burn the bridges behind you.
Keep the possibility of retreat.
He had money to burn.
He had lots of money.
We will go by and by.
We will go in a little while.
By and large they are honest.
For the most part they are honest.
That was a close call.
It was a narrow escape.
He burns the candle at both ends.
He spends too much energy in all directions.
She can’t hold a candle to her friend.
She is not nearly as good as her friend.
Put your cards on the table.
Be frank about your motives and intentions.
He’s got a card up his sleeve.
He has a secret plan in reserve
She can’t be trusted.
Don’t turn your back to her.
Don’t fail to keep your promise.
Don’t go back on your word.
We are assured of a successful outcome.
It is in the bag.
They arrived with all their belongings
They arrived bag and baggage.
Be alert, competent and efficient.
Keep on the ball.
He is badly mistaken.
He is off base.
Immediately they fought.
Right off the bat they fought.
We will assist them.
We will go to bat for them.
Remember their finances.
Bear in mind their finances.
Please, understand my situation!
Please, bear with me!
We must become thriftier.
We will need to tighten our belt.
Certainly we will go.
You bet we will go.
In strictest confidence, they won’t do it.
Between you and me they won’t do it.
He likes meat and potatoes.
He is big on meat and potatoes.
We expect to be very successful.
We expect to make it big.
It will meet all our requirements.
It will fill the bill.
We did it little by little.
We did it bit by bit.
They will try to borrow money from us.
They will try to put the bite on us.
We are now profitable.
We are now in the black.
The company is for sale.
The company is on the block.
They are changing their minds.
They are blowing hot and cold.
He is just venting his anger.
He is just blowing off steam.
It was totally unexpected.
It came from out of the blue.
It will affect all divisions and groups.
The new changes are across the board.
I have a premonition about this.
I feel it in my bones.
That is something entirely new.
That is one for the books.
He has begun to drink (alcohol) to excess.
He has been hitting the bottle.
That is beyond your limits
That is out of bounds.
Keep the possibility of retreat.
Don’t burn the bridges behind you.
He had lots of money.
He had money to burn.
We will go in a little while.
We will go by and by.
For the most part they are honest.
By and large they are honest.
It was a narrow escape.
That was a close call.
He spends too much energy in all directions.
He burns the candle at both ends.
She is not nearly as good as her friend.
She can’t hold a candle to her friend.
Be frank about your motives and intentions.
Put your cards on the table.
He has a secret plan in reserve
He’s got a card up his sleeve.