Threatened Miscarriage Flashcards
-where your periods regular?
-did u use contraception>ocp>5months stopped>regular periods since then
-any bleeding since lmp
-ask about bleed> how much, still bleed
-pelvic pain
-breast discomfort tenderness
-blood group rh-ve
examination finding?
-pelvic exam : cervix closed, blood in vaigina
-uterus : size, position
-adnexal tenderness
-UPT now again
-blood group rh
-first you will require an USS
confirm gestation, size, sac, liquor volume, presence of heart beat.
required to confirm diagnosis
if heart beat present, and in uterus diagnosis threatened miscarriage, with good prospect of viable pregnancy
Hb, indirect coombs>if negative>anti-D if abortion
immediate management