Is it a breech deliver doctor?
yes according the findings your baby is in breech deliver?
questions to ask
-whats your prefereable mode of delivery
-tell me about your previous pregnancy
(NVD with 41 weeks although child was 4)
-ANC course? normal
-any family hx of DM or other problems
-this is a breech presentation in labour
-type is a extended breech which is favourable, so we can attempt for vaginal delivery as you are not keen on CS
not needed as previous pregnancy no issues, second baby maybe larger but because b4 date can expect to be smaller
required, chance of cord prolapse, vaginal exam after membrane rupture to exclude prolapse,
diccicult to arrange urgently, but of value if diagnosed previous to check fetal size, presentation, extension of neeck
indicated if slow progress, CTG abnormal 1st stage,
-overall successful outcome can be expected, but 305 percent chance of problems in latter stages of delivering arms legs
Vaginal delivery?
-risk to baby higher than c section