Thoracic Wall chp 23/mediastinum chp 24 Flashcards
Sternum (breast bone)
Flat bone, anterior midline of thorax. Consists of manubrium, body, xiphoid process
Superior sternum, jugular notch, articulates w first 2 costal cartilage and clavicles
middle sternum, long, narrow, thin, articulates w cc of ribs 2-7, has sternal angle (imp landmark for counting ribs)
Xiphoid process
small, variable, inferior sternum, has epigastric fossa - pit of stomach - ant. Has xiphisternal joint
Ribs (costae)
12 pairs, flat, course ant/inf - head to body, neck, tubercle to transverse process, body, angle, anterior end articulates w costal cartilage
Costal groove
Inf shaft of rib, VAN (sup to inf)
1-7 / 8-12 / 11-12
Costal margin / infrasternal angle
cc of 7 - 10 / intersection of costal margin at xiphisternal joint
Superior / inferior thoracic aperature
upper border of sternum and first ribs, great vessels and visceral ascend and descend btw thorax and neck / diaphragm, IVC, esophagus and aorta
External intercostal muscles
11, inf to sup, external intercostal membrane at costochondral jxn Elevation = Inspiration
Intercostal (T1-T6) and thoracoabdominal (T7-T11)
Internal intercostal muscles
sup to inf - internal intercostal membrane at intercostal spaces Expiration Intercostal (T1-T6) and thoracoabdominal (T7-T11)
Innermost intercostal muscles
11, same O, I, and N as internal, separated by internal vessels and nerves by neurovascular plane
Thoracic nerves
12, traverse intervertebral foramen, divide into ventral and dorsal rami
Dorsal rami
post, into medial and lateral branches
Ventral rami
largest, forward into intercostal spaces,
T1 - T6 = intercostal nerves (proper)
T7 - T11 = Thoracoabdominal nerves
T12 = subcostal nerve