Thoracic And Abdominal Regions Flashcards
Key Landmarks:
Sternum: jugular notch, body of sternum, xiphoid process
Nipple line: t4 dermatome level
Pectoralis Major
Serratus Anterior
Bones of the thoracic region consist of
12 pairs of thoracic ribs
12 pairs of costal cartilages
12 thoracic vertebrae
12 intervertebral discs
- sternum, mandibruim, xiphoid process, jugular notch, clavicular notch
Intercostal spaces- in between ribs and cartilages - contains intercostal muscles, vessels and nerves
Three classes of ribs
True ribs - (vertebrosterno ribs) 1st-7th ribs. These ribs attach directly onto the sternum via their costal cartilages
False ribs- (vertebrochondral ribs) 8th-10th ribs. Connected only by cartilage to the rib superior to them.
Floating (free) ribs - 11th and 12th ribs and end in posterior abdominal musculature
Typical rib parts (thoracic 3-9)
Head of rib
Superior and inferior facet
Neck of rib
Tubercle of rib
Body of rib
Joints of the thoracic region
Costovertebral joints - synovial joint - plane. Head of rib with facet of corresponding vertebrae. Radiate ligament strengthens joint capsule. Ex - 7th rib will articulate with superior t7
Costotransverse joints - synovial joint - plane. Tubercle of rib with transverse process of corresponding vertebrae. Lateral costrottransverse ligament: superior and lateral strengthens joint capsule. Ex - 7th rib with articulate with t7 transverse process
Movements - elevation and depression
Muscles of the thoracic wall are all innervated by the
Intercostal nerve
All three intercostals
External - elevates ribs during forced inspiration; internal and innermost - elevates and depresses of ribs during forced respiration
Transverse Thoracis
Action : depression of ribs
Serratus Posterior Inferior
Action : elevation of ribs
Serratus Posterior Inferior
Action : depression of ribs
-separated thorax from abdomen
-innervated by phrenic nerves
- inspiration diaphragm increases vertical dimension - also causes rib cage to expand and become wider
- expiration diaphragm becomes narrow
Intercostal space - external intercostal, internal intercostal, innermost intercostal
Intercostal nerves - come from ventral rami of t1-t11 spinal nerves. t12 is a spinal nerve of subcostal nerves
Intercostal arteries
Intercostal veins
Intercostal muscles
Surface view of abdomen (know for netter)
Rectus abdominus
External oblique
Linea Alba
Abdomen is bound by diaphragm (superiorly) pelvis cavity (inferiorly) and abdominal walls
Muscles of abdomen
- external oblique
Innervation - thoracoabdominal and subcostal nerves
Actions - compress and support abdominal viscera; flex and rotate trunk
Muscles of abdomen
- internal oblique
Innervation - thoracoabdominal nerves
Actions - compress and support abdominal viscera: flex and rotate trunk