Thigh Leg and Foot 2 Flashcards
Where does the sartorius muscle originate and insert and what does it do?
Originates at ASIS and inserts at medial border of tibial tuberosity.
It flexes the thigh and leg
Where does the rectus femoris originate and insert and what is its action?
Origin: Acetabular groove and anterior inferior iliac spine
Inserts on tibial tuberosity
Flexes thigh and extends the leg
What are the muscles of the quadriceps?
Vastus medialis intermedius and lateralis
Rectus femoris (Only quadricaeps muscle to cross the hip joint)
Where does vastus intermedius originate?
Shaft of the femur
Where does vastus lateralus originate?
Greater trochanter and linea aspira of the femur
Where does vastus medialis originate?
Intertrochanteric line and linea aspira of femur
Where does the long head originate and insert and what does it do?
Originates at ischial tuberosity and inserts at fibula and lateral tibial condyle.
It acts to flex the leg and extend the thigh
Where do all the hamstring muscles originate?
At the ischial tuberosity
Which head of the hamstrings crosses both the hip and knee joint?
The lateral long head
Where does the short head originate and insert?
Linea aspira and inserts onto fibula and lateral tibial condyle
Which medial head is more fleshy?
The semimembranosis
Where does the semitendinosus originate and insert?
Originates at ischial tuberosity and inserts onto medial shaft of the tibia.
It flexes the leg and extends the thigh
Where does the semimembranosus originate and insert?
Originates at ischial tuberosity and inserts onto medial condyle of the tibia and it flexes leg and extends the thigh
What are the adductor muscles? (From most superior to most inferior insertion on the humerus)
Adductor brevis
Adductor longus
Where does the pectineus originate and insert and what does it do?
Origin: Pectineal surface
Insertion: Pectineal line of femur
Action: flexes and adducts the thigh
What do the adductor muscles do besides adducting the thigh?
They also flex the thigh (Except adductor magnus)
Where does adductor longus originate and insert and what does it do?
Origin: Pubic crest and symphysis
Insertion: Linea aspera of femur
Action: Flexes and adducts the thigh
Where does adductor brevis originate and insert?
Origin: Inferior ramus of pubis
Insertion: Linea aspera of femur
Action: Flexes and adducts the thigh
Where does adductor magnus originate and insert? What does it do?
Origin: Ischial tuberosity and ischio pubic ramus
Insertion: Linea aspira and adductor tubercle of femur
Action: Extends and adducts the thigh
What does adductor magnus create with its insertion points?
Adductor hiatus
Where does gracilis originate and insert?
Origin: Symphysis pubis
Insertion: Medial shaft of the tibia
Action: Flexes and adducts the thigh
What is adduction and abduction with regards to the foot?
Adduction towards midline of the foot
Abduction away from midline of the foot
Where does the tibialis anterior originate and insertion and action?
Origin: Lateral condyle and shaft of tibia
Insertion: 1st cuneiform and 1st metatarsal
Action: Dorsiflexion and inverts foot
What is the origin and insertion of extensor hallucis longus?
Origin: Shaft of fibula
Insertion: Distal phalanx of hallux
Action: Extends hallux
What is the origin and insertion of extensor digitorum longus?
Origin: Lateral condyle and shaft of the tibia
Insertion: Middle and distal phalanges of digits 2 - 5
Action: Extends digits 2 - 5
What are the muscles of the lateral compartment?
Fibularis/Peroneus longus
Fibularis/Peroneus brevis
Fibularis/Peroneus tertius
What are the muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg?
Tibialis anterior
Extensor hallucis longus
Extensor digitorum longus
What is the origin and insertion of peroneus longus?
Origin: Lateral tibial condyle and shaft of fibula
Insertion: 1st cuneiform and 1st metatarsal
Action: Plantar flexion and eversion of foot (it runs behind ankle and under foot to tarsal bones)
What is the origin and insertion of peroneus brevis?
Origin: Shaft of fibula
Insertion: Metatarsal 5
Action: Plantar flexion and eversion of foot (also runs behind ankle but doesn’t go under foot and instead ends at metatarsal 5)
What is the origin and insertion of peroneus tertius?
Origin: Shaft of fibula
Insertion: Metatarsal 5
Action: Dorsiflexes foot (passes in front of ankle)
What are the muscles of the posterior compartment?
Tibialis posterior
What is the origin and insertion of the gastrocnemeus?
Origin: Medial and lateral femoral condyle
Insertion: Calcaneal tuberosity
Action: Plantar flexes foot and flexes leg (more type 2 fibers and is designed for power movements)
What is the origin and insertion and action of soleus?
Origin: Head of fibula and soleal line of tibia
Insertion: Calcaneal tuberosity
Action: Plantar flexes foot
What is the origin and insertion and action of plantaris?
Origin: Lateral femoral condyle and supracondylar line
Insertion: Joins calcaneal tendon
Action: Insignificant plantar flexion
Is plantaris an important muscle?
No it is inconsistent. (Only some people have it)
What is the origin and insertion and action of popliteus?
Origin: Lateral femoral condyle
Insertion: Medial shaft of the tibia
Action: Tibial medial rotation to unlock tibia from full extension of knee.
What is the origin and insertion and action of tibialis posterior?
Origin: Interosseus membrane, tibia and fibula
Insertion: Navicular and cuneiforms 1 - 3
Action: Inverts foot
What are the tendons that pass through the medial maleolus in order of most superficial to deepest?
TDH (Tom Dick and Harry)
Tibialis Posterior
Flexor Digitorum Longus
Flexor Hallucis longus
Where do TDH muscles originate?
On shaft of the fibula
What are the intrinsic muscles of the foot?
Extensor hallucis brevis
Extensor digitorum brevis
What are the contents of the first layer of plantar muscles?
Abductor for the big toe (Abductor hallucis)
Flexor for the digits (Flexor digitorum brevis)
Abductor for the little toe (abductor digiti minimi)
What are the contents of the second layer of plantar muscles?
Quadratus plantae
Lumbricals (flex the toes)
How are the toes prevented from moving medially despite the medial attachment of the tendons?
Tendons attach to the medial side of the toes so simultaneous contraction of the extensor digitorum longus occurs with it
What are the contents of the third layer of plantar muscles?
Flexor hallucis brevis
Adductor hallucis
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
What are the contents of the fourth layer of plantar muscles?
Dorsal interossei (DAB = dorsal interossei abduct)
Plantar interossei (Adduct)
How does the femoral nerve travel through the leg? What does it innervate?
Passes through inguinal ligament to anterior thigh and innervates quadriceps, sartorius and first of the abductors, pectineus.
How does the lateral cutaneous nerve travel?
Around iliac crest and innervates skin of hip and lateral thigh
How does the obturator nerve travel?
medial thigh through obturator foramen and innervates adductor muscles
What 2 nerves are contained in the sciatic nerve?
Common peroneal (fibular) nerve
Tibial nerve (medial and lateral plantar branches)
Which of the 2 nerves within the sciatic nerve innervate the hamstrings?
The tibial nerve
Where does the tibial nerve travel after bifurcating?
Through the popliteal fossa
What happens to the peroneal nerve after the sciatic nerve bifurcates?
It bifurcates again to form the deep and superficial fibular nerves
How does the tibial nerve reach the foot?
It passes through the medial malleolus
What does the femoral artery split into?
Profunda femoral artery
Lateral femoral circumflex
Medial femoral circumflex
When does external iliac artery become the femoral artery?
At the inguinal canal
What does the femoral artery become after producing the medial and lateral circumflex arteries?
Profunda femoral artery
What does the femoral artery become after the adductor hiatus (formed by adductor magnus)?
Popliteal artery
What does the popliteal artery split into just below the knee?
Anterior and posterior (major tributary) tibial arteries
Popliteal artery
How does the posterior tibial artery get to the foot?
It passes through the medial malleolus and forms an anastomosis with anterior tibial
How does anterior tibial artery travel to the foot?
Travels through anterior compartment near interosseus membrane
What does the fibular artery supply?
The lateral compartment of the leg
What are the 2 types of venous return from the leg?
Deep return (popliteal vein, femoral vein, and external iliac vein)
Superficial return (Small sand great saphenous veins)
How does deep venous return of blood from the leg work?
Goes to the adductor hiatus to form the femoral vein and then external iliac vein at inguinal canal.
How does superficial venous return of blood from the leg work?
Blood from lateral side of the leg -> small saphenous -> popliteal vein
Great saphenous -> femoral vein just before inguinal canal