thermedorian reaction Flashcards
When was the Law of prarial repealed
June 1795
When did the Jacobin Club close
Nov 1794
What percentage of CPS were replaced monthly
When was freedom of faith restored
21st Feb 1795
When was Law of maximum repealed
December 1794
What was the nature of the Rising of Germinal
country suffering economically- inflation (assignats fell to 10% of original value), 1794 harvests failed, 1794,1795 winter was harsh
- 10,000 unarmed people demonstrated against convention
- demanded return to 1793 constitution
- NG supported the convention
- orchestrated by sans culottes
What was the rising of Priarial
- armed uprising
- housewives, workers and some NG
- 20,000 NG and gunners from the regular army joined the rebels and forced the convention to submit a food commission
- convention used majority of army to suppress rising
How many people were killed in the rising of prairial
42 NG and 6 deputies executed, 36 gunners killed and 600 millitants arrested
What was the white terror
-attack on those who had done well out of the revolution (purchasers of land, constitutional clergy, gov officials and sans culottes)
Nature of the white terror in Paris
- led by the gilded youth
- middle class sons of those executed
- dressed extravagantly
- formed gangs and beat up members of the sans culottes and jacobins
- not violence on the same scale as the terror
Nature of the white terror in Vendee
- Chouan- guereilla groups operating in the Vendee
- groups attacked grain convoys and sought to destabilise local gov
Nature of the white terror in the south
- little effort was made in the convention to sort out the south
- most savage in regions where terror had hit worst (eg Lyon)
- 2000 were killed as the violence continued through 1796-7
When was the revolutionary tribunal reorganised and what was the effect
10th August 1794- number of guillotinings decreased significantly
What was the Law of Revolutionary Government
provided a complete reorganisation of gov and administration away from the highly centralised structure of the terror
What was the structure of the new revolutionary government
- revolutionary committees were reduced to one per department
- central gov was put in the hands of 16 committees
- new representants-en-mission were dispatched to the provinces to oversee these changes and ensure that Jacobins were removed from positions of authority
When and in what way did the church and state become separate
18th September 1794- state stopped paying clerical salaries which ended ‘constitutional church’
Further measures that reduced the terror further in 1795
February- toleration of all religions was proclaimed (although some restrictions on catholic practices remained)
April- representants-en-mission were abolished
May- revolutionary tribunal was abolished
October- law suspects officially repealed
Three prominent thermidorians
What was the assignats replaced by on 15th August 1795
When was the rising of Vendemiaire
5th october 1795
What was the nature of the rising of Vendemiaire
- royalist uprising
- believed that the plebiscite held in Sep had been rigged
- demonstrations led by muscadins, factory and property owners who despaired of a republican gov
- 25,000 armed Parisians marched to the convention
- Nap took command of the republics 5000-6000 troops
- armed royalists outnumbered the republicans 6 to 1
- Nap used a 400 cannon and around 300 royalists killed