Theriogenology Flashcards
Quirox -Castro - BoHV-1 virus detection in genital organs
BoHV-1 detected in utrerus of all seroporitive cows. Virus not detected in seronegative cows.
FIlho- pregnancy associated glycoproteins for PD at 24d
Serum conc of PAG at day 24 >0.33ng/ml and >0.54 in heifers was 95% accurate for PD status at day 30
Heifers that had late embryonic death had lower PAG levels at day 24 - didnt work for cows
Sefi-Jamadi - Seasonal differences on semen quality and embryos BB bulls
Higher sperm conc at lower THI (volume,motility, total output not affected)
Freezethawed semen - motility affected, viability and velocity were lower in high THI
De Lima - Induction of puberty long acting P4 injection
Induction with P4 hasten puberty and lead to preg success in prepubertal heifers like pubertal heifers
Schlegl - Post insemination cepharin IU
Cepharin tx 6h post AI didnt alter preg rates
Dahl - MAstitis and parity effects on preg loss
Impact of mastitis on pregancy loss is higher in older cows (parity >3)
Ryan - increased calcium inclusion in acidified pp diet = better uterine health and fertility
Cows fed acidified, calcium supp diet = better uterine environment
Tuska - effect of elective c section on colostrum in BB cows
Primiparous animals- neg impact on colostrum volume
Time in c section = significant effect on colostrum volume
Summer - negative impact on colostrum volume
No significant effects on colostrum quality
Besbaci - NSAID on PR embryo transfer
NSAID = higher preg from ET (15%)
NSAID in hard to pass catheter cows = bigger effect (71%)
Silva - Progesterone profile and follicles using CIDR
Greater circulating P4 with PRID>CIDR
No effect on DF diameter and follicular growth rate
Higher circulating P4 = slower DF growth rate
Romano - Effect of fasting pre EEJ
Fasted group - higher % penis extrusion, erection and ejaculation
Reduction in bladder size
Oliviera - Lepto embryonic death in herds with repro disorders
High seroactivity = more repro problems
Prominance of Sejroe = embryo death, ictohaemorrhagicum = abortion
Loureiro - repro syndrome with lepto?
Poor conception rates
Loureiro - Where does lepto colonise in bovine genital leptospirosis
Ianuzzi - Sperm telomere length and association with semen quality
Associated with increased motility and facilitates chomosonal alignment during meiosis
Reddy - how to detect BHoV-1 in bovine semen?
PCR on semen sample for IBR DNA
***Not all infected bulls will shed IBR virus
Menegassi - Evaluation of scrotal circumference
Scrotal circumference predicts puberty (28cm - puberty)
Maximum scrotal circ in HEF and AA bulls at 600kg
Ernstberger - Prediction of conception post endometritis
Cows with vaginal discharge or truperella dx had lower CR at all DIM
Yamanda - 3 methods of castration of Nalore bulls
April 21
Immunological castration is a viable alternative to surgical - less invasive, better welfare and less stress
McCarthy - Age at first calving of contract reared vs home bred heifers
Jan 22
Rearing strategy did not significantly affect heifer AFC
Viana - Immunisation against GnRH as a method for cystic ovarian dz
June 21
Anti GnRH vaccine effective at inducing the regression of follicular cysts as well as luteal
El-Sherbiny - Platelet rish plasma to semen extender
Oct 22
PRP enhanced cryotolerence and fertilising potential
Wilke Deniz - PGF2a at moment of AI using sexed semen or conventional semen
Aug 21
Administration of PGF2a at timed AI increased the fertility of cows that didnt display oestrus independant of semen type
Ioannis - Age, gest and heat stress on ghrelin secretion
Sept 21
Ghrelin lower in summer cf winter
lactation induced altered metabolic status of animal governs ghrelin at gestational stages
Ghai - Allogenic umbilical stem cells effectiveness at alleviating subclinical mastitis
May 22
IV and local route admin of stem cells safe and efficacious for alleviating subclinical mastitis in dairy cows
Shahat - Amelioration of heat stress induced damage to testes and sperm
Sept 2020