JDS Flashcards
What did Malik et al say about heat treatment of colostrum
April 22
Low heat treatment <60C..
* decreased COLOSTRAL IgG by 5.38g/l
* increased SERUM IgG by 2.65g/l
* incraesed SERUm TP by 0.21 g/dL
Buckzinzki et al and the use of ATP luminometry to assess cleanliness of equipment for colostrum feeding
Feb 22
<1000RLU vs >1000RLU associated with hygeine and health dimension
Buckzinski et al on calfhood respiratory disease and the effect on performance
Jul 21
- Heifers with BRD 2.85X odds of dying
- 2.3x odds of herd removal before 1st calving
- ADLWG down by 0.067kg/day
- Produced 121.2l less in 1st lactation
Haagen et al - genetic parameters for FPT
Feb 21
- Heritability of STP 0.06-0.08
- Heritability of FPT 0.08-0.11
- STP is heritable and favourably correlated with health/calving and production
Kessler et al - Comparative estimation of colostrum qual across species
Feb 21
- Bovine highest in IgG conc
- Sheep higher in fat and protein
- goat - highest lactose
- Brix highly correlated with IgG and protein conc
- 19.3% cows
- 26.5% sheep
- 20.7% does
Goetz - ID biomarkers for morb and mort and ADLWG in veal calves
Jan 21
- High haptoglobin and molybedenum = inc morbidity
- higher weight high CK and IgG = reduced morbidity
- higher weight high cholesterol and high IgG = reduced mortality
- High weight, cholesterol, copper, CK, iron and IgG = inc ADLWG
- high zinc and haptoglobin = reduced ADLWG
Clark et al on meloxicam neonatal calves - IgG and performance
Dec 20
- No affect on IgG uptake
- No affect on BW
- meloxicam calves consumed more starter feed
Setser- microchips for temperature
Oct 20
Implant sites and rectal temp do not correlate in vivo studys
Goetz - transport and age on biochemical variables
April 23
- Inc NEFA and BHB in 12h journeys cf 6h
- Glucose lower after 16h journey cf 6h
- Older calves - more acidotic on long journeys
Pisoni - biomarkers to determine colostrum provision
Jan 23
GGT and TP were still good indicators of colostrum uptake post 14d age
Roder - Transdermal flunixin on blood cortisol disbudding
April 22
- TD flunixin given at the time of disbudding with LA decreased plasma cortisol
- TD flunixin given 6h later - no effect
Morin- colostrum management and FPT
April 21
- Odds of adequate PT 2.6x higher when fed >2.5litres colostrum
- 2.9x higher when colostrum >24.5% brix
- 1.6x higher when colostrum recieved within 3 h birth
- TBC and TCC not associated in final models with adequate PT
Mitchell - soybean hulls replaced by grass hay on calf performance
- increasing grass hay >8% of SBH is detrimental
- 8% GH and 16% soy bean hull = optimised rumen functionality and feed efficiency
Jouruqin - sublincial and chronic pneumonia effects of AB therapy and outcomes on adg and ccw
Jan 23
- quick thoracic ultrasound and BAL provide good information
- chronic pneumonia - lower ADG cf no pneumonia
- full cure - lower ADG than no pneumonia
- consolodation - lead to higher liklihood of chronic pneumonia and lower ADG
- Chronic pneumonia - lower cold carcass weight
Ansari- fennel seed and oregano on calf growth and health
Aug 22
- FSP and OLP beneficial on growth and health (FSP>OLP)
- 57 calves in trial
- Supp decreased duration of diarrhoea/BRD but not frequency
Cuttance- Suckling behaviours of calves at pasture
Jul 22
- 63.7% calves suckled in calving paddock
- 58% suckled within 6h birth
- time to standing, calves born to younger dams, frequency of collection (once daily = more calves suckled)
- Very large variability
Kekana - prepartum use of Moringa leaf meal (Molm) on dam health and colostrum quality
Jul 22
- MOLM fed cows - inc IgG in colostrum
- MOLM colostrum higher in composition
- Calves MOLM cows- higher birth blood glucose
Bowen - early prediction of BRD in preweaned calves using behaviour and feeding
Nov 21
High spec 0.95/mod sens 0.54 for disease using movememnt analysis AND feeding activity
van Keulen - postpartum collection time and colostrum quality on PT and intestinal development
Nov 21
- 75% early collected calves 58% late collected calves had APT
- High qual colostrum fed calves had increased SA of duodenum and jejunim
- villus height to crypt depth higher in high qual colostrum
- ADLWG higher in high qual colostrum
- time for collection not as many affects as quality of colostrum fed
Chishti - starch protein interaction in the rumen of weaned dairy calves
May 21
- High protein and high starch diet had best overall digestibilty
Jafari- physical form of starter feed and effect on growth and performance
Dec 20
- finely ground and textured starter feeds can be used when calves are fed high milk allowance
- high milk allowance had a positive effect vs low milk allowance
Mahendra - calf management practices and perceptions of housing in the UK
Jan 22
- Majority of farms dont provide new bedding daily (65%)
- few disinfect housing (38%) and ground (47%) between calves
- bull euth and waste milk feeding happen on some farms still
- restricted milk feeding common milk replcement powder (52%) twice daily (87%)
- vets involved day to day 1.4%
Conboy - How good are modifications of feeding behaviour for health monitoring of calves
Sensitivity is good (78-84%) to ID calves with d+/BRD/general malaise
Specificity is bad (21-26%) clinical exam is needed
Cantor - Effect of colostrum replacer as a neutraceutical
Reduction in BRD but no effect on diarrhoea
Liu - Tributyrim supplementation of pastuerised milk
Dec 21
-Starter intake and hay intake did not differ
- No effect on feed efficiency
- inconclusive and weak evidence
Immler - Metabolic status and health/age of cow on colostrum quality
Sept 21
- prepartum vacc lead to higher brix%
- 2nd parity cows had lower readings than 3rd and above
- lameness = lower brix%
- Increased glutamate dehydrogenase and serum Ca = lower brix%
- Metabolic health of cow has an affect on brix and therefore passive transfer
Reedman - Use of sedation of 2-6 week old calves for disbudding
May 21
- No difference in tx groups in mean daily milk intake at 72h post
- Sedated calves- reduced milk intake 0-24h and 24-48h post
- no sedation = 4.5 times odds of struggling
- 24h post sedated calves 2x more likely to play
- Prolonged suckling effect but otherwise good effects from xylazine
McAloon - Seroprevalance of M Bovis in bulk milk samples and risk factors
June 22
Herd prevalence of 0.45
Risk factors
- herd size
- no of neighbouring farms
- in degree
- country
Zhou - Pathogens and RF BRD NE china
Jan 23
Beef cattle > dairy cattle susceptibility of suppurative/caseous necrotising pneumonia. BVD highly related
Dairy calve s<3m and beef calves >3m most at risk
Mixed infections bacteria (73%) viruses (50%) and m bovis (23%)
Hazelton - Mycoplasma spp and repro performance
Dec 20
Mycoplasma infrequeantly isolated from vagina
slow to conceive cows/empty cows had higher likelihood of M bovigenitalium post bull exposure
Longer exposure/more services from bull = higher chance of mycoplasma isolated
Hazelton - Mycoplasmas risks of clinical dz post exposure as calves
Dec 20
Small number still have m bovis as heifers - long term carrier state after exposure as calves
In a group of 50 heifers exposed pre weaning - probability of having 1 shedding heifer post calving is non trivial
Haapala - M bovis in dairy herds RF and control
Feb 21
Insemination with an m bovis positive bull increases odds of infection
* Culling of m bovis mastitis
* Isolation of calves from older animals
* Prevent nose nose contact
* Early detection in milk - PCR
Cantor - behavioural measures to indicate BRD
Jul 22
Calves with BRD diagnosed at average age 33+- 9d
Decreased milk/starter intake, inc lying times, fewer lying bouts, decreased step count and activity
Relative changes in unrewarded visits useful for algorithm when dz -5days is baseline for visits
Jensen - effect of hides and parity on behavious of calving at pasture
Jul 22
Primiparous cows calves furthest away from feed and stayed away post calving
More cows = less likely to be away from cows at calving
Peetsalu - Colostrum on calves acute-phase response (APR) and association of APR with weight gain
Jul 22
Colostral cytokines influence calf serum cytokines
Factors that activate an APR in 2nd and 3rd week of life have long term influence on calf development
Reedman - Nutrition and analgesia on wound healing post disbudding
Jul 22
Good nutritional plane heals faster and more activity
Extra NSAID 3d post slows healing but alleviates pain 1-2wks post (less time lying)
Mason - Passive transfer to calves at pasture
Jul 22
- For every hour post birth that it took a calf to have first suckle odds of FPT at day 3 increased by 1.21 times
- Calves that suckled 2, 3-4 or >5 times had 0.42, 0.35 and 0.1 times the odds of FPT compared to suckling once
Prom - prepartum beta carotene supplementation on colostrum
Nov 22
Supplementatipon did not affect colostral or calf IgG
Uyama - Calf management in canada and AMU
Nov 22
Transition milk fed calves required less antimicrobials
Carter - Colostrum as therapy for diarrhoea
Dec 22
Long term colostrum = faster resolution of diarrhoea and increased growth rates
Berman - BRD scoring system guiding tx
Dec 22
Calves with 2 of the following -31% had active BRD .
Without at least 2 findings 100% chance not active BRD
* cough
* ear droop
* head tilt
* rectal temp >39.7
>3 calves/10 positive = 94% chance active BRD prevalence >10%
<3 calves positive = 95% chance not active BRD
Dado-Senn - Detecting heat stress in hutch housed calves
Feb 23
RR and rectal temp rise at temp-humidity of 69 or drybulb temp 21C
Monitoring calves before ambient temp is 21C
RR 44 temp 38.5C key thresholds
Perttu - feeding behaviours automated milk feeders and dz
Feb 23
Total milk intake, drinking speed, intervals between visits, calf age and rewarded visits significantly associated with health status
TMI and speed inc = healthy calf
increase in intervals and age = sick
Van Niekerk - corn starch feeding and MR amounts
March 20
Rate of MR feeding has larger affect then the processing of corn on performance, digestibility and bacterial communities
Aragona - Nicotinic acid supp on IgG
March 20
Increased nicotinic acid supp = increased colostrum quality and 32g/d increased feed efficiency
Aragona - Starter feed form and forage
March 20
High starch low fiber = >9% more growth than low starch
Restricted starter and ad lib hay - decreased DMI by 13-17%
Restricted forage should be fed 2-4mo
Pardon - RF for BCV virus
March 20
- Detection of M haemolitica
- increasing herd size
- Previous detection of BCV in faeces
Pardon - RF for bRSV infection
March 20
- Seasonal - Autumn>winter
- Presence of PI3
- Inc prev of resp dz in calves
- Inc duration of resp dx in calves
Pardon - RF for H somni
March 20
- Calf pen group size >5
- Sawdust bedding
Pardon - RF for M bovis
March 20
- Purchase of cattle
- Housing of recent purchased cattle in the same airspace
Aragona- Supplementation of nicotinic acid to pre partum cows and the effect on colostral IgG and feed efficiency
March 20
- Inc levels of nicotinic acid increased colostrum quality
- 32 g/d increased feed efficiency in calves
Renaud - RF associated with FPT in dairy calves (retrospective study)
April 20
* Calf sex
* colostrum volume fed
* level of calving assistance
* colostrum feeding method
Male calves 0.14g/dL lower sTP than female
Pyo - Feeding colostrum 3 days post natal effect on small intestinal growth
May 20
Extended colostrum and colostrum-milk mix heightened SL villi and increased SA
Lopez - IgG absorption of maternal colostrum, whey based colostrum or supplemented low qual colostrum
May 20
All resulted in acceptable levels of IgG at 24h
Efficiency of IgG absorption was greater in calves fed colostrum replacer
Hyde - Analysis of calf mortality in GB
March 20
- Dairy calves (6%) mortality> beef calves (2.86%) in first 3 months
- 0-3month old death rate at slaughterhouses has increased from 17% (2011) to 26% in 2018
Kovacs - Upper critical temp-humidity index (THI) level for dairy calves
March 20
Welfare compromised above THI 78
Significant heat stress above THI 88
Gelsinger - Ruminal acidosis in calves
March 20
Ruminal acidosis associated with lower DMI, BW, lower hemoglobin and HCT
Symptoms similar to cows
Guerri - Ultrasonic evaluation of umbilical structures in calves
March 20
Omphaloarteritis could be detected day 1 colour doppler exam - 100% specificity and 100% PPV
Marcanto - effect of pretransport diet and duration of transport on physiological status of young calves
April 20
Short transport duration and provision of milk improved energy status of calves and prevented fat mobilisation
Berends - Exchanging lactose for fat in milk replacer on ad lib feed intake and growth
May 20
Increasing fat content - decreased CMR intake by 10%. ME intake and growth remained equal
Decrease in health events in high fat CMR group
Engleking - feeding hay and starter as a mixture or seperately on growth and blood metabolites
May 20
Greater intake and ADG when fed starter and hay seperately compared to mixture feeding
Van keulen - Arginine or Glutamine supp and milk feeding allowance on SI development
May 20
Increasing milk allowance improved villus height width and SA but only in amino acid supp calves (not control)
Dado-Senn - Pre and post natal heat stress om thermoregulation and performance of calves
May 20
- No pre natal heat stress - improves weight gain, birth weight, haematocrit and IgG transfer
- No post natal heat stress -Increases MR and conc intake, reduced tendancy for fever and reduced health events
Sutter - Evaluation of diff methods to assess FPT
June 20
- All methods correlated to gold standard RID
- Capillary Electophoresis highest correlation r=0.97
- Different cut offs should be used
- Refractometer - serum 5g/dL, plasma 5.5g/dL
- Brix - serum 7.8%, plasma 8.6%
Wilms - hypernatremia in diarrheic calves with ORS and MR with no access to water
June 20
evaluate safety and efficacy
Providding sugar and electrolytes in water and/in milk replacer to calves without water access resulted in hypernatraemia (serum Na+ >145mmol/l) and delayed recovery
Tummler - effects of colostrum and MR on methane production and performance
July 20
10 vs 20% MR
Pre weaning - methane per kg BW lower in animals fed higher level of MR
Post weaning - no difference
Chang - Effects of ZnO and ZnMet on growth and disease
Supp with 104mg ZnO - reduced d+ in first 3 days of life and increased IgG and IgM conc
Supp with 457mg Zn Met promoted growth and reduced d+ for 14 days post birth
Mitchell - effect of converting weaned calves from componant fed diet to TMR
If managed correctly can be converted to a 15% hay TMR by 8 weeks and maintain growth
Lomonaco - Effect of spray drying milk and colostrum to inactivate bovine leukamia virus
Jul 20
Risk for BLV transmission could be reduced if milk and colostrum were spray dried pre consumption in dairy facilities
Parsons - Weaning strategy and solid feed location for calves fed AMF
Jul 20
- Continuous gradual weaning - equal increments vs multi step increments
- Similar performance and intakes
- Calves with feed adjactent to milk had improved consumption
- 10% greater ADG
Yeste - Tryptphan role in MR to facilitate weaning
Aug 20
No change in stress markers
no effect noted in behaviours at weaning
Wilmes - Determining boundries for swapping lactose with glucose in MR
Aug 20
Increased glucose inclusion did not affect growth but increased mortality (GIT disorders)
No suitable as a replacement.
Reedman - efficacy of pain management with caustic paste disbudding
Aug 20
LA + NSAID is most beneficial for reducing indicators of pain and inflammation
Lopez - Variation in serum IgG with different feeding at birth
Aug 20
Calves fed colostrum replacer had serum IgG below 10g/l for a greater proportion of first month of life
Karger - Extended colostrum feeding for 2 weeks imrpoves growtha dn reduces disease
Sept 20
From day 15 calves moved onto whole milk
Calves recieving colostrum for extended time had greater weaning weights, feed efficiency and reduced disease incidence
Karger - Extended colostrum feeding for 2 weeks improves growth and reduces disease
Sept 20
From day 15 calves moved onto whole milk
Calves recieving colostrum for extended time had greater weaning weights, feed efficiency and reduced disease incidence
Klopp - Post weaning response to using different weaning stratagies when feeding moderate and high MR amounts
Sept 20
- Weaning BW, hip height and width greater for high MR
- Gradual weaning over 21 days effective for High MR but not different for moderate MR feeding
Renaud - Passive immunity and colostrum management Ontario
Sept 20
24% FPT
Risk NOT associated woth calf sex or age
Horvarth - Effects of access to stationary brushes and chopped hay on individually house calves
Sept 20
- Brushes did not affect performance but hay supported intake and growth during weaning
- Access to a brush reduced pen directed sucking. Brush and hay access reduced non nutritive sucking on a teat
Adcock - Behavioural changes in calves 11d post cautery disbudding
Sept 20
Ongoing pain 11days after hot-iron disbudding. Adds to growing body of evidence that pain can persist for weeks post proceedure
Dado-Senn - Assessing heat stress in calves
Sept 20
THI = best environmenetal inicator of heat stress
Monitoring should begin when THI reaches 65-69
Villot- Early supplementation of yeast spp increases IgA production in guts at 1 week age
Sept 20
SCB calves had higher secretory IgA in ileum and colon
IgA production was enhanced
Hromadkova - Effect of colostrum feeding regime on expression of neuroendocrine genes
Sept 20
Extended colostrum feeding upregulated the expression of serotonin receptor genes and increased the abundance of lactobacilis spp and e coli
Mitchell - Various forages and live yeast culture on calf intake growth and digestability
Oct 20
Recently weaned calves perform well on alfalfa hay, corn silage or grass hay
Grass hay reduced weight gain, but all calves still reached level of gain
>900g/d possible with 20% alfalfa, 24.5% corn silage or 11.3% grass hay
Chen - Pre partum zinc supplementation effect on passive transfer
Oct 20
Conc of IgA and IgM increased linearly with increasing Zn-Met - this didnt show up in the calf blood
Potentially could improve passive transfer of immunity
Mitchell - increasing grass hay inclusion on growth and digestibility calves
Oct 20
Feeding a level of grass hay >10% reduces growth and intakes and alters ruminal fermentation
Von koningslow - Leukocte cell counts for predicting morbidity and mortality and growth in veal calves
Oct 20
TP >5.2 = lower mortality
Rectal temp >39.6 = increased morbidity
Dehydration = lower ADG
Elevated lymphocyte counts - increased ADG and decreased morbidity in first 21 days
Mann - Heat treatment of colostrum effects
Oct 20
60min at 60C
No reduction in IgG, reduction of IgA 8.5%
Colostral insulin and IGF-1 decrease, 36% SCC decrease and 93% total bacterial count decrease
Grice - Effects of feeding frequency and protein source MR
Nov 20
MR containing bovine plasma protein and wheat protein = similar growth to just whey and greater starter intake
MR fed in 2 feedings had better growth and feed efficiency than 3 times daily
Mirzaei - Effects of step down weaning on growth and performance
Oct 20
Starter intake greatest in 28dx 8l
ADG and feed efficiency similar across tx
Iniitiation of step down weaning from 4-6 weeks can stimulate starter intake wiht no neg effect on performance
Lui - Feeding an amino acid formulated MR
Nov 20
No difference in growth and performance compared to standard 22% CP diet
Wenge-Dangschat - Changes in fluid and acid base of calves on different ORT
- Isotonic water based rehyration solutions should be used for first aid tx of diarrheoa
- Thereafter milk based solutions and free access water can be used to raise blood pH and osmolality and fulfil the energy needs.
Gingerich - disbudding affects use of shelter
Nov 20
Disbudded calves use shelter more often and spent more time in shelter overall
Pain from disbudding lasts for days post proceedure
Pereira - effects of enroflox or tulathromycin use on resp dz and ab resistant e coli shedding
Nov 20
Treatment of high risk calves resulted in consistantly higher proportion of resistant e coli in feacal samples
Ellingsen-Dalskau - Minimum tolerated milk temp for feeding calves
Nov 20
Radiographs showed no milk in rumen regardless of milk temp and aperture size
Minimum milk temp was 8C associated with shivering
Renaud - faecal consistency scoring as a measure of DMI
Nov 20
Developed a 4 level scoring system -
* 0 = normal (firm) = 25% DM
* 1 = soft (doesnt hold form) = 22% DM
* 2 = runny (spreads readily) = 16% DM
* 3 = watery (splatters) = 11% DM
Ede - Caustic paste vs hot iron disbudding
Dec 20
48h post tx more calves were lying down with hot iron than by chance. No difference between caustic paste and hot iron
Caustic paste = more neg experience than hot iron disdding to calf
Binversie - AB tx on performance of resp dx
Dec 20
- Treatment based on early diagnosis with ultrasound and clinical scoring affected short term lung health and growth and reduced mortality
- Early AB therapy limited progression of consolidation, improved growth
- Lung dz worsened despite multiple AB tx
Kells - Inidcators of dehydration in healthy 4-5d calves deprived of food and water for 24 h
Dec 20
Skin tent > 3 sec, CRT >3 sec and enopthalmus >1mm useful fro mild to moderate dehydration
Hare - Colostrum or colostrum:whole milk mix for 3 days post birth
Dec 20
Serum IgG was higher and more persistant in calves fed colostrum or colostrum mix than whole milk alone
Van soest - TRansition milk and MR mix on growth and health
Dec 20
TM and MR:CR = greater body weight gains til weaning
Hurst - Early life indicators of future BW
Jan 21
-60d milk consumption, birthweight, resp incidence, year and season born were all associated with BW at 400d
-Heifers 4.2kg lighter at 400d if treated for resp dz 3+ times in the first 60d of life
Johnsen - Complience with legislation and calf welfare on outcomes in Norwegian dairy herds
Jan 21
- Calf mortality rates were higher in herds whose calves didn’t have access to free water and higher in herds with reported calf dz events
- 59% producers fed less than the recommended amount of milk in the frist 3 weeks of calves lives
Wood - blood buffers on diarrhoea in calves
Jan 21
Mixed buffer solution improved the acid base status compared to bicarb only, electrolytes were similar to mixed buffer
Aragona - the amount of hay on digestibility and rumen performance in calves
Jan 21
DMI as %of BW increased with 0-5% hay addition and decreased with 5-10%
Lopez - Accuracy of refractometer as indirect measure of FPT for calves fed colostrum replacer
Jan 21
- STP and IgG highly correlated for calves fed maternal colostrum
- STP and IgG were lowly correlated for calves fed colostrum replacer
- STP cut off for CR fed calves would be 4.9g/dL (sens 0.68, spec 0.75)
Renaud - Effect of crypto, rota and coronavirum on health and performance of male calves
Feb 21
- STP and source had associations with testing positive for a pathogen
- Calves with diarrhoea has reduced weight gain up to 15kg by 77d
- crypto and coronavirus associated with reduced BW gain
Stamley lanier - Influence of starter crude protein content on growth and body composiition
March 21
Inc MR with lower CP starter = inc fat content
High CP starter = less fat
Walsh - Effects of herd fertility on economics of sexed semen
March 21
Profitability of sexed semen dependant on the baseline fertility of the herd and calf prices
Ollivett - Nasopharyngeal microbiota of preweaed dairy claves with and without ultrasound lung lesions
March 21
- Severity of pneumonia was associated with inc of pasteurella spp in the nasopharynx
- Increased microbiota diversity may be associated with reduced prevalence of clinical BRD
Knauer - Individual vs paired housing on health and perfromance to 16 weeks
March 21
Pair calves were heavier at weaning and gained 150g/day more than individually reared calves
Paired calves had increased lying times
Celestino - serum biomarkers of stress with health and growth in first 4 days of life
March 21
Calves with haptoglobin <= 0.63umol/l were more likely to be diagnosed with BRD and tended to have lower ADG
Haptoglobin not asssociated with mortality
Xiao- Different feed presentations on feed sorting and rumen pH
April 21
- Calves fed conc only had lower ADG and DMI
- No performance diff in seperate hay and conc and mixed ration
- Mixed ration calves sorted their food short term
Garcia - Milk feeding strategies on productivity of heifers short and long term
April 21
- Raw non saleable milk fed low birth weight calves had lower weight gain, grain intake and feed efficiency and were weaned later
- Low birth weight heifers fed NSM produced less in first lactation
Elsohaby - Accuracy of direct and indirect methods of assessing colostrum quality
April 21
- Brix threshold of 23% could reduce feeding of low qual colostrum
- RID low sensitivity for detection of low qual colostrum (86%)
- TIR high sensitivity (91%)
Pravettoni - diagnostic accuracy of focused lung US for dx of resp dz in calves
April 21
4th and 5th IC space for caudal aspect of cranial lobe
5th right ICS=middle lobe right lung
Sensitivity of 81% specificity of 100%
minumum = one small lesion at least 1cm deep within normal lung
Welboren = Effects of energy source in MR on glucose metabolism
April 21
Replacing lactose with fat - inc body weight gain in first week of life
Bobbo - single dam vs pooled colostrum on MDA
Mean sIgG lower for pooled colostrum fed calves
STP on heifer performance
Initial STP associated with imp growth rate
increasing STP = age at first oestrus, AI, preg and calving all decreased
positive correlation with inc milk production
New method of LA administraion for disbudding NZ
Local administration was at least as effective as cornual nerve block
More consistant?
Adcock -
Behaviour changes 11 days post disbudding effect of LA
Ongoing pain with no LA use
Pain post surgical/ring castration
Inflammation greater after ring castration, decreased starter intake and ADG
Calves rung licked wounds less and lay down less
Minimum tolerated milk temp
Warm milk and sucking behaviour =trigger oesophageal closure
Management factors and BRD pre weaned
Positive association:
* Calf - calf contact >75d
* Feeding <2.85L MR per day
Negative association:
* Feeding 90% saleable/pasteirised milk
* feeding jerseys >5.6L milk/day
No association of dam/calf vaccine and BRD
Transport age on Ig and haematological parameters of calves
28d transport = advanced immunity than 14d
28d transport = lower prob of individual tx, lower mort, higher carcase weight
Preweaning dz on repro and 1st lactation performance
Hx of BRD pre weaning = less likely to get inseminated or achieve 1st calving
Diarrhoea hx = more inseminations/conception, reduced milk production and ADG
Zenobi - PP choline on immunity of cows
March 2020
Choline fed cows had less inflammation
Hu - MR feeding rates on growth up to 4 months
March 2020
High rates = 2.4kg heavier over 112 days (structural growth = less)_
Goff - SC and clin Hypocal and DCAD on rumination
March 2020
Healthy cows ruminate 8-9h/day
Rum rate decreased for all cpws around calving
Rum rate on 1st/2nd day lactation correlated with plasma Ca conc - normocalcaemic cows increased time ruminating
Latosinski - Ketoprofen tx for culture neg mild clinical mastitis
March 2020
No difference to no tx
Masello - Intravaginal PGF2a effect cf IM PGF2a
March 2020
Similar luteal regression risk to IM injection
Possible alternative route of admin
Pate - Methionine on lactation performance under heat stress
March 2020
No reduction in milk yeild or DMI with methionine supp
Billa - Milk metabolites as indicators of nutritional status
April 2020
Milk glucose and glutamate = correllated to plasma metabolites and milk fatty acids indicating lipomobilisation
Jackson - UK attitude to dairy cow management
April 2020
Access to grazing, cow health and welfare and cow comfort all came out important
Delhez - Milk mid infrared spectroscopy for PD
April 2020
Little ability to detect pregnancy <150 days
Stambuk - Digital cushion thickness in holsteins
April 2020
Thickness varies on management, stage in lactation and digit
Genetic componant - selection for thicker?
Ferraro - borescope for ID DD
April 2020
Isolated borescope exam = low sensitivity
Regular use could improve sens
Omontese - Association between hoof lesions and fert in Jersey cows
April 2020
Hoof lesions = decreased odds of cyclicity and extended calving to first service
Monistero - AMR of staph aureus from CM
April 2020
20% resisitant to penicillin
All strains susceptibile to Amoxy-clav
low prevalence of muti drig resistance
McDonald - competition at drinker in hot weather
April 2020
Low competitive cows moved their drinking to avoid peak times
Increased visits, time spent and water intake
Koczura - Consequences of walking/transport on milk quantity
April 2020
Walking decreaed milk yield by 1kg/milking
SCC and FA increased after walking and truck transport
Fuenzalida - Klebsiella mastitis epidemiology
April 2020
Longer IM infections and less successful clinical outcomes
Some strains = persisitant infections
Leelahapongsathon - Strep uberis epidemilogy
April 2020
3 definitions of contagious s uberis infections:
* short duration and spontaneous cure
* long duration and no spontaneous cure
* wide range of duration and cure dependant on host defense capacity
Dalanezi - Influence of clinical mastitis pathogens on repro variables
April 2020
Control cows had:
* fewer open days
* improved preg per first AI
* Decreased preg loss
Compared to clinical mastitis group
Gram neg = more effects than gram pos
Wieland - Auto cluster removal on milking performance
April 2020
Increased cluster removal threshold = decreased milking duration and alleviated short term teat changes from milking machine
Bollatti - Rumen protected choline on performance and health transition period
May 2020
- inc fat % and yeild up to 105d PP
- increased feed efficiency
- No benefit past 22d PP
- 21d pre to 21 days post = improved performance
- reduced subclinical hypocal
Zhao - Forage proportion and chop length on rumen health and duodenal flow
May 2020
- Inc forage % inc rumen pH, milk fat % and milk efficiency but reduced yield due to decreased DMI
- Inc forage length = inc pH without neg effects on yield or intakes
- High forage diets require supplementary bypass protein
Handcock - BW dairy heifers association with stayability
May 2020
Heavier heifers = more likely to remain in herd and more likely to calve early
Targetting improving rearing practices to grow heifers = beineficial
Wattenburger - 4 diff teat disinfection methods on milk sample collection
May 2020
Scrubbing with alcohol post pre milk teat disinfection with iodine based and drying with single use towel = minimal contamination
Environmental found in contaminated, host adapted found in uncontaminated
Munksgaard - Behaviour during lactation in holstein and jersey cows
May 2020
Breed and parity have strong effects on lying time and eating behaviour (multi>primi in terms of lying time)
Ariza - Foot dirtiness scoring system
May 2020
3 point back view dirtiness scoring system
reliable, consistancy and inter-rater agreement
Masello - lateral flow portable platform to determine repro status
May 2020
accuracy 90% for >1 or <1ng/ml progesterone
Havekes - molasses based liquid feed supp on high straw diet
June 2020
1kg/cow daily molasses = greater DMI, less sorting, more frequent meals, increased feeding rate
Souza - immune response non specific mastitis
Jjune 2020
Quarters with non specific mastitis showed highest % milk CD4+ T lyphocytes
Rowe - Internal teat sealant comparison
June 2020
Quarter level IMI dynamics were similar between teat sealants
No diff in clinical mastitis, culling or death or SCC and milk yeild
Chapel - Flunixin and hoof trimming on lying behaviou locomotion and milk production
June 2020
Drug teatement had no meaningful effects on post trimming outcoems. Non lame cows spent more time lying down after trimming
Skarbye - Auto cluster flushing on conc of S Aureus
Flushing with cold water was effective at removing S aureus from liners
Peracetic acid not necessary
Tucker - Cooling strategies and cow response
June 2020
Most effective = locating the spray water and fan at the feed bunker
Edwards - calving location preference
June 2020
Differed by parity
Cows and heifers changed their behaviour on the day of calving
Cows lay more on day of calving but in smaller bouts
Li - Predicting rectal temp and RR in response to heat stress
June 2020
RR of 48 associated with heat stress at rectal temp 38.6C
Menta - delayed analysis of lith hep blood
June 2020
Na and K not stable
Ca Mg Cl glu and lact all stable fro up to 8h
Hiew - plasma P4 and glucose on predicting partuition
Jjune 2020
Decrease in plasma P4 = accurate for calving within 24 h
Plasma glucose accurate for predicting calving within 6 hours
Gross - metabolic status associated with SCC recovery post mastitis
June 2020
Higher plasma glucose = speedier recovery of DMI and MY
Mogollon - Heat stress effect on luteolysis
June 2020
No effect on luteolysis - still occured in all cows given 25mg of PGF2a
Potts - Choline and methionine on production for primi /multi parous cows
July 20
Meth = inc milk fat conc in older cows
choline = inc MY in older cows when not fed with meth/ inc MY in primi with or without meth
Mel-gar - 3 nitroxypropanol on enteric methane emissions
July 20
Inclusion of 3-NOP in TMR = quadratically decreased methane emissions
No effect on DMI or MY
Moghimi - Vit E supp on performance of transition cows
July 20
Supp didnt affect milk SCC or colostrum qual but did improve repro (decr calving to first oestrus and days open)
Rowe - effects of 2 SDCT protocols
July 20
Culture and algorithm SDCT reduced AB use by 55% without neg effects
No neg effects on CM, SCC or yeild in first 120 days of lactation
Mcdougal - Prev of endometriosis dx by vag discharge or uterine cytology
July 20
> 1/5th dairy cows have endomet at average 41 DIM
Dx method had poor agreement
Nuss - HL conformation has limited influence on load distrbution
July 20
All 3 conformations looked at had higher loading on lateral claws Cf medial
Straight conformation had most unbalances loading once trimmed
Vangroegnweghe - J-5 Ecoli vacc does not influence severity in primiparous cows
July 2020
Response mild - moderate with little diff between treatment groups
Fresco - Comparison of methane production throughout lactation
Dec 22
Using MeP - production g/day or MeY yeild g/kg DMI = promising as a trait for CH4 selection
Owusu-Sekyere - Longevity of dairy cows
Dec 22
Swedish farms - health and welfare not main reason for removal from herd = more economic/investment decisions
(different to other countries?)
Uddin - Impact of nitrate and 3-nitrooxypropanol on the carbon footprints of milk from cattle
June 22
Enteric CH4 reductions were 12.4 and 31.0% for the nitrate and 3-NOP
Kebreab -A meta-analysis of effects of 3-nitrooxypropanol on methane production, yield, and intensity
Feb 2023
The effect of NDF on methane intensity and production is less than that of 3-NOP
Van Gastelen -Methane mitigation potential of 3-nitrooxypropanol in lactating cows
May 22
3-NOP can effectively decrease CH4 emissions in dairy cows across diets, but the level of CH4 mitigation is greater when supplemented in a corn silage-based diet compared with a grass silage-based diet
Melgar - Enteric methane emission, milk production, and composition of dairy cows fed 3-nitrooxypropanol
June 21
3-NOP decreased enteric methane daily emission, yield, and intensity without affecting dry matter intake and milk yield, but increased milk fat in high-producing dairy cows.
Zin Yhang - 3-NOP effect on fibre degredation in rumen
Oct 20
3-NOP supplementation of a high-forage diet:
* decreased ruminal methanogenesis
* increased dissolved H2 concentration
* had no negative effects on ruminal fiber degradation
* minor effects on abundances of the bacteria in the rumen
Melgar - Dose-response effect of 3-nitrooxypropanol on enteric methane
July 2020
3-NOP decreased enteric methane emissions without affecting dry matter intake or milk yield
Increased milk fat in dairy cows.
Maximum mitigation effect was achieved at 100 to 200 mg/kg of feed dry matter.
Also increased milk urea N
Jewell - Type of hoof lesion and behaviour
Solar ulcers = cow resting one limb and bearing weight unevenly
Solar haemorrhage = shifting weight from one foot to other
DD = bearing weight unevenly
Aubineau - ELISA on within herd DD prevalence
Discrimination between low (10%) and high (40%) prevalence detectable
Li - lag response to heat stress on daily milk yeilds
Reductions in milk yield beginning 1d post max temp and lasting for 3 days
Viera-Neto - duration of DCAD diets on Ca metabolism
Met acidosis detectable 24h post start tx in neg DCAD group
Tissue responsiveness to PTH noticable from 3d of acidogenic diet
DCAD = greater Ca urinary loss, but greater Ca digestibility
Caldiera - Local or systemic melox on mammary gland inflam response to LPS mastitis
Did not lower inflamm systemically or intramammary
IM melox expediated the increase in SCC
Seyed almoosavi - Late gest heat stress
HS = reduction in DMI 20%
HS = decreased gestation length, colostrum yield, calf BW
Lardy - Cubicle recommendations
- > 1m clear in front of cubicle
- Use round/no hard edges brisket board
- Stone free soil>concrete or mattress thicker than 1cm
- litter with straw >sawdust or nothing and keep dry
Capel - Propylene glycol +- dextrose ketosis tx
Addition of dextrose for 1 or 3 days provided no improvement in resolution
Eriksson - Social env on standing and development of claw horn lesions
Number and severity of solar ulcers and white line lesions inc afetr calving
Social env did not influence standing time but may affect antagonistic interactions and increase risk of claw horn lesions.
Robles - Freestall design and cleanliness on lying time, hygeine, and risk of SCC
Dirty stalls reduced lying times
Odds of dirty cows increased with dirty stalls
Higher odds of lameness with dirtier stalls
No associations between cleanliness and SCC in this study
Venjakob - serum Ca dynamics around partuition and pp dz
Delayed onset hypocal (d3 and 7) for development of dz in primiparous cows
Multiparous cows reduced serum Ca on days 1 and 3 associated with dz
Pluss - claw block application improves locomotion
Application of blocks = significantly reduces lameness scores
Doesnt affect weightbearign at standing
Additional pain relief still necessary
Davidson - Last gest heat stress abatement in heifers promotes thermo reg
Heifers not exposed to THI>77 = higher milk yield
Cooling heifers in late preg = promoted thermoregulation and elevates milk production
Monteiro - prev and RF related to anovular cows
Anovular cows = follicles <18mm
Generally cows with smaller follicles had longer dry periods, less BCS at 35DIM and inc disease
Cows with larger follicles (>18mm) more similar to cyclic cows.
Seifi - Addition of straw to lactating cows diet
Adding straw to the diet of lactating cows reduced feed intake and milk yield and increased the incidence of subclinical ketosis during early lactation
Perez-baez - economic cost of metritis
Decreased milk production, reproduction and survival in the herd
mean cost 513 dollars
Voss - Se and Sp of tail activity monitor for calving prediciton
Depending on the interval preceding the onset of parturition, sensitivity varied from 19 to 75% and specificity from 63 to 96%.
13% remained within 3cm of original placement
31 removed for pain
Tomazi - AM tx for clinical mastitis gram pos pathogens
2d protocol similar cure rate to 5d
5d = more effective at reducing milk cfu count
Cartes - shelter in pre partum period during winter
Shelter = more lying down, less fat mobilisation
increased welfare
Dubuc - 2nd IU cephapirin for purulent VD
2nd tx 14days post 1st = increased risk of pregnancy
Cardoso - Methonione and high protien feeding of cows during transition
High protein feeding, and methionine supplementation was associated with higher DMI
Higher protein feeding associated with increased milk yield.
Methionine supplementation increased milk fat and total solids concentrations.
Reedman - xyalazine on calves for disbudding
Calves sedated with xylazine for cautery disbudding responded less to painful stimuli both during and following the procedure and had a higher rate of play behaviour
But may have prolonged effects on suckling behaviour for 48h following sedation
Abuelo - rumination time and health indicators in lactation
Decreased RT in Day 1-3 lactation = higher incidence of lameness in early lactation
Volkmann = machine learning for detection of claw horn lameness
Learnt to detect lameness with good sp and se using sound of impact of foot
Skaarlye - cohort study of effect of culling cows in early lactation once diagnosed with strep alagalactae
Improved steps to eradicating infection
Rowe - herd udder hygeine and association with mastitis
Postitive association
At least 80 cows need to be scored
later milked cows = increased dirtiness scores
Salter - milk and starter feeding systems on cross suckling behaviour
Cross sucking occurred for at least twice as long in pairs with buckets only
Regardless of starter treatment, calves spent less time cross sucking when fed milk in teat buckets
Couto serenho - DCAD on milk production and health post calving
- In multiparous cows, negative DCAD fed for 3 wk before calving improved serum calcium concentration postpartum and reduced the number of cows affected by multiple diseases within 30 d of parturition.
- Independent of parity, negative DCAD decreased incidence of displaced abomasum and tended to decrease incidence of clinical mastitis within 30 d after parturition but did not change the incidence of other diseases.
Diaz-Lunghal - CYTO scores on AI in norwegian red cows
CYTO pos cows = 28% prevalence
Pregnancy to first AI was lower in CYTO-positive cows (OR = 1.51) although overall, fertility was high
No late embryonic death association with CYTO score
Kratley-Roodenburg - SCC and dry cow management use on selection for SCDT
RF for lower prop of new high SCC during the dry period were:
o The use of dip or spray after drying off
o A higher animal-defined daily dose of intramammary antimicrobials for DCT
o The use of DCT in low-SCC cows based on SCC or mastitis history
o Correct knowledge of DCT guidelines
o An awareness of importance of low infection rate and good hygiene during dry-off.
RF for higher proportion of new high SCC were:
o Dry cow housing other than cubicles
o A higher animal-defined daily dose for intramammary antimicrobials for mastitis.
Abuelo - effect of pre weaning disease on heifers health and production
- Heifers with a history of BRD before weaning were less likely to be inseminated or achieve first calving than heifers without BRD
- Heifers affected by diarrhoea required more inseminations to become pregnant. Diarrhoea status was also associated with a 325-kg reduction in 305ME in the first lactation and a 50 g/d reduction in ADG.
Wilson - MRI of digital cushions and linking back to lameness history and BCS
The volume of the digital cushion was negatively associated with the number of lameness events
Animals with body condition score >3, culled later in lactation, or of a greater body weight were more likely to have a higher volume of digital cushion in the lateral claws.
Cows diagnosed with metritis that do not undergo clinical cure by 10 d of onset of antimicrobial therapy have impaired reproductive performance, reduced milk production, and increased risk of leaving the herd
Ferrera - reviewing clinical signs of BRD in adult dairy cows
The most commonly reported clinical signs were fever (without specifying a precise temperature threshold), nasal discharge, cough, and dyspnea
Creuztzinger - Effect of a blind and of stocking desity on behaviour around calving
- Increased space and a blind may allow cows to perform natural behaviours before calving.
- Presence of a blind reduced attention from other cows around calving
- Animals in pens with a blind had shorter labor lengths than those without a blind
Chebel - days on transition diet and effect
Those on diet at least 28 days prior to calving had lowest dz incidence and greater milk yield
Cantor - neutriceutical benefit of colostrum replacer as early tx for off setting dz
Calves fed a preventative dose of colostrum replacer, versus a placebo, were less likely to develop pneumonia 14 d later, but this treatment did not affect growth.
Skarbye - Effect of increasd hygeine on the transmission of s aureus and s algalactae
An automatic spray on the upper surface of the brush motor with disinfectant along with daily change of brushes collectively reduced transmission of Strep. agalactiae and Strep. dysgalactiae
Civiero - Energy balance and onset of cyclicity
Cows with improved energy balance in early lactation had a shorter interval to start of luteal activity, greater milk progesterone concentrations at start of luteal activity, and earlier first observed heats
Van Kamp - Effectiveness of single 7% iodine navel dipping compared to neg control on umbilical infection
No difference (20% cf 22%) in umbilical infections.
On farm management had much more effect eg hygeine and colostrum management
Talmon -effect of activity on heat production and V02
Heat production and VO2 were linearly and positively associated with HR
Standing and eating and ruminating all increased heat production compared to lying and idling
Molinari - Prepartum heat stress increases inflamm responses
Inflammatory cells and markers were increased in heat stress cows compared to cooled cows post partum. Could elad to lowered immunity and increased chances of uterine infections
Abeyta - Antioxidant supp on metabolism and inflam during heat stress
No significant effects from giving AP antioxidant to cows in HS
Baker - impact of IMI in heifers on mammary gland growth and development
- Results indicate that IMI in growing and developing mammary glands reduces mammary epithelial growth and alters mammary gland development by impairing epithelial branching into the mammary fat pad.
Rodriguez - Ruminoreticulo temperature as a sensor for mastitis
Was a change in temp, as accurate as other sensors and algorithms
Imada - Management practcies with Johnes bulk milk risk Canada
Cleanliness scores of older heifers and their exposure to mature cow manure was significantly associated with JD control
Farms with highly contaminated weaned and bred heifers and those that had exposure to mature cow manure were more likely to be unsuccessful in their JD control efforts.
Denis-Robichaud - on farm euthanasia methods and emotions canada
- The most commonly used primary method of on-farm euthanasia was a firearm (>70%).
- Unacceptable euthanasia methods, such as standard 0.22-caliber long rifle for adult cows or no adjunct method following the use of captive bolt, were used by 25%, 18%, and 58% of the participants for calves, replacement animals, and dairy cows, respectively.
Only 32% had a vet examine pre euthanasia decision
De-bruijn - Feeding behaviour and cyclicity post short/no dry period
- During the first 2 d postpartum, cows with luteal activity <21d had more visits per day and visits per meal compared with cows with luteal activity ≥21d pp
- During the first 3 wk postpartum, cows within the 30-d dry period group with luteal activity <21d had greater meal size, feed intake, and feeding rate compared with cows with luteal activity ≥21d of this group.
- Cows within the 0-d DP group with OLA <21 had higher meal duration, total daily meal time, total daily feeding time, and meal size, but a lower feeding rate compared with cows with OLA ≥21 of this group.
Kerwin - Transition cow management and nutrition
Pre-partumincreasing the proportion of particles on the 19-mm sieve of the Penn State Particle Separator, optimizing bunk space, and not overfeeding metabolizable energy (ME)
Fresh period optimizing bunk space, avoiding commingling, increasing feeding frequency, avoiding high physically effective undigested neutral detergent fiber (NDF) but ensure adequate ME and CP
Herd level not vaccinating in the calving pen, minimizing the number of prepartum and postpartum pen moves, and avoiding long stays in the calving pen after parturition
Barca - Pegbovigastrim (imrestor) treatment economically beneficial in grazing dairy herds
Cost of clinical mastitis lower for PEG treated cows
Cost of culling reduced
O’Connor- economic impacts of mobility scores in dairy cows pasture conditons
- Moderate to severe forms of suboptimal mobility on dairy cows are associated with yield losses, whereas mild forms of suboptimal mobility are associated with elevated somatic cell count and an increased risk to be culled
17% decrease in net profit where just 5% cows had optimal mobility - decraesed milk yeild, increased culling, increased treatment costs
Perttu - Feeding behavious and disease in group housed calves
- Total milk intake (mL/d), drinking speed (mL/min), interval between visits (min) to the AMF, calf age (d), and rewarded visits were significantly associated with dairy calf health status.
- These results indicate that as total milk intake and drinking speed increased, the risk of calves being sick decreased.
- In contrast, as the interval between visits and age increased, the risk of calves being sick also increased
Weber - Farm level RF for DD in mountainour regions
Access to mountain pasture
PArticipation in dairy shows
Number of new animals introduced in the last 2y
= Significantly associated with DD risk
Dado-senn - methods for detecting heat stress in housed calves
Monitor >21C
THI 69 = critical (RR rise and RT)
Kebreab- 3-NOP on methane
Increased NDF = lower efficiency 3-NOP has of reducing methane
Upton - effect of mechanical stim on milking duration
Am milking = shorter time but same yield as no stim
No effect on pm milking
Swartx - Dexamethasone post calving
Dex cows =increased lying time and reduced restlessness BUT decreased milk yield for forllowing month post calving
Schmitt- Single transdermal flunixin post calving
Increased MY, MF, MP in primiparous cows, and decreased these in multiparous cows
Reduced metritis risk in primiparous cows
Improved metabolic profile - multiparous cows
Reduced pain expression in all cows
Lean - parity on incidence of diseases
hYpocal, lameness mastitis, RFM, subclin ketosis = highest risk>5 parity
Dystocia and metritis/endomet = parity 1 highest
Holper - Dose and frequesncy of PGF2a admin on AI outcome
2nd dose of PGF2a 24h apart resulted in greater P/AI compared with increased dose cows
Groh - Prev and RF for udder skin dz and udder oedema
Herd RF for teat warts:
%cows with poor teat ends, conventional milking systems
Cow level teat wars - high SCC
Poor depth of bedding (<5cm) and cows <60DIM = increased odds of udder oedema
1st lactating heifers = inc risk udder thigh dermatitis
Freestall housing and comfort rubber mats = RF for udder cleft derm
Berman - Resp dz scoring system for tx guidance in veal calves
Calves with 2 of: cough, ear droop, head tilt, temp >39.7 = positive 31% chance of BRD
Without at least 2 of these = 100% chance of no active BRD
>3positive calves/10 2wks post arrival = 94% chance >10% prevalence BRD
<3positive calves = 95% chance not having active BRD prev >10%
Carter - effectiveness of colostrum as therapy for D+ in pre weaned calves
Long term (8 feedings) of colostrum calves had faster resolution of d+ than controls
Long term colostrum claves grew more
Uyama - claf management practices with AB use
Calves fed transition milk = half number of AB treatments per year
Browne - Hoof lesions in partly housed pasture based cows
Non infectious lesions more prevalent than infectious
White line and overgrown claws = most common
Lindena - small farms = better welfare than larger farms?
LArger farms better welfare index than smaller farms = depends on knowledge, skill and time that can be devoted to animals
Van soest - Transition milk feeding on intestinal development
4 days post colostrum TM feeding
TM instread of MR = double villus length, width villus:crypt ratio and mucosal length in all intestinal sections
TM calves gained more weight and had improved health scores