Necropsy GC Flashcards
What is the lesion seen in the heart?
Atrial abscess in feedlot calf
What lesion is the arrow indicating ?
Ventricular septal defect
Right-sided congestive heart failure
Miliary myocarditis , these lesions are usually caused by Histophilus sommi
Valvular endocarditis
Atypical Interstitial Pneumonia
Tracheal edema
What is the most likely causative agent if this type of pneumonia?
Mycoplasma bovis
What anatomical structure is the operator holding?
Umbilical remnants
What do you observe in the intestinal wall?
Trichostrongylus larvae encysted in the intestinal wall
Which organ is ? What is your diagnosis?
Bladder, urolithiasis
Identify the pathology present and a potential aetiological agent
- Lung oedema - visible intralobular space
- Lung grossly enlarged - impression of ribs on surface
Lef sided heart failure associated with H somni feedlot deaths
Identify the organ and the pathogen responsible for this pathology
Organ = Heart - cut sections and pericardium
Pathogen = Histophilus somni
What does a urine dipstick for ketosis measure?
Acetone and acetoacetate levels
Read 5-10 sec (otherwise false high pos)
Diagnosis for this cow (early lactation)
Type 2 ketosis (post partum)
>1.2 mmol/l BHB threshold
What organ is this and what pathology is the arrow pointing towards?
Caecum, intussuseption
Describe the pathology in this brain
What is the likely cause
Meninges are reddened and cerebellar coning present
Acute meningitis
Descibe the pathology and the likely cause
Hypopyon - pus in the anterior chamber of the eye.
Calf sepsis
Name the organ and the pathology. List at least one possible causative agent
Abomasum, multi focal haemorrhagic abomasitis. Large foci of thickened and haemorrhagic mucosa.
Causative agents:
* Clostridium perfringens
* Salmonella
Cow in a hot country - likely diagnosis for tumour around the eye
Mass reappeared 9m post surgery covering eye surface this time. Diagnosis and prognosis
SCC - poor prognosis
Rapid return and more agresssive nature of cancer likely to have spread
Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis
“coning” of cornea
moraxella bovis pathogen
caused by protozoa Besnoitia besnoiti
Chronic = eyelid alopecia and thickening with intradermal masses, testicular skin also affected
Acute = pyrexia, lethargy, conjunctivitis, nasal discharge, salivation and lameness
Emerging dz europe
Organ and suspected diagnosis?
Live with Large pale or dark green to black areas of necrosis caused by C . Haemolyticum
Do you remember Clostridial diseases?
From Clostridial disease in cattle : updates and developments ; Paul Wood
Organ and lesion?
oedema in a calf
with Clostridium
perfringens type
D enterotoxaemia
Organ and lesion?
Difusely inflamed abomasal mucosa with areas of necrosis and extensive emphysema in the abomasum of a
six-day-old holstein calf with Clostridium sordellii infection
Organ, lesion and disease?
Masticatory muscles showing multifocal/coalescing
dark necrotic inflammatory pathology in a ive-month-old
suckler calf with clostridial myositis
Hindleg muscle with very dark, dry
necrohaemorrhagic inflammation and foci of emphysema in a
three-month-old suckler calf with clostridial myositis (blackleg)
Lesions and disease?
LEFt: Incised pericardium of a four-month-old Simmental
suckler calf with clostridial myositis revealing difuse
ibrinous epicarditis
RIGHT: Multifocal necrohaemorrhagic foci within the heart of a ive-month-old suckler calf with
clostridial myositis.
organ and disease?
left: Sectioned liver showing irregular pale foci of necrosis surrounded by
darker tissue in a cow with infectious necrotising hepatitis (black disease).
Abdominal distension with a succussion splash is a predominant
and consistent clinical sign
A 3-week-old calf with abdominal distension caused by C perfringens type A abomasitis
and enteritis.
Describe with a short sentece the 4 photos
Necropsy findings that may be observed in neonates with clostridial abomasitis. - -Commonfindings include grossly distended abomasum containing fluid and gas (A); diffuse,hemorrhagic to necrotizing inflammation of the abomasal mucosa (B); abomasal ulceration (C) with or without perforation resulting in fibrinous peritonitis (D).
Describe the main lesion
Necropsy of a 3-day-old beef calf with C perfringens type A hemorrhagic enteritis.
The cause was confirmed with anaerobic culture and mPCR genotyping.
What can you see in the photo A?
Briefly describe the US.
Combining all the photos (A-D), what is your diagnosis?
Hemorrhagic C perfringens enteritis in an adult dairy cow. Note the right ventral
abdominal distension caused by distension of the small intestine (A). Transabdominal ultrasonography
shows dilated loops of small intestine up to 5 cm in diameter (B). A right flank
exploratory laparotomy was performed and confirmed diffuse hemorrhagic enteritis (C).
The cow received intraluminal procaine penicillin G in surgery. The following morning the cow had profuse hemorrhagic diarrhea (D), returned to eating, and recovered.
Name the condition and a possible cause?
Cause = Schmallenberg virus
Name the condition affecting the bottom spinal cord, what condition can cause this?
Micromyelia - note especially small intumesence’s (circled areas)
This calf presented with a depressed mentation and lowered head carriage amongst other neurological deficits.
On PM this was the findings in the brain - name the condition and a possible cause
Bluetongue virus
The arrows point to which area of the brain?
What condition and when would the calf have been affected ?
Cerebellum (or lack of) = cerebellar hypoplasia
Caused by BVD infection mid gestation
Describe the clinical signs/appearence of this calf
What are the theorys for the cause?
Longbone deformity/suckler calf chondrodystrophy and joint laxity (CDJL)
Bulldog calf syndrome
Silage only diet?
Genetic predisposiition?
Do you remember Standard and additional samples to collect from aborted and stillborn foetuses* for the investigation of infectious,
nutritional and genetic causes of death?
Do you remember Cause-of-death and diagnostic case definitions for infectious causes of bovine perinatal mortality?
Abortion Vit E iodine deficency?
Abortion rare or non-UK cause of abortion?
Do you remember criteria for timing foetal death?
What DD score is this and what would be the best treatment for this cow?
Score M2 - active painful lesion
Topical intensive treatment needed along with cleaning of foot prior to application of spray (usually oxytet +/- bandaging)
What is your diagnosis?
Mucosal Disease ( Bianchi et al.2016)
Do you remember BVD congenital lesion?
Name the mite and the prediliction sites
Chorioptes bovis
Lower legs, udder, scrotum, tail head
Name the mite and the prediliction sites
Shoulders, back and tail head
Intense itching
Name the mite spp and prediliction sites
Head, neck and tail head
Itching and thickening of skin, production losses and hide damage
Which mite can cause this symptom
Chorioptes bovis
Name the type of louse, predicliction sites and clinical signs from heavy infestations
Sucking louse
Affects head, neck and dewlap
Anaemia with heavy infections
Name the type of louse, predeliction sites and clinical signs
Chewing louse - bovicola bovis
Poll, neck, shoulders, back, tailhead
Hairloss, itching, bruising +- 2ndary skin infections