Theorists -Type of Intelligence, Theories, Support/Assessment- Flashcards
IQ - Multidimensional
Theories - Abstract, Mechanical, Social Intelligence
S/A - CAVD Test: Completion, Arithmetic, Vocab, Directions
Das, Naglieri, & Kirby
IQ - Multidimensional (Sum of all cog. processes)
- PASS: Planning, Attention-Arousal, Simultaneous Planning, Successive Processing
- CAS: Cognitive Assessment System
- Neuroimaging on brain lesions
IQ - Generalized Intelligence
- Composed of educative ability and reproductive ability reflected in disparate intelligence test scores
- Contibuted to Factor Analysis
- Didn’t think G had a place in schools
Campione, Brown, & Borkowski
- Intelligence made up of architectural system (capacity, durability, efficiency) and the executive system (knowledge base, scheme, control processes-techniques, metacognition)
- Information undergoes changes from one stage to the next until processed.
- Similar to Sternberg’s triarchic theory: intelligence is comprised of different dimensions, each with a different function, that work together to process information from the environment.
- Dynamic assessment approach: assesses how students learn and what help they need to learn, as opposed to standardized tests, which assess what students already know. Can improve reading, writing, etc in struggling students
Cattell & Horn
IQ - Crystallized and Fluid Intelligence
Theories - Hereditarian view of intelligence (IQ inherited)
S/A - WISC/SB tap G by assessing fluid and crystallized intelligence
IQ - General Intelligence
- Divides G into 2 sets of abilities
- Level 1 - Memory and simple associative learning
- Level 2 - Abstract reasoning and conceptual thought
S/A - Jensenism: IQ largely due to heredity, including racial heritage
IQ - 3 Main abilities of successful intelligence; emphasis on processes not domains
- Analytical abilities
- Creative abilities
- Practical abilities
Theories - Triarchic Theory of Successfull Intelligences
- Componential dimension - metacomponents, performance, knowledge acquisition
- Experiential dimension - insight, synthesis, dealing w/novel info
- Contextual dimension - “street smarts”
- STAT: emphasis on ability to learn not what’s already been learned
- results suggest that those students receiving instruction that emphasizes analytical, creative, and practical thinking outperform students taught in traditional manners
- Influenced by Campione
- Intelligence is a process, not a static entity
- Capacity to learn through instruction
- Sociocultural cognitive theory of development that emphasized how culture and social interaction guide cognitive development
- ZPD, Scaffolding, Private speech
- Ability to learn through collaborative activity better predictor than traditional IQ tests
- Focus on emergent abilities and learning potential
- Children who use private speech are more attentive and improve performance more than those who do not
- Keep children more attentive and active in classroom discussion
- The educational environment in critical to the development of a child’s intelligence potential, especially with gifted children
- General Intelligence
- Gifted children may suffer from adjustment problems due to misunderstanding by adults and lack of challenge
- Binet tests to measure IQ
IQ - 3 Stratum Model of Intelligence
- 65 narrow abilities
- 8 broad abilities
- G
- 8 broad abilities
- G heavily influences by environment
- Used factor analysis to determine constructs that make up G
IQ - Bio-Ecological Theory of Intelligence
- Intelligence = multiple cognitive abilities
- Changes in intelligence result from the interaction between genetics and environment at various developmental states
- Cognitive processes are context dependent
- Noncognitive traits affect the development of intelligence
- Intelligence is the “ability for complex thinking and reasoning” - ability is largely context specific
- Heavily influenced by Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological systems theory
- Suggestibility of children’s memory
- Effects of schooling on IQ
- IQ is not related to the ability to perform real-world cognitively complex tasks (race-track study)
- Critiques - Broad and lacks testable hypotheses