Theorists Flashcards
Steve Neal
- repetition -difference -borrow -industry
Genre theory
Genre is dominated by repetition but also marked by difference.
Genre can change, develop, and vary as they borrow from and overlap one another
Genres exist within specific economic, institutional and industrial contexts
Roland Barthes
-signs -connotations -ideology
Texts communicate their meaning thru a process of signification
RB stated that signs have connotations which involve meanings associated with or suggested by the sign
The media has an ideological effect on audiences
Levi Strauss
-binary oppositions -ideology
Media narratives have binary oppositions
The way binary oppositions are resolved can have ideological significance
Tzvetan Todorov
-three act -structure -ideology
All narratives share a basic structure that involves a movement from one state of equilibrium to another
The way in which narratives are resolved can have particular ideological significance
Jean Baudrillard
-simulation -simaulcra -hyper reality
The boundaries verse the ‘real’ world and the world of the media have collapsed and it is no longer possible to distinguish between reality and simulation
In a postmodern age of simulacra we are immersed in a world of images which no longer refer to anything ‘real’
Media images come to seem more ‘real’ than the reality they supposedly represent (hyper reality)
Stuart Hall
-signs -stereotypes -power
Representation is produced through kandhgae with language defined as a system of signs
Stereotyping is a form of representation that reduced people to a few stereotypes or simplistic traits
David Hesmondhalgh
-profit/risk -different industries -radicle internet
Nerjw companies try to minimise risk and maximise audiences through vertical and horizontal integration and by formatting their cultural products (e.d through the use of stars genres and serials)
The largest companies of conglomerates now operate