Mary Lermann Burke, Georgene Gaskill Eakes, Margaret A. Hainsworth (BEH)
Theory of Chronic Sorrow
Katharine Kolcaba
Theory of Comfort
Phil Barker
The Tidal Model of Mental Health Recovery
Cheryl Tatano Beck
Postpartum Depression Theory
Rozanno Locsin
Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing
Kristen Swanson
Theory of Caring
Sister Letty Kuan
Retirement and Role Discontinuity Model
Cornelia Ruland & Shirley Moore
Peaceful End-of-Life Theory
Sister CArolina S. AGRAvante
The CASAGRA Transformative Leadership Theory
Carmelita Divinagracia
Theory of COMPOSURE Behaviors (Composure Model )
Cecilia Laurente
Theory of Nursing Practice and Career
Carmencita Abaquin
Prepare Me Holistic Nursing Interventions
Abraham Maslow’s
Human Need Theory
Harry Stack Sullivan’s
Interpersonal Theory
Kurt Lewin’s
Change Theory
Erik Erikson’s
Stages of Psychosocial Development
Lawrence Kohlberg’s
Moral Development Theory