Erik Erikson’s Flashcards
Trust vs. Mistrust
0 to 1 1/2 years
Vitue: Hope
Feeding, Abandonment
Sig Person: Mother or Caregiver
Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt
1 1/2 to 3 years
Virtue: Will
(Ability to control self)
Toilet Training, Clothing themselves
Sig Persons: Parents
Initiative vs. Guilt
3 to 6 years
Vitue: Purpose
Exploring, Making Art
Sig Persons: Family
Industry vs. Inferiority
6 to 12 years
Virtue: Competence
Sports, School
School Age
Identity vs. Role Confusion
13 to 18 years
Virtue: Fidelity
School Relationship
Peers, Role Model
Intimacy vs. Isolation
19 to 40 years
Virtue: Love
Romantic Relationships
Friends, Partners
Young Adult
Generativity vs. Stagnation
40 to 65 years
Virtue: Care
Work, Parenthood
Household, Workmates
Middle Adulthood
Integrity vs. Despair
65 and above
Virtue: Wisdom
Reflection on life
Late Adulthood