Theories of Marriage and Family Exam Review Flashcards
What is the Theoretical One Liner for Contextual Family Therapy?
Pathology is defined as relational injustice or mistrust due to unbalance ledgers or pathological legacy/loyalty issues.
Who is ther founder of Contextual Therapy?
Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy
What sets the stage for symptom development in Contextual Therapy?
When a breakdown of fairness and trustworthiness occurs through disengagement from multilateral caring and accountablity.
Class #3 Notes p.15
What is the key goal of Contextual Therapy?
Help family members reconnect and repair present or past unfair, unjust, interactions and transactions.Class #3 Notes p. 15
In Contextual Theory the I/Thou concept is characterized by:
Openness reciprocity, and a deep sense of personal involvement in “thou”.
Class 3 Notes p. 2
In Contextual theory how do loyalties connect is to our family of origin and previous generations.
They create a bondwith our family-of-origin and previous generations. .
Class 3 Notes p.4
How does Nagy’s concept of fairness in Contextual Therapy differ from universal principles?
Families in dialog determine what is fair and they have a right to expect to be treated fairly in all familial relational interactions and transactions.
Class 3 Notes p. 5-6
In Nagy’s concept of Contextual Therapy what is a ledger like?
An interpersonal relational account book of what has been given, to what degree and to whom.
Class 3 Notes p. 6
What is the result when persons have experience a high degree of “fairness” in their family of origin.
Their respective ledgers will be balanced.
Class 3 Notes p.5
In Contextual Therapy what comprises a Family Legacy for Nagy?
It is comprised of the family expectations that children grow up with which are transmitted to then by their family of origin (your smart, your dump). Part of their destiny.
Class 3 Notes p. 7
What is the result when persons have “Balanced Ledgers”?
They are able to build new relationships on principles that value each person’s welfare, interest, and, needs.
Class 3 Notes p.6
Define “Merit” in Contextual terms.
Those actions that one does in consideration of the welfare, interest and needs of others.
Class 3 Notes p. 8
Contextually, what is compromised when only one person’s interest are considered?
Fairness and loyalty.
Class 3 Notes p. 9
Define Entitlement in Contextual terms.
What I am owed by others.
Class #3 Notes p.10
Define Indebtedness in Contextual terms.
What I owe to others.
Class #3 Notes p.10
Contextually, when is trustworthiness established?
When people take their own and the other person’s interest into consideration.
Class #3 Notes p.10
How does Contextual therapy view Mutuality and Trustworthiness?
As a fundamental building block of family and social relationships.
Class #3 Notes p.11
Define Destructive Entitlement in Contextual terms.
The experience of not being cared for by one’s parents (mistreated, neglected, or exploited - emotionally or physically).
Class #3 Notes p.12
What is the consequence of Destructive Entitlement?
Future relationships are potentially compromised. Individuals try to collect uncollected debt from the wrong people.
Class #3 Notes p.12-13
Define a Revolving Slate in Contextual terms.
How patterns are repeated from on generation to the next. Unconscious binging legacies that prevent avoiding the patterns.
Class #3 Notes p. 13
Contextually, what is Rejunctive action mean?
To reconnect and repair present or past unfair, unjust interactions and transactions.
Class #3 Notes p. 15
Define Object Relations Theory
Pathology is defined as unresolved family of origin pain from the past that foster unhealthy projections and reactivity in the present.
Class #4 Study notes P. 1
What are the 3 key names associated with Object Relations Theory?
Sigmund Freud, Melanie Klein and Ronald Fairbain.
Class #4 Study notes P. 2
What does Object Relation Family Therapy seek to do?
Make the unconscious, conscious.
Class #4 Study notes P. 2
There are no single MF Theorist associated with Object Relations FT - who are the significant contributors?
James Framo Nathan Ackerman David and Jill Scharff Sameul Slipp Class #4 Study notes P. 3
In ORFT past influences provide the answers about what?
Problems being experienced in the present.
Class #4 Study notes P. 4
What does Object Relations therapist emphasize?
The basic human need for relationship and attachment to others.
Class #4 Study notes P. 5
An Ideal object is associated with ORFT, what is it ?
An internal mental representation that has a positive impact on our perspective of self and our interaction with others.
Class #4 Study notes P. 6
What is a Rejecting Object associated with ORFT?
An internal mental representation of the caregiver interrelated with instances when needs for attachement were rejected resulting in anger or negative emotions.
Class #4 Study notes P. 6
Define ORFT concept of an Exciting Object.
An internal mental representation of a caretaker formed when need’s for attachment were overstimulated and leads to longings for unattainable/tempting objects.
Class #4 Study notes P. 6
In ORFT how does Freud define Splitting?
A defense mechanism that helps people live with contradictory forces.
Nichols P. 167
Class #4 Study notes P. 7
What did Fairbain include in ORFT process of Splitting?
The mother, father and our emotions.
Class #4 Study notes P. 8
How does ORFT define introjections?
(Distorted) internal mental images that we have of ourselves and our important objects - how we think of ourselves.
Class #4 Study notes P. 9
What is a Projection as it relates to ORFT?
The process by which one’s repressed traits, urges and emotions and dispositions are ascribed to another.
Class #4 Study notes P. 10
How would an ORFT describe Projective Idenfication?
Defending against anxiety by projecting split-off or unwanted parts of self onto another who is manipulated by the projections.
Class #4 Study notes P. 12
Discribe the concept of Transference in ORFT terms.
One person projecting onto another repressed, unwanted feelings and attitudes based on relational patterns from a former relationship.
Class #4 Study notes P. 13
ORFT requires Joining. What is it?
Establishing trust with each family member.
Class #4 Study notes P. 14
What is a Protective Holding Environment?
A safety zone where unconditional positive regard is offered to all family members.
Class #4 Study notes P. 14
What are the 4 basic techniques used in ORFT?
Listening, Analytic Neutrality, Empathy and Interpretation.
Class #4 Study notes P. 15
How is Listening employed in ORFT?
Engaging in a strenuous, silent process that requires concentration and effort.
Class #4 Study notes P. 16
What does the ORFT need to do to establish Analytic Neutrality?
Concentrate on understanding without solving problems.
Class #4 Study notes P. 16
Nichols P. 175
How is the technique of Empathy used in ORFT?
Empathy is used to help family members open up before using reassurance, advise or confrontation.
Class #4 Study notes P. 16
How is the technique of Interpretation used in ORFT?
To clarify hidden aspects of the family’s experience after they open up.
Class #4 Study notes P. 16
Nichols P. 175
What is the study of feedback in self-regulating systems called.
Nichols P. 55
What is the TOL for Bowen’s Family SysteMs theory?
Pathology is defined as low differentiation that manifests fusion, cut off and triangulation.
Who was the main developer/author of Family Systems Theory?
Murray Bowen.
How does Bowen describe a Symbiotic Relationship?
One between individuals where very close interdependencies exit and over overcloseness to the point of pathology.
Class 5 study notes p. 2
How is Bowen’s term Differentiation of Self described?
The capacity to think and reflect, not respond automatically to internal/external emotional pressures - the ability to be flexible and act wisely in the face of anxiety.
Nichols p. 76
Class 5 study notes p. 4