Structural Family Therapy Flashcards
What does the concept of family therapy allow the therapist to do?
Intervene in a systematic and organized way.
Class 9 notes P. 1
What does Structural add?
a recongnition of the overall organization that supports and maintains family interactions.
Class 9 notes P.1
Who is the founder of Structural Family Therapy?
Salvadore Minuchin.
Class 9 notes P. 1
What are the 3 key interlocking constructs of Structural Family Therapy
Family Structure, Subsystems, and Boundaries
Class 9 notes P. 2-3
What does Family Structure refer to?
The ways subsystems interact and transact to coordinate family life successfully.
Class 9 notes P. 3
What areas is the Family Structure concerned with?
- Authority and Power
- Communication
- Interactions > Alliances and coalitions
Class 9 notes P. 3
How would you describe the patterns that a family establishes to transacts various tasks?
Consistent, repetitive, organized, predictable behaviors.
Class 9 notes P.3
How is the family structure reinforced?
Through established rules?
Class 9 notes P. 4
How is the family structure shaped?
Partly by universal rules/constraints and partly by idiosyncratic rules/constraints.
Class 9 notes P. 4
What are the components of family systems called?
Class 9 notes P. 5
Name the 5 subsystems of the family system.
Individual, spousal, parental, sibling, and Extended sub systems.
Class 9 notes P. 5
What is the purpose of a family subsystem?
To carry out certain family tasks that are necessary for the successful functioning of the family.
Class 9 notes P. 5
Family subsystems are differentiated based on what?
- generation (granparents/parents/children)
- Gender (male/female)
- Function (who is responsible for what)
Class 9 notes P. 5
What are invisible boundaries?
Rules that serve to regulate contact with others.
Class 9 notes P. 5
Name one negative aspect of a Rigid Boundary.
It can restrict contact between family members and subsystems.
Class 9 notes P. 6
Name a positive aspect of a Rigid Boundary.
It can facilitate the autonomy and freedom - Independence.
Class 9 notes P. 6
What is a function of a Clear Boundary?
It can clearly define boundaries between subsystems, maintain separateness and emphasize belongingness. They are firm yet flexible.
Class 9 notes P. 7
Describe a Diffuse Boundary.
I can offer closeness and support at the expense of autonomy, independence and freedom. It can foster enmeshment.
Class 9 notes P. 7
From a Structural perspective, normal family functioning has to do with what?
With how a family deals with their problems and challenges - how they interact and transact.
Class 9 notes P. 8
What must newlyweds do to negotiate challenges successfully.
Accommodate to one another and create healthy boundaries and define boundaries between themselves and extended families.
Class 9 notes P. 9
What 2 functions of interaction do families have?
Reciprocal and complimentary.
Class notes P. 4