Class #3 Contextual Family Therapy Flashcards
Who founded the Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute?
Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy
Class 3 Notes p. 1
Who is ther founder of Contextual Therapy?
Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy
The I/Thou concept is characterized by:
Openness reciprocity, and a deep sense of personal involvement in “thou”.
Class 3 Notes p. 2
Contextual therapy indicates that we do not come into the world as blank slates. Why?
- each of us is connected to our roots - past generations.
- intergenerational concerns are emphasized
- each of us is a byproduct of were we came from.
Class 3 Notes p. 4
Why are we loyal to our family of origan?
Because of what we have received from them and/or what they did for us.
Class 3 Notes p.5
How do loyalties connect is to our family of origin and previous generations.
They create a bond with our family-of-origin and previous generations.
Class 3 Notes p.4
What is the result when persons have experience a high degree of “fairness” in their family of origin.
Their respective ledgers will be balanced.
Class 3 Notes p.5
What is a ledger like?
A interpersonal relational account book of what has been given, to what degree, and to whom.
Class 3 Notes p.6
Class #3 handout p. 234
What is the result when persons have “Balanced Ledgers”?
They are able to build new relationships on principles that value each person’s welfare, interest, and, needs.
Class 3 Notes p.6
What comprises a Family Legacy?
The expectation that children grow up with which are transmitted to them by their family of orgin.
Class 3 Notes p. 6
Define “Merit”.
Those actions that one does in consideration of the welfare, interest and needs of others.
Class 3 Notes p. 8
What are three benefits of a “Balanced Ledger”?
- Permits couples to build new families that do not have excessive loyalty issues.
- Considers each other’s welfare, interest and needs
- Lead to healthy functional relationships
- Balanced Ledgers formed by fairness and caring permit spouses to acquire merit and collect debt
- They don’t have uncollected debt influencing interactions and transactions
Class 3 notes p. 8
What is compromised when only one person’s interest are considered?
Fairness and loyalty
Class #3 Notes p. 9
What problems can an unbalanced ledger create?
- unhealthy dysfunctional relationships
- mistrust
- excessive loyalty issues in families
- cause family members to ignore each other’s welfare, interest and needs
- uncollected debt to influence family member’s interactions and transactions.
Class 3 notes p.9
When are relationships Trustworthy?
When each person’s interest are taken into consideration.
Class #3 Notes p. 9
How can a ledger become unbalanced?
When only one person’s interest are considered.
Class #3 Notes p. 10
Define: Entitlement and Indebtedness.
Entitlement - What I’m owed by others
Indebtedness - What I owe to others
Class #3 Notes p.10
What is said about Mutuality and Trustworthyness?
It is the fundamental building block of family and social relationships.
Class #3 Notes p. 11
What can cause a child to become symptomatic?
When a child is encumbered with unfair debt beyond their years and his/her trust resources are depleted.
Class #3 Notes p.12
How can it be determined if a family ledger is in balanced?
When it is negotiated and decided by all family members.
Class #3 Notes p. 10
Define Destructive Entitlement.
The experience of not being cared for by one’s parents (being mistreated, neglected, or exploited - emotional or physical abuse).
Class #3 Notes p.12
What is the consequence of Destructive Entitlement?
Future relationships are potentially compromised.
Individuals end up trying to, collect uncollected debts from the wrong people.
Class #3 Notes p. 12- 13
What is a Revolving Slate?
How patterns are repeated form one generation to the next. They are struggled against but there unconscious binding legacies which prevent avoiding the pattern.
Class #3 Notes p.13
Define Split familial Loyalty
When children are placed in the middle of a couple’s conflict and forced to choose.
Class #3 Notes p. 13