Object Relations Family Therapy Flashcards
What does Object Relations Theory maintain regarding how we interpret objects around us?
We form certain internal mental representations that are partly based in reality and partly in our own reality.
Class #4 Study notes P 1
Define Object Relations Theory
Pathology is defined as unresolved family of origin pain from the past that fosters unhealthy projections and reactivity in the present.
Class #4 Study notes P. 1
What are the key 3 names associated with Object Relations Theory?
Sigmund Freud, Melanie Klein and Ronald Fairbairn
Class #4 Study notes P. 2
What does Object Relation Family Therapy seek to do?
Make the unconscious, conscious.
Class #4 Study notes P. 2
When can Object Relations Family Therapy be useful?
When MFTs suspect repressed painful wounds are surfacing in the therapy room.
Class #4 Study notes P.2
What is the basic human need that Object Relations therapist emphasize?
The basic human need that people have is for attachment and relationship to others/
Class #4 Study notes P. 3
What key names are associated with Object Relations Family Therapy?
James Framo, Nathan Ackerman, David and Jill Scharff, and Samuel Slipp
Class #4 Study notes P. 3
According to ORFT what is the result of our early experiences with our primary attachments objects?”
Internal mental representations are formed:
who we are, how we think, how we interpret the world around us.
Class #4 Study notes P. 3
Describe the Self-Object Concept.
The basic human need for RELATIONSHIP and ATTACHMENT to others. Therapist assess how people relate to others based on pass expectations developed for early experience with primary attachment objects - mothers.
Class #4 Study notes P. 5
Making the unconscious conscious has the goal of what?
Resolving past wounds to positively impact the well being and health of the family at the individual, couple, and family level.
Class #4 Study notes P 4-5
What is a rejecting object?
An internal mental representation of the caregiver which interrelated with moments/instances when the child’s needs for attachment were rejected, leading to anger and/or some other negative emotion.
Class #4 Study notes P. 6
Describe An Exciting Object.
An internal mental representation of the caregiver formed when the child’s needs for attachment were overstimulated leading to longing for an unattainable but tempting object.
Class #4 Study notes P. 6
How does Freud define “Splitting”?
The EGO dividing itself in order to coexist with two conflicting messages.
Nichols P. 167
Class #4 Study notes P. 7
What is an ideal object?
An internal mental representation that has a positive impact on our perspective of self and our interactions with others. They make us feel good about ourselves and positively impact our interactions with others.
Class #4 Study notes P. 6
What did Fairbairn asses to the process of “Splitting”?
External objects (parents & emotions -affection, anger, resentment) are also involved in the process. And maturity and immaturity is based on how developing children LEARNS TO MANAGE splits involving ego, external objects and emotions. Class #4 Study notes P. 7
According to Fairbairn, what is the result of failure to syncronize splits within one’s external reality?
It produces internal conflict that leaks out into the way we relate to external objects (other people) Class #4 Study notes P 8
Fairbairn posits that maturity and immaturity is based on what?
How a child learns to manage splits with involve the ego, external objects, and our emotions.
Class #4 Study notes P 8
In ORFT in what 3 ways do we experience our caregivers?
As ideal, rejecting or exciting.
Class #4 Study notes P. 5-9
NIchols P. 167
What are introjections?
The internal mental images that we have of ourselves and our important objects. How we come to think of ourselves.
Class #4 Study notes P. 9
What are projections?
The process by which ones own traits, urges, emotions and dispositions etc, are ascribed to another
Class #4 Study notes P. 10
Describe Projective Identification.
Clients defend against anxiety by PROJECTING certain split-off or unwanted parts of themselves onto the other person, who is then manipulated by these PROJECTIONS. Projections are interactional.
Class #4 Study notes P. 12
Define Transference
One person projecting onto another repressed, unwanted feelings and attitudes.
Interactions towards another person are based on certain internalized object relations patterns for a former relationship Class #4 Study notes P. 13
ORFT assess for transference in what 2 ways?
- From client to therapist
- From one family member to another
Class #4 Study notes P. 13
How does transference occur?
When an individual’s interactions towards another individual are based on certain internalized object relations patterns from former relationships (the other actual person AND the internal other).
Class #4 Study notes P 13
What does a Protective Holding Zone offer after joining has been accomplished?
A safe zone/safe environment that offers unconditional positive regard to all family members.
Class #4 Study notes P. 14
What is necessary in order for ORFT to proceed?
An initial hypothesis.
Class #4 Study notes P 15
What are the 4 basic techniques in ORFT?
Listening, Analytic Neutrality, Empathy and Interpretations.
Class #4 Study notes P. 15
Nichols P. 175
What does the ORFT need to do to establish Analytic Neutrality?
Concentrate on understanding without problem solving.
Class #4 Study notes P. 16
Nichols P. 175
How is the technique of Interpretation used in ORFT?
To clarify hidden aspects of their experience after the family opens up.
Class #4 Study notes P. 16
Nichols P. 175
What is said about the listening technique in Object Relations Family Therapy?
The form of ORFT engages in is a strenuous, silent process that requires concentration and effort.
Class #4 Study notes P. 16
Nichols P. 175
How is the technique of Empathy used in ORFT?
When necessary intervene by expressing empathy to help the family members open up.
Class #4 Study notes P. 16
Nichols P. 175
What is the goal of ORFT and why?
The goal of ORFT is the identification of unconscious inner conflict that is not measured because it is subjective in form.
Class #4 Study notes P. 18
Nichols P. 175
Through therapy the therapist will probe gently in an efford to….
a. Elicit history
b. thoughts
c. perspectives
d. feelings.
Class #4 Study notes P. 17
Nichols P. 175
What is the study of feedback mechanisms in self-regulating systems called?
Nichols P. 55