Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy Flashcards
How is Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy Defined
Pathology is defined as irrational cognations and maladaptive learned behavior.
Who were a principal developers of family behavior therapy?
Gerald Patterson, Robert Weiss, Robert Liberman, Richard Stuart, Michael Crowe, Gayola Margolin, and Ina Falloon,
Nichols P. 185
What is one type of associative learn that Pavlov discovered while working with dogs?
Classical Conditioning.
Class Notes 13 P. 2
What did Pavlov discover related to an “Unconditional Stimulus” (UCS) associated with Classical Conditioning.
Prior learning need not take place to elicit a response.
Class Notes 13 P. 2
What is the result of an Unconditional Stimulus?
An Unconditional Response (UCR).
Class Notes 13 P. 2
How are stimuli discribed that do not elicit an Unconditional Response?
Neutral with respect to UCS/UCR
Class Notes 13 P. 2
What occurs when a UCS is repeatedly paired with a neutral stimuli?
It begins to elicit a response similar to the UCS.
Class Notes 13 P. 2
What is the result called of the pairing an UCS with a neutral stimulus?
A condition/learned response (CR)
Class Notes 13 P. 2
What theorist is identified with Operant Conditioning?
B.F. Skinner
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What does Operant Conditioning involve?
Strengthening a behavior in a particular situation and rewarding or punishing that behavior so it will occur more frequently. Reinforcing consequences after the fact.
Class Notes 13 P. 3
What is reinforcement?
The use of certain consequences immediately following a behavior in an effort to increase a desired behavior.
Class Notes 13 P. 3
What are the two kinds of reinforcement?
Positive and Negative
Class Notes 13 P. 3
What is the function of a positive reenforcement?
To Increase a particular type of behavior b following it with a favorable, pleasurable event - reward.
Class Notes 13 P. 3
What is the function of a negative reenforcement?
to increase the frequency of a desired response by removing or terminating an ongoing aversive stimulus or event immediately after the desired response is obtained.
Class Notes 13 P. 4
Define Shaping?
Breaking up a complex target behavior into small steps through the use of reinforcement until the target behavior is achieved.
Class Notes 13 P. 4
Describe a Contingency Contract.
A process of negotiating desired behavior change between two people that contains specific defined rules and expectations for interaction.
Class Notes 13 P. 5
Name key figure associated with the Social Learning Theory?
Albert Bandura
Class Notes 13 P. 6
Social Learning theorist emphasized the reciprocal interaction between thoughts, behavior and environment. What did Bandura also maintain?
Along with our environment, cognitions and feelings also influence behavior.
Class Notes 13 P. 7
What does the Social Exchange Theory posit?
People seek to maximize rewards and minimize cost in relationships.
Class Notes 13 P. 7
The technique of Modeling based on what fact?
We learn from observing others.
Class Notes 13 P. 7
What is seen in Normal Family Development?
A relationship where there is a balance between giving and getting as a result of acquiring effect skills i.e. communication and problem solving.
Class Notes 13 P. 8
Name two couples therapy techniques.
Speaker Listening and Problem Solving
Class Notes 13 P. 8
What do Cognitive Behaviorist concentrate on and look for?
They concentrate on symptoms. They look for response that reinforce behavior and schemas/core beliefs that function to reinforce behavior.
Class Notes 13 P. 9
In Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy, who defines the rules?
The client.
Class Notes 13 P. 9
Name two primary goals in Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy.
- Modifying current behavioral patterns/problem behavior
- Substitute desirable behaviors in place of undesirable behaviors.
Class Notes 13 P. 9
What is the first step in Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy?
Define the problem.
Class Notes 13 P. 10
What is the purpose of a Functional Analysis?
To develop a baseline of the frequency of the targeted behavior while documenting what precedes (antecedents) and follows the behavior (consequences).
Class Notes 13 P. 10
What is the focus on in Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy?
The overt behavior rather than the target behavior itself.
Class Notes 13 P. 10
In Parent/Child training in what 3 ways can information be obtain to obtain a baseline and to develop a functional analysis for treatment?
- Conduct a careful interview with the parents
- Observe the parent/child interaction through a one-way mirror.
- Observe the parent/child during a home visit.
Class Notes 13 P. 12