Chapter 3 Fundamental Concepts Of Family Therapy Flashcards
Define Cybernetics.
It is the Greek term for what?
The study of feedback mechanisms in self-regulating systems.
Nichols p. 55
It is the Greek term for "steersman". Chapter 3 class notes p 5
What is the study of feedback mechanisms in self-regulating systems called?
Nichols p. 55
What is the “Feedback Loop”?
A consistent behavior pattern over a long period of time.
The process by which a system gets the information necessary to maintain a steady course.
Nichols p 55
What is a state of equilibrium in a system amount it’s various part called?
Chapter 3 calls notes p. 6
What does feedback include?
Information about the system’s performance relative to the external environment as well as relationships amount system’s parts.
Nichols p 55
A consistent behavior pattern over a long period of time is indicative of what?
A feedback loop.
Nichols p 55
What does Negative Feedback indicate?
That the system is straying off the mark and corrections are needed to get it back on course.
Nichols p 55
Chapter 3 class notes p. 7
Define Positive Feedback.
Information that reinforces the direction the system is taking.
Nichols p 55
Positive Feedback tells the system things are changing and it’s deviating from homeostasis.
Family Crucible p. 83
It creates a Positive Feedback Loop that results in one of two options:
1. Return to homeostasis or
2. The creation of a new homeostasis
Chapter 3 class notes p. 9
What was Ludwig Von Bertalanffy’ contribution to General System Therory?
He is credited with developing many presuppositions and assumptions that are inherently a part of General System Therapy.
Chapter 3 class notes p. 10
Define Equifinality
The ability to reach a final goal in a variety of ways. Nichols p 59 An inherent characteristic in human systems. Chapter 3 class notes p. 12
Describe an Open System.
Open Systems continually interacts with its environment and sustains themselves by exchanging resources with their environment.
The appropriate amount of openness or closeness can only be determined contextually.
Nichols p 59 Chapter 3 class notes p. 13
Name 3 of the 5 issues that Ludwig Bertalanffy brought up that have shaped family therapy.
- A system is more than the some of its parts
- Emphasis on interaction within and among systems vs reductionism
- Human system as ecological organisms vs mechanism
- The concept of Equifinality
- Homeostatic reactivity vs spontaneous activity
Nichols p 60
Chapter 3 class notes p. 10
What are the two core assumptions of General System Therory?
- Systems must be understood as a whole and can not be understood be examining its individual parts in isolation of each other.
- GTS are self reflective - the ability to make themselves and their own behavior the object of examination and the target of explanation.
Chapter 3 class notes p. 10-11
We can never se the world the God's eye. We know the world through our subjective experience. Everything is filter through our personal lens. Our interpretations of the world around us are the direct result of what we believe about the world. Our behaviors are the result of our interpretations of the world. As a result all truth is relative or based on perspective. This defines what? Chapter 3 class notes p. 14
What does Social Constructionism maintain?
- Our interpretation of the world are profoundly shaped by the culture in which we are embedded.
- emphasis the collective mind, language, and culture
- a person’s perspective is influenced by the social ecology in which they are embedded.
Nichols 61-62 Chapter 3 class notes p. 14
Multiculturalism celebrates and emphasizes plurality in what four areas?
Chapter 3 class notes p. 15
Name one limitation of the feminist theory.
They fail to assume that families are organized around gender and generations.
Chapter 3 class notes p. 17
General what does the Postmodernism Theory state?
Knowledge about the world is dependent upon the social structure in which the individual operates. There are no universal truths that are blinding for all times, persons, and places.
Chapter 3 class notes p. 17
What are the typical stages in a life cycle?
Dating, engagement, marriage, newly weds, families with young children, families with adolescents, families with young adult children,
The empty nest, families in later life.
Chapter 3 class notes p. 17-18
What is the Theoretical One-liner for Contextual Family Therapy?
Pathology is defined as relational injustice or mistrust due to unbalanced ledgers or pathological legacy/loyalty issues.
Chapter 3 class notes p. 18