theories of family diversity Flashcards
there is a ‘functional fit’ between the nuclear family and modern society
parsons sees the nuclear family as uniquely suited to meeting the needs of modern society for a geographically and socially mobile workforce, and as performing two irreducible functions which stabilise society
because of the family’s ability to perform these essential functions, we can generalise about the type of family we will find in modern society
the new right
see the nuclear family as natural, and based on biological differences between men and women
oppose most of the changes in family patterns such as cohabitation, same sex marriage and lone parenthood
the decline of the nuclear family causes many social problems
cohabitation vs marriage
the main cause of lone parent families is the collapse of relationships between cohabiting couples
married couples have a more stable relationship because it requires a deliberate commitment to each other
the connectedness thesis
smart - we are fundamentally social beings whose choices are always made within a web of connectedness, rather than disembedded isolated individuals
we live within networks of existing relationships and interwoven personal histories and these strongly influence our range of options in relationships
parents who separate remain connected through their children