the feminist perspective Flashcards
first wave of feminism
suffragettes wanted the right to vote
1918 - equal rights given to women over 30
1928 - equal rights given to women at 21 years old
second wave of feminism
1960s - concentrated on equal rights in the workplace
1961 - free contraception
1970 - equal pay act
2008 - women’s pay still averaged two thirds of men’s
impact on feminism in society
equal pay act pension provisions
impact on feminism in society
social policy
maternity and paternity leave
family tax credits
nursery vouchers
impact on feminism in society
girls are treated more equally in schools
out achieving boys
impact on feminism in society
women go to work and contribute financially
have more say in family matters
stay at home dads less stigmatised
impact on feminism in society
less sexism (nude calendars and innuendos)
better chance of promotion
what kind of view to feminists take on the family?
a critical view
its a conflict theory like marxism
what does the family do according to feminists?
oppress women through the unequal division of domestic labour and violence that is often suffered
what do feminists regard gender inequality as?
something created by society
it is not natural or inevitable
liberal feminism
concerned with campaigning against sex discrimination and for equal rights and opportunities for women
what do liberal feminists argue?
women’s oppression is being gradually overcome
we are moving towards greater equality but that equality depends on further reforms
studies have suggested that men are now doing more domestic labour and parents are socialising their children equally
radical feminism
all societies have been founded by the patriarchy
the key division in society is between men and women
men are the enemy
the family and marriage are the key institutions in patriarchal societies
how do radical feminists believe the oppression of women can be overturned?
abolish the family - root of the patriarchal system
can only be done through separatism
political feminists such as germaine greer argue for the creation of matrilocal households
marxist feminism
the main cause of women’s oppression in the family is not men, but capitalism
oppression of women in the family is linked to the exploitation of the working class
what functions do marxist feminists believe women’s oppression perform for capitalism?
reproduce the labour force
absorb anger - fran ansley (‘takers of shit’)
women are a ‘reserve army’ of cheap labour
difference feminisim
we can’t generalise about the women’s experience as if they are all from a conventional nuclear family
black feminists argue that white feminists neglect black women’s experience of racial oppression. Black families are a positive source of support and resistance against oppression
others dispute this, arguing that women share many of the same experiences when compared with men - they face a greater risk of domestic violence
criticisms of feminism
liberal feminists - criticised for failing to challenge the underlying causes of women’s oppression
jenny somerville (2000) - radical feminists fail to recognise that women’s position had improved considerably and argues that separatism is unlikely to work
most women want to spend time with men, marry them and have children together
the new right - equality is not always a good thing