the functionalist perspective Flashcards
what are the functions of the family?
what is a nuclear family?
two generations living together, single or both parents
what is a reconstituted family?
step family
what is a vertically extended family?
grandparents - parents - children
what is a horizontally extended family?
aunts - parents - uncles
what is a household?
a group of people who live together, they may or may not be related through blood or marriage
what is a family?
a form of household where all the people are related by blood or kin
what is functionalism?
a theory which views society as being a system of interconnected parts based in shared values.
what do functionalists compare society to?
the human body
society is the body
the heart is the family
the body parts are institutions within society
what do functionalists believe both humans and society have in order to survive?
basic needs
who provides these basic needs?
social institutions
what does a social institution need for it to be functional?
it needs to contribute to the survival of a whole society
what institutions in society are valued by functionalists?
pre industrial society (parsons)
extended families
looking after sick
industrial society (parsons)
nuclear families
2 basic irreducible functions
primary socialisation
stabilisation of adult personalities
emotional support (warm bath)
childish side
what is organic analogy?
family pumps values around society
parson’s view on sexual division of labour
men - instrumental roles
women - expressive roles
murdock’s view on sexual division of labour
men provide, women serve
what 4 functions does murdock believe the family provides?
sexual - stable relationships for adults
reproduction - creating more society members
economic - pools resources to provide for each other
educational - teaches norms and values in society
what did murdock conclude?
he claimed that nuclear families are universal and inevitable, and that families exist in every society
what are parsons two essential needs?
a geographically mobile workforce
a socially mobile workforce
criticisms of functionalism?
too positive - ignores dark side such as domestic abuse and stress
feminists - women are exploited and abused, ideas on labour divisions are sexist
ignores diversity - based on white, middle class american families
too deterministic - interactionists - socialisation is a two way process