he proposed that Darwanism should be viewed as five major theories
Ernst Mayr
FIve major theories propopsed by Ernst Mayr
Perpetual Change
Common Descent
Multiplication of the Species
Natural Selection
it is when The living world is neither constant nor
perpetually cycling, but is always changing
Perpetual Change
–The varying forms of organisms undergo
measurable change across generations
throughout time
Perpetual Change
–Documented by the fossil record
–Theory upon which the remaining 4 are
Perpetual Change
All forms of life descend from a common
ancestor through a branching of lineages
Common Descent
–Life’s history has the structure of a
branching evolutionary tree is known as a
it is when it –Serves as the basis for our taxonomic
classification of animals
Common Descent
The evolutionary process produces new species
by splitting and transforming older ones
Multiplication of Species
Large differences in anatomic traits that characterize disparate species originate through the accumulation of many small incremental changes over very long periods of time
A creative process that generates novel forms from
the small individual variations that occur among
organisms within a population
Natural Selection
An anatomical structure, physiological process, or
behavioral trait that evolved by natural
selection and improves an organism’s ability to
survive and leave descendants
3 theory of special creation
hindu concept
christian belief
islam belief
it is about how lord Brahma- created the living world in one stroke
Hindu Concept
the belief where God created this universe, plants, animals, and human beings in about six days.
Christian and Islam Belief
this 2 beliefs have three main postulates
Christian and Islam belief
what are the three main postulates
- all different kinds of animals & plants were created at once
- all organisms were created in the same form in which they exist today
- their bodies and organs have been designed to fully meet teh needs of the environment
it talks about the theory of how living things originated spontaneously from inanimate objects
theory of spontaneous generation
it is also called abigonesis or biopoesis
theory of spontaneous generation
the theory of spontaneous generation has three supporters, who are they?
Von Helmont
Von Helmont
believed three theories —–
- insects arise from dew
- fish and frog from mud
- fly maggots from meat
who are the 3 opposers of the theory of spontaneous generation
- Francisco Redi
- Spallanzani
- Loius Pasteur
what is the theory that was propsed by RIchter in 1865
Theory of Pansermia
what theory discusses that life had come to earth from other planets of the universe in teh form of resistant spores
Theory of Pansermia