Community change theories
difusion of innovation theory
Research has consistently shown that people are more likely to adopt innovations, including health-related practices, if they are:
compatible with their needs
flexible enough to be used in a variety of situations
reversible if people want to return to previous practices
advantageous when compared with alternatives
simple enough for people to understand and adopt
cost efficient, with the perceived benefits outweighing the costs
Diffusion of innovation theory divides individuals into (five categories according) to the length of time they take to adopt an innovation:
innovators (the source of the innovation)
early adopters (“first on the block”)
early majority
late majority
which describes three distinct approaches to involving communities in health promotion work
Community Mobilization: Rothman’s Framework
Rothman’s Framework, which describes three distinct approaches to involving communities in health promotion work (Rothman and Tropman, 1987).
The three approaches are:
social planning
locality development
social action
is a task-oriented method stressing rational problem
solving, usually:
by an outside party, to address community concerns.
Outside change agents gather facts about community problems and recommend the most appropriate responses.
Social planning
التخطيط الاجتماعي هو نهج موجه نحو المهام يركز على حل المشكلات العقلاني لمعالجة شواغل المجتمع، التي يقودها عادة طرف خارجي. يتضمن هذا النهج جمع المعلومات حول مشاكل المجتمع والتوصية بالاستجابات المناسبة لمعالجتها. غالبا ما يستخدم التخطيط الاجتماعي كوسيلة لمعالجة القضايا الاجتماعية المعقدة وتعزيز التنمية المجتمعية.
is a more process oriented approach that attempts to build a
sense of group identity and community.
Community workers organize a broad cross-section of people into small, task-oriented groups to identify and resolve shared problems.
Locality development
التنمية المحلية هي نظرية تغيير مجتمعية تؤكد على نهج موجه نحو العمليات لبناء شعور بالهوية الجماعية والمجتمع. يلعب العاملون المجتمعيون دورا حاسما في تنظيم مجموعة متنوعة من الأفراد في مجموعات صغيرة موجهة نحو المهام لتحديد المشاكل المشتركة وحلها. يهدف هذا النهج إلى تعزيز الشعور بملكية المجتمع وتمكينه، مما يؤدي إلى تغيير مستدام.
is a more confrontational approach, seeks to address imbalances of power between marginalized community groups and dominant segments of the community.
Social action
developed for health promoters distinguishes between:
community-based strategies
and community development initiatives
A More Recent Framework
………………………….link programs and services to community groups.
Community-based strategies
…………………….are different from community-based strategies in several respects.
Community development strategies
health issue under consideration, usually related to the prevention of health-related risk factors (e.g., tobacco, physical inactivity), is identified by the sponsoring agency.
community-based strategies or community development initiatives ?
community-based strategies
Interventions are implemented according to defined timelines, and decision-making power rests with the sponsoring organization rather than community participants.
community-based strategies or community development initiatives ?
community-based strategies
The problem or issue is defined by the community rather than the sponsoring organization.
community-based strategies or community development initiatives ?
community development initiatives
The process of planning the community development initiative is ongoing, based on continued negotiation between organizations and community groups, with the community worker serving as a liaison.
community-based strategies or community development initiatives ?
community development initiatives
………………………………….. emphasizes enhanced:
community capacity
The collective ability of a community to control the factors affecting their health, rather than measurable changes in health- related risk factors, as the desired outcome.
community-based strategies or community development initiatives ?
community development initiatives