introduction to IM Flashcards
The purpose of intervention mapping is to provide health promotion program planners with a …………………………………………………………………………………..
framework for effective decision making at each step in intervention planning, implementation , and evaluation.
the goal of developing Intervention Mapping was to describe and clarify the processes that have been used to create effective interventions.
Not to create a new process!
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A health education or promotion intervention is a planned combination of a series of strategies delivered through a theoretical methods organized into a program
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A health education or promotion intervention is a planned combination of theoretical methods delivered through a series of strategies organized into a program.
An intervention can be designed to change environmental or behavioral factors related to health, but the immediate impact of an intervention is on… ?
a set of well defined antecedents or determinants of behaviors and environmental conditions
To understand the problem health promoter will begin with
a question about the specific health or social problem.
then access social and behavioral sciences theories of causation at multiple levels.
These theories may suggest intervention points and methods
How do I decide what intervention methods to use?
Health promoter will accumulate the evidence of the effectiveness of these methods
not only literature but also opinions for expert and community
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Intervention mapping provide a broad framework for this process.
ايش المقصود
Intervention mapping provides a framework for this process, which helps health promoters develop effective interventions based on evidence and community input.
يعني يساعدنا عن طريق انه يخلينا نسوي تدخل قائم على الادلة العلميه وعلى اراء الخبراء والمجتمعات
How do I address changing the behavior of people in the environment
make sure intervention addresses those people who are not at risk for the health problem , but are important to changing conditions that affect those at risk
IM uses a social ecological approach in which health is viewed as a……………….. of individuals and of the environments in which individuals are embedded, including families, social network, organization and communities.
A nested structure of environments allows for multiple influences
both vertically across levels and horizontally within levels
This will result in a complex web of causation as well as a rich
context for intervention.
Health promoter can look to the relationship between individuals and their environment in tow ways:
First: mechanically, the individual and the environment can be viewed as cogs in a general system in which small changes in the social environment e.g. can lead to large changes in individual behavior( Green 1997).
Second: the vrious levels are viewed as embedded system
Health promoter can look to the relationship between individuals
and their environment in tow ways:
mechanically, the individual and the environment can be viewed as
cogs in a general system in which small changes in the social environment e.g. can lead to large changes in individual behavior( Green 1997).
Health promoter can look to the relationship between individuals and their environment in tow ways:
the vrious levels are viewed as embedded system
Ecological approach will help in
Developing a program that has an impact on multiple level of causation and leverage points
the impact itself will be affected by
The efficacy of intervention to influence change
And the proportion of the intended population exposed to the program
program planning must include strategies to:???
ensure that people intended by the program are adopting the program
Program implementation may tend to decline in amount and quality over time.
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practitioners must know what is acceptable level of implementation
and must plan a strategy for maintenance.
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Is the bringing of both a community and multidisciplinary
professional perspectives to the process of planning health
promotion program.
Participatory planning
The program is going to be applied in vacuum
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The program( is not) going to be applied in vacuum
The program can be developed by an expertise or authority that does not allow full participation of stakeholders
The program can’t be developed by an expertise or authority that does not allow full participation of stakeholders
The most possible intelligent and productive problem solution and
consensus can be gained by full participation
explicit delineation of the factors that can be supported behavioral or environmental causes of
health problem
The explicit intersection of these “determinants” with the performance necessary to carry out the health behavior or change the environmental factor
The use of the Matrix device to plan methods and strategies for both
The intervention itself
Adoption, implementation, maintenance and wide diffusion of the
attempt to force a division between theoretical methods and practical strategies
ايش المقصود ؟
لازم تحاول تدمج بين النظريات والاستراتيجيات الي اخترتها
Designing Theory- and Evidence-Based Health Promotion intervention
What is IM
State expected changes in behavior and environment
Specify performance objectives
Specify hypothetical determinants
Create matrices of proximal program objective
Proximal program objectives, that is statements of
•what must be changed at each ecological level
•and who must do the change.
•They are more specific intervention foci than are traditional program goals and objectives
ntervention Mapping Step I Matrices of Proximal Program Objectives
Brainstorm methods.
Translate methods into practical strategies.
Organize methods and strategies by groups of leaning objectives
at each level and check that methods are properly
Intervention Mapping Step 2 Methods and Strategies
is a general process for influencing changes in the determinants of behavior and environmental conditions
is a practical technique for the application of methods in ways that fit with the intervention group and the context in which the intervention will be conducted
Operationalize the strategies into plans that consider implementers and sites
Description of the scope and sequence of the component of the
The completions of program materials and protocols for implementation, (Develop design documents and produce materials) Pretest programs and materials with intervention groups and implementers
Intervention Mapping Step 3 Producing Program Components
Develop a linkage system
Create matrices of proximal program objectives
Select methods and strategies and create a diffusion intervention table
Write an adoption and implementation plan
Intervention Mapping Step 4 Planning for Adoption, Implementation and Sustainability
Develop an evaluation map
State process and effect questions
Develop or select indicators and measures using the matrices
Specify evaluation designs and write the plan
Intervention Mapping Step 5 Planning for Evaluation
Behaviors – Environmental Conditions?
What “determinants” are targeted?
Justifiable “determinants”?
Methods matched to “determinants”
Methods operationalized into strategies?
Analyzing Programs