Theories Flashcards
Livingstone and Lunt - Regulation theory
. Think regulation is hard
. Protecting the audience from harm
Hesmondhalgh - Cultural industries theory
. Companies need to minimise risk and maximise audiences to be successful
- Vertically and horizontally integrated
- Work across a variety of media platforms and technologies
- Controlling the release schedule of your project
- Detailed marketing campaign
Blumler and Katz - Uses and gratifications theory
. Surveillance
. Personal identity
. Personal relationships
. Diversion
Hall - Reception theory
He believes that media products are encoded with ideas. Preferred, negotiated and oppositional reading
Hypodermic needle theory
The media transmits messages to the audience and they accept the message and react to it
Bandura - Media effects theory
‘Deviant’ behaviour encourages copycat behaviour in the reader
Jenkins - Fandom theory
Fans play a key role in the media
Curran and Seaton - Profit and power
The media is controlled by a small number of companies primarily driven by the logic of profit and power
Neale - Genre theory
He thinks genres are made up of repetition and difference
Butler - Gender performativity theory
She believes gender is constructed through performance, so performing certain activities makes you feel more feminine/masculine
Baudrillard - Postmodernism theory
Modern audiences are so immersed in the media that it is no longer possible to tell reality from ‘simulacra’
Shirky - End of audience theory
Due to technological advances, audiences can no longer be thought of as passive consumers
Gerbner - Cultivation theory
Repeated representations in the media lead people to change the way they view the world around them
‘Mean World Syndrome’
Alvarado - representations of the black community
The humorous
The exotic
The pitied
The dangerous
Barthes - Semiotics theory
All texts communicate meaning through a set of signs encoded by the producer that needs to be decoded by the audience
Todorov - Narrative theory
All narratives follow a similar structure (equilibrium, disruption, new equilibrium)
Levi Strauss - Binary opposition theory
Most texts can be considered as simple conflicts which drive the narrative forward and position the audience to support a particular ideological standpoint (good vs evil)
Van Zoonen - Feminist theory
Men and women are represented in different ways by the media. Female objectification is linked to historical, patriarchal culture
Hall - Representation theory (stereotypes)
He believes that stereotypes are often negative. They are used in the media to often represent minority groups
Gauntlett - Pick and mix theory
We build our sense of identity partly through media representations. Media representations are becoming increasingly more diverse
bell hooks - gender, race and class
She believes that feminism is a political aim rather than an individual lifestyle
Gilroy - Ethnicity and postcolonial theory
Modern ideas about race and ethnicity are bound upon the historical idea of colonialism. Gilroy believes we can still see the effects of this in the media now