THEMES, Atlande, Foreign policy Flashcards
21st century changes
- after 1991 victory: US as a “super-power”
- now world domination in all attributes of power (economic, military, diplomatic, cultural…): BRICS
- to put an end to unipolarity?
Speech on foreign relations, Chicago in 2007
“A New Beginning”
“Instead of having more Americans serving in military bands than the diplomatic corps, we need to grow our foreign policy service. Instead of retreating from the world, I will personally lead a new chapter of American engagement.”
Obama’s obective
- after Bush
- restore American leadership through a US practice of foreign relations // value ideals exemplified by American history
- “smart-power”
Nobel Peace Prize
The Nobel committee embraced the messenger for “his extraordinary efforts to streghten international diplomcy and cooperation between peoples.”
The Clinton Administrations
- framework for a new Democratic foreign policy identity in the immediate East-West reconciliation era
- UN Ambassador to the UN, then Secretary of State: Madeleine Albright’s visions in the “3Ds”
Redefinition of American foreign policy was imperative
- after the Cold War
- identity crisis after 9/11
- “dirty war” in Irak
- 2007-2008 financial crisis
Obama’s projection in 2008
- modern networks of global communication
- his persona
- his rhetoric (and the charm of the family)
- rised hope in military de-escalation and diplomatic reconciliation
- election proved performative: it generated positive anticipation and a break from the past
- introduced in 2004 by Suzanne Nossel
- “the smart use of power is needed to promote U.S. interests through a stable grid of allies, institutions, and norms”
- nonetheless, the administration emphasized har power military preparedness by augmenting the Pentagon’s capacity to respond to multiple simultaneous crises + inflating defense budgets (campaign promise of cost reduction)
State Department Quadrennial for Diplomacy and Develoment (QDDR)
- december 2010
- “21st century statecraft” addressed the integrated and interdependent diplomatic issues of globalization
- gouvernance politique pour le 21è siècle
- energy and environment
- security and counterterrorism
- health and education
- …
- GW Bush’s unilateral War in Irak
- Vietnam War
- national interest irreconcilable with its allies
- Obama’s choice to go back to multilateralism
Obama’s style
- political realism
- humanist universal ideals
- “whole-of-government” approach: joint activities performed by diverse Ministries, Public Administrations and Public Agencies in order to provide a common solution to a particular problems or issues // une approche qui implique l’ensemble des rouages de l’État
United States Agency for International Development
- people-to-people program
- education
- gender equality
- green jobs
- community organization
- economic and technological development
Social networks and e-governance
- to empower citizen participation to inspire democratic transitions
- State Department’s digital division designed to “amplify our messaging across a waide range of platforms”, Clinton’s memoirs
Pax Americana
American peace —used for the period of relative tranquility from circa 1945 to the present day in regions to which U.S. power has extended.
Responsibility to Protect
- defined by the UN in 2005
- embodies the UN Security Council prevent the worst forms of violence and persecution from happening
Benghazi attack
- 9/11/2012
- failure to protect
- which haunted Clinton until the 2016 election campaign
Iraq War
- Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-2010)
- renamed Operation New Dawn in 2010
- Leon Panetta replaced Bob Gates in 2011
- 1,5 million Americans served in Iraq
- 4,500 died
- 30,000 wounded
Israeli-Palestinian peace process
- Rhodes, “Dealing with Bibi [was] like dealing with the Republicains
- never on the same beat
- position: two-state solution, recognition of the existence of the “Jewish state” and Jerusalem capital to both countries
- Obama “coming out from the Jewish community of Chicago. I’m basically a liberal Jew”, Rhodes
- December 2016, UNSC resolution: the USA abstained, allowing for a unanimous condemnation of Israeli settlements (expanding on the West Bank)
- 2009: US-ASEAN Treaty of Amity and Cooperation
- 2011: APEC (Asian-Pacific Economic Forum) organized in Hawaii
- Clinton, 2011: “The future of politics will be decided in Asia, not Afghanistan or Iraq, and the United Stateq will be at the center of the action”
- by fall 2011: Clinton travelled 7 times to Asia to strenghten traty alliances and build “mutual trust” with China
- China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001: expanding its trade and investments network globally and military expansion
North Korea
- resumed its nuclear testing in February 2013
- Indyl, Bending History: world’s third-largest chemical weapons stockpile and possibly biological weapons
- January 2016 tests followed by the North Korea Sanctions Enforcement Act
- relisting North Korea as a “State Sponsor of Terrorism for its cyber attacks, armed support of similarly listed “terrorist” entities in the Middle East
South Korea
- negotiations towards a bilateral Free Trade Agreement finalized in 2010
- joint military exercises in the Korean West Sea
Defense budget
- FY 2010: $691 bn
- FY 2008 and 2009: $666 bn
- FY 2012: $645 bn (post-Iraq)
- FY 2015: $580 bn
- Trump: above $600 bn
New York Times editorial, July 2014
- “Rarely hs a president been confronted with so many so many seemingly disparate foreign policy crises at once”
- public opinion praised the end of Iraq war
- but June 2014, 58% of Americans dispproved of Obama’s leadership in world affairs
Hillary Clinton “3Ds”
- development
- diplomacy
- defense
Afghanistan war
- longest war
- wartime had become the post 9/11 norm
Program to support the Free Syrian Army
- “Timber Sycamore”
- 1$ billion
Saudi-American relationship
- American ally since 1945
- Yemen war: questioned allied use of US arms sales and others… as complicity in genocide
- NGOS: humanitarian crisis
- USA be referred to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague next to the Saudis
- Obama Administration pledged to cooperate with it on human rights
- media pressure, September 2016, Republican Congress distanced itself from Saudi Arabia by passing the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA)
Drone strikes
- 542 drone strikes
- killed an estimated 3,797 people (including 324 civilians)
- “most successful terrorist-hunter” Goldberg, “The Obama Doctrine”, The Atlantic
- smart power counterterrorist legacy
- 2010
- military Command for cybersecurity and warfare
- to block attacks
- to conduct miltary cuber operations
- to protect priority missions…
- Obama’s personal imprint renewed American leadership
- infused human empathy in international relations
- doctrinal defender of multilateral diplomacy
- reluctant warrior deploying a “Revolution in Military Affairs” to privilege remote control unmanned drones
- winning peace ≠ winning wars
- Ben Rhodes: Obama was not soft
- Singh, After Obama. Renewing American Leadership, Restoring Global Order: “Obama Syndrome” of “retrenchment, retreat and accomodation”
- failure in dismantling Daesh: multi-headed hydra