Theme- Nature Of Rule Flashcards
methods of repression in russia
· Secret Police – to investigate, arrest, imprison, execute, exile, monitor opposition
· Army – to deal with riots, revolts, mobs, strikes
· Propaganda – Manipulating ideas, values and beliefs by distorting information
· Censorship – Controlling access to information which might influence ideas, values and beliefs
the secret police defenition
The secret police are a police force working in secret against a government’s political opponents. They use extra-legal methods which go beyond the normal powers of a police force and are typically used in authoritarian regimes to crush political opposition. All Russian rulers through 1855-1964 used a secret police, but the nature of it the secret police and the effectiveness of it changed over time.
how effective were the secret police
third section 1827-1880
introduced by Alexander II’s father, Nicholas I in 1825 in response to the Decembrist Uprising that same year ( attempt to take his throne)
The propose, then, of the Third Section was to clamp down on political radicals and potential threats to the autocracy. This involved monitoring of known radicals, identifying plots, arresting threats. During Nicholas I’s reign, the Third Section was a busy but rather ineffective institution. In 1849 it was monitoring 2,000 people annually, at a time when major revolutions were breaking out across Europe.
secret police
the third section under alexander II’s reign
exposed the incompetence of the Third Section as a busy but ineffective institution. After the 1866 failed assassination attempt on Alexander II, repression increased and Alexander’s great reforming agenda ground to a halt. The 1870s, the height of Alexander II’s repression, became known as the ‘Shuvalov Era’ after the minister responsible for implementing repression. 1611 revolutionaries were arrested between 1873-1877, and two major show trials [The Trial of the 50 and the Trial of the 193] show the Third Section was acting. However, the ineffectiveness of the Third Section can be illustrated by the fact that despite the Trials bringing some high-profile revolutionaries, both ended with mass acquittals, and only a small percentage were sent on exile to Siberia.
secret police
faliure of the third section
the failure of the Third Section can be seen by the fact that Alexander II suffered 6 assassination attempts through his reign, the final one being successful in 1881.
secret police- okhrana 1880-feb 1917
The Okhrana was introduced seven months before Alexander II’s assassination, but it was under Alexander III where the Okhrana made its mark.
. Alexander III came to the throne because of the assassination of his father and his primary aim was both to punish the revolutionaries and ensure the autocracy remained firm. In order to achieve this, Alexander III introduced the Statute of State Security, 1881, which was designed to increase the powers of the Okhrana. The Okhrana gained the power to arbitrarily arrest individuals without having to prove any wrong-doings for up to 5 years. Anyone involved in the People’s Will, the organisation that had been involved in Alexander II’s assassination was arrested in this manner and the People’s Will never again appeared as an organisation.
secret police- nicholas II and the okhrana
Successes can be seen in the extent to which revolutionaries were forced into exile. Through most of 1896-1917, leading members of the Bolshevik party were in exile in Western Europe. Furthermore, most of the party adopted pseudonyms in attempts to avoid detection. Lenin’s real name was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, Stalin’s real name was Joseph Jughashvili, and Trotsky’s real name was Lev Bronstein. These names illustrate the culture of fear that professional revolutionaries experienced. Furthermore, within Russia, thousands of political prisoners were forced into exile in Siberian labour camps.
okhrana effectiveness through the army of informers
both ‘insiders’ and ‘outsiders’. Insiders were Okhrana double-agents who infiltrated revolutionary groups and reported on their activities. Three of the seven members of the 1914 Bolshevik Central Committee meeting in St. Petersburg were Okhrana agents. Many Okhrana agents had to go to great lengths to convince the groups they were joining they were loyal to them. For instance, Yevno Azev infiltrated the Socialist Revolutionaries Combat Organisation, it’s violent revolutionary wing, by actively planning assassinations of state officials. That is, a Tsarist Okhrana agent actively helping a terrorist organisation assassinate Tsarist officials! Outsiders, on the other hand, were your more typical ‘spies’ – eavesdropping conversations, etc.
secret police under the provisional government
The Provisional Government is the only government to have no secret police after abolishing the Okhrana in March 1917. The Provisional Government did this to represent the new liberal nature of the government and introduced a political amnesty on all prisoners. Unfortunately for the Provisional Government, a secret police was probably needed more now than ever before. By disbanding the okhrana and introducing an amnesty. This allowed the Bolsheviks to operate and saw the return of Lenin to Russia in April, paving way for the October revolution.
secret police- communists. cheka
dec 1917-1924
The Cheka [the all-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Espionage] had what was probably the most challenging task of any of the secret police organisations throughout this period: to deal with counter-revolutionary groups who opposed the Communist Revolution. The Cheka acted in a different manner to the Tsarist organisations in that it used ‘terror’ as a conscious policy.
secret police
lenin-red terror
Between late 1918 and 1921 Lenin instituted a ruthlessly effective policy of ‘Red Terror’ in order to reinforce communist authority and eradicate opposition. In essence Red Terror was a policy of mass repression in order to rule by fear. It sought to quash revolutionary activities by creating a culture of violence against anyone who opposed the Bolsheviks. The aim of the policy was to force opposition to comply with Communist rule.
secret police
red terror, involves…
- Mass execution. Between 500,000-1,000,000 executions for bourgeois activity (for instance, withholding grain, selling private goods, involvement in non-communist parties, working as merchants, having aristocratic titles, refusing to give up land, refusing communist orders, etc).
The most well-known example of executions was the execution of the Tsar and his family at Ekaterinburg in 1918.
- Gulags. Suspicious people arrested and put in gulags (forced labour camps) where they were required to conduct hard labour.
- Torture. Gruesome stories spread throughout Russia of the Communist use of torture. For instance, in Kharkov there are stories of the Cheka putting victim’s hands in boiling water until the skin peeled off. In Kiev, victims were tied down whilst heated cages of rats were placed around their body. Once the rats cages became hot they would begin to eat their way through the victim’s body.
- The Cheka targeted people not just for what they had done, but who they were [i.e. their social class or association with people]. Felix Dzerzhinsky, the head of the Cheka instructed members that ‘your first duty is to ask him what are his origins, his education, and his occupation. These questions should decide the fate of the prisoner’.
secret police
why was the secret police abolished
The Cheka was abolished in 1922 after the Civil War came to an end, but the secret police did not disappear. The use of terror after 1922 reduced because, simply, it had been utterly successful in eliminating legitimate threats to the new regime. Red Terror had crushed the counter-revolutionaries.
stalins secret police. NKVD 1934-1943
During the 1930s the extent of external, formal opposition to the Communist Party was extremely limited. By the end of the Civil War in 1922, the Communist Party had all but eliminated opposition parties and movements. However, by the 1930s Stalin had developed a personal dictatorship in which his authority was becoming absolute. By 1936 Stalin was extremely paranoid of threats from within the Party to his own authority and, like Lenin before him, unleashed a wave of terror known as the Great Terror between 1936-38. One major difference, though, between the Red Terror and the Great Terror was Stalin’s willingness to target Communists.
secret police
features of stalins great terror
the great purge of the communist party
. The Power Struggle of the 1920s and the events surrounding Kirov in 1934 showed that there was some opposition to Stalin within the Communist Party, even if the extent and nature of that opposition was exaggerated by Stalin. Party Members in these years were accused of taking part in ‘rightist plots’ to overthrow Communism. A large number of high-profile Communists were arrested under such charges including Kamenev, Zinoviev, and Bukharin. These individuals were then forced to undergo Show Trials where, after considerable torture the accused person would ‘admit’ their crimes to the public and then be executed. The Show Trials were important because they had ‘legal’ confessions which ‘proved’ the victims’ guilt. Furthermore, they did actually convince a lot of people that not only were there plotters everywhere, but that these dangerous people were being dealt with by Stalin, thus saving the USSR and justifying his actions. Approximately 1 million people were killed between 1936-38.
After the Great Purge, those bureaucrats Stalin had appointed to conduct it were themselves purged. 1939 Yezhov, the former head of the NKVD who had been responsible for most of the events above, was now the target of a Stalinist purge himself and accused an ‘enemy of the people’. After torture and ‘admitting’ his guilt, Yezhov was executed along with around 20,000 of his NKVD comrades.
secret police
features of the great terror (stalin)
arbitary imprisonments and gulag labour
Arbitrary imprisonment was an everyday feature of the Stalinist Terror. NKVD Order No. 00447 gave regional quotas for the number of people to be purged in each region. These people would mostly, then, be sent to conduct forced labour in Gulag camps, often in the far East in Siberia. In 1938 the Gulags had a population of 8 million, by Stalin’s death in 1953 there were 12 million. Conditions were so poor on these sights that approximately 25% died each year. This army of slave labourers played an important economic role for the Soviet Union in producing raw minerals and contributing to massive infrastructure projects like the white sea canal. A total of 40 million people went to the Gulag through the entire Stalinist era.
what did repression ensure under stalins control
n ensured that there were no real threats to Stalin’s control. The period 1936-38 was an ‘epidemic’ of repression where repression reached its peak and effected millions of lives; but repression in the form of purges, show trials, arbitrary imprisonments, and gulag labour continued through Stalin’s entire rule.
khrushchevs secret police
mvd/kgb 1954-64. why was it changed
Khrushchev’s de-Stalinisation agenda sought to curb the excesses of StalinismStalin’s arbitrary, repressive legal system was allowed to operate because there was an acceptance of violence and few rules preventing repressive actions. Stalin had used the concept of ‘revolutionary justice’ to administer the legal system – which created a whole new class of political crimes (as well as the usual ones of murder etc). All crime thus became the province of the political security apparatus (secret police and camps). Khrushchev wanted to replace ‘revolutionary justice’ with something new.
khrushchevs secret police
mvd/kgb 1954-64, what was it
In 1960 new legal codes were introduced. They stated that: The MVD (Interior Ministry) could not send people to camps without legal evidence. The KGB ran the secret police, according to the law (!). I.e. officials could be prosecuted if they closed their eyes to malpractice.
secret police
khrushchev, overseeing gulag prisioners
Khrushchev also oversaw an enormous political amnesty of gulag prisoners with around 8-9 million people being released from the camps. By 1960 there were only about 11,000 prisoners in the camps, a significant shift from the 1930s. This is perhaps the most significant aspect of De-Stalinisation.