theme b- religion and life islam quotes Flashcards
“so it was that God created…
the world and the heavens”
“he breathed life and power…
into it, and it immediately sprang to life”
“the earth was created…
to give food, drink and shelter to the human race”
“it is a good world…
where everything has been created to serve people”
“it is to God…
that everything in the heavens and the earth belongs”
“the seven heavens and the earth…
and everything in them, glorify Him. There is not a single thing that does not celebrate His praise”
“all the creatures that crawl on the earth…
and those that fly with their wings are communities like yourself”
“every single Muslim that cultivates…
or plants anything of which humans, animals or birds may eat from is counted as charity towards them on his behalf”
“do not seek from it…
more than you need”
“it is He who has made you…
successors on the Earth”
“do not kill your children…
for fear of poverty, we will provide for them and for you. Surely killing them is a heinous sin”
“if anyone slain a person…
it is as if they have slain all of mankind”
“before I formed you in the womb…
I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart”
“no one can die…
except by Allah’s leave, that is a decree with a fixed term”
“anyone who throws themselves down from a rock…
and commits suicide will be throwing themselves into Hell”