This class was created by Brainscape user amber patel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

islam practises quotes
There is no god,
So woe to those,
Your lord says
20  cards
islam beliefs quotes
In the name of allah 99 names of ...,
He neither begets oneness of god ...,
Misfortunes gods plan
59  cards
christianity beliefs quotes
He guides the humble nature of god,
For god so loved the world,
In the beginning god
77  cards
christianity practises quotes
And forgive us the lord s prayer,
And lead us guidance of god,
Therefore go and make
31  cards
relationships and family (christian quotes)
It is not good for man to be alon...,
He created man creation story hom...,
By the grace of god homosexuality
31  cards
relationships and family (islam quotes)
And do not go anywhere adultery,
There is no institution marriage,
Heaven mothers
21  cards
theme c- the existence of God and revelation
Why might people believe in god,
For what reasons might someone no...,
What was aristotle s theory for t...
74  cards
theme a- relationship and families
What is adultery,
What is age of consent,
What is annulment
57  cards
theme d- religion, peace and conflict
What is the christian view of peace,
What is the muslim view of peace,
What is the christian view on jus...
77  cards
theme d- religion, peace and conflict (islam quotes)
The greatest jihad is to,
And fight for,
But do not be aggressive
14  cards
theme d- religion peace and conflict (christianity quotes)
Blessed are the,
Turn your plough shares,
Greater love has no one than this
15  cards
theme b- religion and life
What is the place of humans in th...,
How does god want us to act,
What does the pope believe about ...
86  cards
theme b- religion and life Christian quotes
God created mankind,
Be fruitufk,
Fill the earth
24  cards
theme b- religion and life islam quotes
So it was that god created,
He breathed life and power,
The earth was created
19  cards
christian practises
What is a missionary,
What is evangelism
69  cards
christian beliefs and teachings
What evidence could be used to pr...,
What is empirical evidence,
What is ontological proof
20  cards
islam beliefs
What does islam mean,
What is akirah,
What is iblis
47  cards

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